Royal Australian Artillery
Historical Company
ENewsletter Edition No 44

August 2020
Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company Newsletter
In This Issue
Welcome to Airburst No 42 April 2020
Bridges Papers
1st Regiment RAA at Work
Did You Know?
Gunners Around the Nation & the World
Featured Article
Artillery Badge Rotating


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Dear Gunners (Readers) - 

Welcome to Airburst  No 44 August 

For those who may not surf the net please have a look at our redesigned website. Our webmaster, Paul Camilleri is happy to receive feedback. Overall, the revised Home Page is a facelift presenting the information in a more viewer friendly format using current technologies.  The entire website will take some time to be converted to the new look and feel so please be patient. The various software applications deployed on the Homepage will, over time, be utilised throughout the website to make it more interactive whilst at the same time saving space. A grateful thanks to both Paul and Graham Hampton for all the work. Below are some tips on the revised site.


Banner -This software enables photographs/images to be displayed in the background of the cell that are animated in that they randomly move up, down, left, and right whilst at the same time either zooming in or out. Photographs are easily prepped and replaced,

The software enables us to have a robust menu that when viewed on a mobile in particular but also a tablet device the menu will adapt to the size of the screen. The menu overlaps current content so as not to cause the page to drop on each occasion one enters a drop down box on the menu. 
Contained within the Menu to the far right is a button titled 'Upload'. This facility will immediately take you to a page that enables the user to upload up to 50mb of information to a designated email address which can be selected from a drop down menu. The RAAHC addressee can be notified via email that information has been uploaded and by whom. Once the addressee has received the information the uploader is notified by email that the RAAHC has received the uploaded material and viewed it. 
Have a Question? Provide Feedback? 
Once the 'Submit' button is pressed invokes a slide out panel to appear from the left and the template provide can be filled in and submitted.

Search Our Site - The Search Engine searches the entire site in addition to searching Word and PDF documents for example anyone searching for Major General Tim Ford AO will find a listing of him in multiple Liaison Letters and within Cannonball documents held on the website.

The 5 Pillars 
Immediately under the Banner region are 5 pillars which are the 5 principal areas of the website. By passing your cursor over any of the 5 pillars you will invoke a drop down black cover with the word 'Explore' on it thus encouraging the visitor to explore that particular region of the website.   Once explore is clicked you will be taken to that selected area of the website.  

18 Pounder Project Video.   When the visitor passes their cursor over the image a pop up box will automatically unfold in the centre of the screen.   In this instance we have inserted a video with text below.   The pop up box can be used in many different ways to contain a wide variety of information presented in many different ways.

Donate.   The 'Donate' button immediately below the 18 Pounder Project Video image is a second instance of the pop up box magic.

Up Scrolling Billboard.   
The up scrolling billboard is the same as was on the old Home Page only larger. On this occasion it has been filled with a wide variety of articles to demonstrate what can be contained within it such as video, slide shows, text photographs and images. To pause the upward scrolling simply place your cursor over the billboard and remove it to allow it to proceed. This will be the Notice Board of the website

Stable Belt.   
The final element of the Home Page (excluding the bottom banner) is what is termed the Stable Belt due to the colour sequence. When each of the buttons is pressed the information relevant to that particular button then appears.   Within the information panel to the right of the buttons we are able to insert photographs, images, video, text and linked text/images/photograph.

Hope you all enjoy. Please feel free to use the Feedback and Upload capabilities.


Ian Ahearn 

The Bridges Papers

The following was taken from the foreword of the Bridges Papers:

The objective of this first iteration of the Bridges Papers was to harness the collective skills, knowledge and experience of the wider Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery with a focus on future artillery and joint effects concepts.

There was no specific theme to be pursued by potential authors, the only guidance was that this was an opportunity for all Gunners to challenge themselves with a piece of writing centred around conceptually provocative themes, encouraging thought and debate on a wide range of challenging and interesting ideas beyond the confines of the current, and to advance new and inventive concepts. Authors were encouraged to identify structural, procedural, cultural issues, identify holes in doctrine and capability and ways to fix them. Fictional, historical, tactical and cultural pieces are also encouraged, things that break away from traditional unit establishments or question conventional techniques.

While platforms and equipment are important, the people are the true capability of the Regiment and the intellectual and moral energy they bring. The introduction of new capabilities and equipment will bring forth new challenges, and the tempo of training, operations and capability development will not decrease. Channelling the ideas and innovation of new generations of Gunners is a significant part of future force structure, the adoption of new training approaches and how impending capability acquisitions are absorbed into the joint fires system. The Bridges Papers are a step towards providing an avenue for the bottom up advancement of ideas and concepts.

Brigadier Richard Vagg
Head of Regiment Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery

The Bridges Papers can be accessed at the Cove Website


4th Regiment RAA at Work

The photographs below show Gunners from 4th Regiment RAA on parade for the  Commanding Officer's inspection on 06 August 2020, in preparation for Exercise Chau Pha.

Above & Below: Guns ready for inspection.

Above & Below: Vehicles ready.

Guns & vehicles under inspection.

Did You Know?


  The collar badge worn by Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers Class 1 of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery is a seven flamed Grenade, as opposed to the Grenade worn by the Royal Australian Engineers, which is made-up of nine flames.
  Back in the early days of explosive the flamed grenade was a classification symbol, that was branded onto gunpowder kegs, to indicate the granular size of and the speed at which the contained gunpowder would burn; the more flames on the symbol the faster the relevant powder burnt.

  The powder used in cannons to produce propelling gasses needed to burn at a slower rate than that used by Sappers to blow-up objects such as bridges or walls, hence the fast-burning powder used by the Sappers was classified as nine flames.

  In the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery the Warrant Officers Class Two and Other Ranks wear an RAA Scroll collar badge, however, in the Royal Regiment of Artillery the badge worn by the Warrant Officers Class Two and Other Ranks is a smaller version of the Grenade.

Padded RAA collar badge embroidered in gold bullion thread, C1898-1906. AWM REL29683.

gunnersaroundthenationGunners Around the Nation & The World

View the latest Newsletters from various Artillery associations around the nation:

RAA Association Victoria Newsletter - Cascabel

Locating Surveillance and Target Acquisition Association - Newsletter

131 Locators Association - Newsletter

Royal Australian Artillery Association (NSW) -Website

Australian Artillery Association - Website

Royal Canadian Artillery - Royal Canadian Artillery

Royal New Zealand Artillery Association - Website

Royal Artillery Association - Website

7 Field Regiment RAA- Website