Royal Australian Artillery
Historical Company
ENewsletter Edition No 65 Setember 2022
Dear Gunners (Readers) -
Welcome to Airburst No 65 September 2022
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the Captain-General of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery (RRAA) and Commonwealth's longest-serving monarch, has died at Balmoral aged 96, after reigning for 70 years. Her presence will be missed at the new Queen's Banner presentation which is planned for 5 November 2022, but the Banner will serve as a fitting memorial to an outstanding person and a great monarch.
Her Majesty became our Captain- General on 19 September 1962 on the same date she agreed for the RAA to become the Royal Regiment. She will be sadly missed by all.
Her Majesty, as Captain-General, unveiled the RRAA National Monument at Mount Pleasant, Canberra, on 9 March 1977. Sadly there appears to be no photographic record of the event.
Elizabeth II coronation June 1953 The Captain- General at the Trooping of the Colours
Thirty-nine members of the Australian Defence Force have participated the funeral procession after the funeral at Westminster Abbey. They marched as part of the Commonwealth Contingent. The RRAA was represented by the Head of Regiment,Brigadier Damian Hill, the Regimental Master Gunner Warrant Officer Class 1 Tony Hortle plus a RAA Captain, Bombardier and Gunner.
The Commonwealth Contingent passes Buckingham Palace during an early morning rehearsal for the Queen’s funeral procession. Photo by Corporal Dillon Anderson, NZDF.
Below: The Australians form part of the Commonwealth Contingent in the funeral procession.
The Head of Regiment has sent the following report on his observations of the funeral:
Both the parade and procession are complete, and I can say with absolute certainty we did ourselves proud. The sound and feeling in Westminster Abbey is something I will never forget, in particular the hymns were spine tingling. The left wheel onto the Mall was equally stirring and it is the only time in my entire career whereby I have been on parade and it is silent with the exception of the bands. Finally, we had a birds eye view at Hyde Park, merely 10-15 metres from where the coffin was transferred from the State Gun Carriage to the Hearse. An amazing experience and if I am to be honest I am feeling a little deflated today.
King Charle III has been proclaimed King and I am sure I speak for all the RAAHC when I wish him all the best in the years ahead.
Ian Ahearn
Save and Share Your History
The RAAHC is happy to save all your previous Artillery journals and newsletters in our Collection Management System at the Cutler Research Centre.
Click and see what periodicals we already have as part of our collection. Some are already available as pdf copies such as Cannonball, the RAA Liaison Letter, the RAAA WA and others. The CRC collection is also accessible through the National Library of Australia –click on the yellow highlight to access.
If you want to maintain a permanent record of your unit, State or regional artillery history, please send us your past periodicals in electronic format to the Manager CRC or post a DVD or thumb drive to the RAAHC at PO Box 171 Cremorne NSW 2090.
The artillery salute by the Commonwealth for Elizabeth II
Gun Salute Tributes to the Captain-General
Commonwealth Artillery fired 96 round salutes to mark the death of Her Majesty. One round for every year of her life. The Federation Guard fired the Australian salute in front of Parliament House.
Salotes were fired around the UK by the Royal Artillery and the Royal New Zealand Artillery fired a salute in Wellington. It is a pity that the Royal Regement of Australian Artillery did not participate.
RNZA fire the salute in Wellington
Volunteers needed !
We are still looking for Gunners , or members of the public, to join the RAAHC . Volunteers are used in all aspects of our work. You can help by contributing to historical research on artillery no matter where you live or if you live in Sydney you can assist in the Cutler Research Centre and/or Australia's Memorial Walk . You can become a director of the RAAHC or offer any skills you may have in specific areas. No knowledge of artillery is required .
Did You Know?
Royal Military College Colour Presentations
Colours were first presented to the Corps of Staff Cadets in May 1927 by His Royal Highness the Duke of York, later to be King George VI, when he visited Australia for the opening of the original Parliament House. These Colours were originally laid up in St John's Church, Canberra, but returned to the College in 1989 and are now lodged in Patterson Hall, the Headquarters of the Royal Military College of Australia.
Replacement Colours were presented by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 17th February 1954, 27th April 1970, 10 May 1988 and 22 October 2011. The 1970, 1988 and 2011 Colours are laid up in the RMC Chapel.
RMC Colour Party 1963
Above: Presentation of Colours 1954
Right: Presentation of Colours 1970
Above: Presentation of Colours 1988
Above: Presentation of Colours 2011
God Save the King!
Proclamation by the Governor-General of Australia
Sunday, 11 September 2022
Whereas because of the death of our blessed and glorious Queen Elizabeth II, the Crown has solely and rightfully come to Prince Charles Philip Arthur George.
We, therefore, General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, and members of the Federal Executive Council, do now proclaim Prince Charles Philip Arthur George to be King Charles III, By the Grace of God, King of Australia and his other realms and territories, Head of the Commonwealth, and with hearty and humble affection, we promise him faith and obedience. May King Charles III have long and happy years to reign over us.
Given at Canberra, this 11th day of September, 2022, and in the first year of His Majesty's reign.
Signed by me, as Governor-General and counter-signed by my command, by the Honourable Anthony Albanese MP, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia.
God Save the King
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Become a part of history by purchasing your Australia's Memorial Walk paver today. For more information view website.
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Are you a member of an Artillery Association? Does your association have an upcoming event? Want to publicise it to a wider audience for free? Contact the Editor for further details.
1871 - 2021
The RAAHC and the Australian Artillery Association continue to support the initiative by publishing history items on Facebook and the web site. Click on the yellow text to access updated information
Gunner Perspectives – candid interviews of everyday Gunners from all corners of today’s Gunner community.
This initiative was created by the Regiment with a team lead by Lieutenant Colonel Nick Floyd. The RAAHC & AAA produced the video series and are is proud to participate in the rest of the initiative.
Gunners Around the Nation & The World
View the latest Newsletters from various Artillery associations around the nation:
RAA Association Victoria Newsletter - Cascabel
Locating Surveillance and Target Acquisition Association - Newsletter
Royal Australian Artillery Association (NSW) -Website
Australian Artillery Association - Website
‘A’ Field Battery Association Incorporated-Newsletter
PO Box 171
Cremorne Junction
NSW 2090 Australia