August? What? Where has the time gone. We have had a busy summer with a few major projects on the go.
Canada Summer Games is happening in Niagara as we speak, and our High Performance Coach and technical staff, have been working hard to select and train the best possible team. We have had lots of travel for training and are so excited to see our team racing next week. To follow the team at Niagara, click here.
At our Annual General Meeting, SaskRowing elected to move to a Governance model and as such have brought in some new bylaws and policies to support this change. The SRA has hired Nicole Golden to serve as our Executive Director. All of our policies and bylaws can be found on our website at, This fall, the SRA Board will go though some Board training to ensure that we are all moving together to create a bright future for rowing in our province.
We continue to work on finalizing the Safe Sport policies that merge both the Rowing Canada Policies and the Sasksport requirements. It has been a long process, but we could not have gotten through this without the guidance and support of the RCA leadership, and specifically Adam Klevinas, as well as our Sasksport guide Nathan Cole. We plan to bring the final Discipline and Complaints and related policies to the membership for mid-September.
We are organizing both coach and umpire trainings for the fall. Thanks to Garett Mathiason and Andrew Knorr for guiding our coach mentorship pathways. And thanks to Sheila Leach, our Officials Program chair for driving SaskRowing's continued umpire certification and evaluations.
And finally, we are making a big push to have all of our volunteers, Directors and coaches through the Respect in Sport training program. This free training is expected for all folks who are working with athletes in our sport, whether you are a volunteer, coach or official. We encourage all of our members to check out this training, which is valid for 3 years after successful completion! Take the training here RESPECT IN SPORT.
Keep up to date with all our latest events and other exciting news at and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.