We are thrilled with the turnout for the CAP Collaborative Open House last week, and the public's enthusiasm and engagement. Around 175 people attended the family-friendly event, leaving us hopeful that they are inspired and ready to join us in implementing the Climate Action Plan.

Thank you to the members of the Board and Working Groups who were there to answer questions, and to the public who provided thoughtful and constructive feedback on the 41 recommendations shared at the event.

There is still time to provide your feedback via CAP Sector Google Forms on the CAP website. Comment forms will be available until July 21. We welcome and value your input!

Review all 41 Recommendations

Photo Courtesy: Steamboat Pilot and Today

CAP Collaborative Board Chair and City Counselor Gail Garey is no stranger to environmental advocacy. Throughout her campaign and since being elected to City Council in 2021, she has emphasized the importance of ensuring both present and future generations can thrive in our community and enjoy its abundant offerings.

Garey comes with years of experience in community engagement and public service. In addition to being Board Chair for the CAP Collaborative, she has served as a Board Member for the Yampa Valley Sustainability Council and the Organics Task Force.

As our current leader, we asked Counselor Garey to share her thoughts on the CAP.

What is your role in the CAP Collaborative and how did you get involved?


I am honored to serve as Chair of the Climate Action Plan (CAP) Collaborative Board.

The Collaborative Board was formed by Routt County, the City of Steamboat Springs and Towns of Hayden, Oak Creek and Yampa through an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) as a means to collaborate on the implementation of the CAP. The Board is comprised of representatives from each of the five government partners and four community members.

As an elected member of the Steamboat Springs City Council, I serve as Council’s representative to the Board.


Why does the CAP matter? Why should Routt County residents care about the CAP goals?


The Climate Action Plan is a road map for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ultimately preventing the most dire impacts of a warming climate. Here in Routt County, the climate risks of drought, extreme heat, flooding, wildfires and shifts in seasonal weather patterns threaten the very things that we value most about our Community the intrinsic beauty of the Yampa Valley, our agricultural roots, access to clean air and water and the abundant recreational opportunities.

Is there a specific sector of the CAP that you feel the most connected with?


The Waste sector because to me it is the most tangible and controllable for each of us as individuals in our daily life. Almost everything has to be disposed of at some point, so whenever I buy something, I think about do I really need it, can it be re-purposed, re-used, recycled or am I going to have to throw it away.


Buying only what I need and choosing to buy from companies that are aligned with my values is one of the easiest and quickest ways to embrace sustainability not just by minimizing waste but also given the environmental degradation, energy use and transportation associated with the production and delivery of the items.


Composting food waste is another easy and cost-effective way to reduce emissions. I had the privilege of chairing the Organics Task Force created by the 2019 Waste Diversion Strategic Plan. That experience opened my eyes to fact that almost 30% of the waste stream is food and that methane which is emitted from decomposing food is a much more potent greenhouse gas.


I also love that recycling, reusing materials and composting not only reduces my carbon footprint but also creates more jobs and strengthens our local economy.

Read Full Interview

Each month we will be highlighting a climate win/news item and action you can take across the CAP's five sectors. Celebrating our successes and steps taken will help us move the CAP forward together as a community. If you have a climate win or action you would like to share, please email [email protected].

Climate News

Outdoor snowmelt has become a hot topic. A high priority recommendation to come out of the Energy Working Group states that "all CAP governments approve the IEC (International Energy Code) 2021 building code and adopt planning/zoning regulations that minimize outdoor energy use unless it is provided by a low/no carbon energy source or offset by 100% renewable energy."

A recent analysis found that plowing and hauling snow emits just 0.12 pounds of CO2 per square foot versus 10 pounds of CO2 per square foot of gas fueled snowmelt.

If Routt County is serious about reducing carbon emissions and meeting the carbon reduction goals established in the CAP, we must continue to find ways to reduce fossil fuel snowmelt to the greatest extent possible.

Read More: 'Pilot' Article

Climate Win

Routt County residents can look forward to more stabilized rates, and more renewable energy opportunities, with YVEA's 15-year agreement with Guzman Energy to provide wholesale power to the cooperative. Renewables was one of the 'Four Rs' guiding the decision to switch energy providers.

Currently, 42% of YVEA's power comes from renewable sources. In its new partnership with Guzman Energy, YVEA could become 84% carbon-free by 2028, with the potential to meet an additional 15% of its load with power from YVEA's contracted local renewable energy projects.

Read more: 'Pilot' article

Climate Win

In the Yampa Valley, our forests, grasslands, streams, and wetlands play a vital role in natural climate solutions (e.g., sequestering carbon and providing healthy watersheds). Our changing climate has put stress on these important systems with 2021 marking an exceptionally bad wildfire year here in Yampa Valley. The Muddy Slide Fire in South Routt burned almost 4,100 acres.

The intensity of the fire destroyed pinecones, the seed source for lodgepole pines, making natural regeneration difficult. To assist reforestation efforts in this area, the Yampa Valley Climate Crew convened a crew of 21 volunteers and U.S. Forest Service staff for three days mid-June. The team planted 3,150 lodgepole pine seedlings on six acres of the 2021 Muddy Slide Fire site. The lodgepole pine trees will help stabilize and control erosion on steep slopes and support the return of biodiversity in the burned area.

The three days of volunteer work was part of a larger effort that saw 55,000 trees planted on over 100 acres of the burn scar.

Read More: 'Pilot' article

Action You Can Take

The Yampa Valley Climate Crew has three more projects scheduled for later this summer and is looking for volunteers! Volunteers of all ages and abilities are encouraged to sign up.

Date: July 6-8

Project: Conduct seedling surveys on post-fire seedling regeneration at the Big Red Park Fire burn area

Date: August 5-6

Project: Restore wet meadows at California Park by constructing rock structures in streambeds

Date: September 7-9

Project: Help the Forest Service conduct a seedling survey at the site of the Silver Creek Fire

As the Yampa Valley Climate Crew enters its third season, we want to take a moment to thank the over 150 volunteers that have helped restore two miles of streams, revitalized numerous acres of wetlands, and planted thousands of trees. Thank you for your community support of these transformative projects!

Yampa Valley Climate Crew Sign Up

Climate Win

As electric vehicle (EV) adoption picks up pace, EV readiness in Routt County continues to be a focus for transportation officials and local organizations supporting these efforts. Recognizing that one of the major barriers to adoption of EVs is access to chargers, the City of Steamboat Springs EV Readiness Plan includes having one charger for every 12 EVs on the road.

To help prepare for this transition, the City of Steamboat Springs, in partnership with YVSC, hosted a workshop last month on navigating EV charger installation at multi-family units and lodging. Managers learned how EV charger installation can be easy and affordable through grants and products. Charge Ahead Colorado currently offers grant funding that covers 80-90% of the cost of an EV charging station project!

Learn More About EVs

Action You Can Take

Become an Electric Vehicle Ambassador! EV Ambassadors are people who believe in a sustainable community and are enthusiastic about electrifying the vehicles that take them on their journeys. They see the advantages of electric vehicles and are the kind of people that can't stop talking about EVs and how they will change the transportation game forever.

Become an EV Ambassador

Keep logging your Carbon-Free Challenge Miles! While we are in the homestretch of the Carbon-Free Challenge, there are still a couple days left to log your miles. 6,892 miles have been logged so far. Take advantage of bonus mile opportunities for a chance to win prizes provided by local businesses.

Climate Win

Summer events in Steamboat are in full swing and it has been great to see zero waste stations at some of these major events. Between the Yampa River Fest and Steamboat Marathon, zero waste stations manned by volunteers and staff from the City of Steamboat Springs and the Yampa Valley Sustainability Council diverted over 500 pounds of recyclables and food waste!

The Yampa Valley Sustainability Council also provided a 'water monster' for the Pride Festival avoiding the use of approximately 500 single use plastic water bottles.

Finally, at the recent Paint Care event in Steamboat Springs approximately 350 cars dropped off 55 gallons of paint that were claimed for reuse.

Learn More about Waste Diversion

Action You Can Take

Become a Recycling Ambassador! The City of Steamboat Springs needs enthusiastic volunteers to drive positive change in our community by promoting recycling and waste reduction. The City has a goal to divert 85% of its waste stream through composting and recycling by 2050, with an interim goal of 46% by 2030.

Recycling Ambassadors serve as community recycling role models, educating their neighbors on recycling and other strategies to reduce waste.

Although the program focuses on volunteers in multifamily housing complexes, anyone interested in supporting sustainability in their neighborhood is welcome to join.

Become a Recycling Ambassador

Climate Win

Annual applications for recognition through the Colorado Green Business Network Program are due this Friday, June 30. We are excited to see three of Colorado Green Business Network of the Yampa Valley businesses on track to receive Bronze level certification in their first year of application.

Program registration is open all year for Yampa Valley businesses interested in improving their environmental (and economic!) performance and being recognized for their efforts.

The state-sponsored program is free and voluntary. As a member of the green business program, businesses receive free onsite and offsite assessments to identify resource-saving opportunities, technical support, education, training and local and state-level recognition.

Learn More About CGBN-YV

Action You Can Take

Support YVSC and local climate-inspired artists at YVSC's inaugural fundraiser, Insight: Art for Climate Action on July 9!

Artists have been invited to create pieces based on key climate action areas. These pieces and more will be auctioned off during a grand evening complete with delicious appetizers, beverages and live music at beautiful La Joya Dulce Ranch.

Over the past months, nearly 30 artists have been creating pieces to connect us to what climate action means  preview some submissions here!

All artists will receive 25% of the sale of pieces and the remaining proceeds will support YVSC's climate action work.

Get Your Tickets

We’d love your help getting the word out about the CAP Collaborative. Please share this newsletter with your friends and encourage them to sign up to stay informed. Continue the conversation on Facebook and Instagram, and email us at [email protected].



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Board Agendas & Minutes

CAP Working Group Agendas & Meeting Summaries

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