Location: Monon Trail Elementary School, 19400 Tomlinson Rd, Westfield, IN 46074
Gate Fee: $5 per car (cash only)
Gates Open: 10:00a (no early entry)
Parking: Parking in the red areas only. Please see parking information below
Matches: Played on 3 pitches simultaneously
Concessions: Available to the newly constructed concessions/restrooms building. Cash/Venmo accepted.
Restrooms: There are restrooms in the new concessions building
Ice/Water: Please bring ice and water for your teams. ice is available at gas stations along Rt 31/191st street.
Pets: Not permitted.
Chairs: Bring Chairs, there is not bleacher seating.
Fire/EMS Lanes: Please keep all fire/EMS lanes clear of vehicles. Also, no spectators (chairs, etc.) in the lanes.
- There is no access to the school buildings.
Weather: Sunday's high is expected to be around 74. please check the weather before you come to the location. There is a chance of storms. Please follow the directions of the event staff should the fields need to be cleared. If needed, you will be asked to shelter in your vehicles.
Medical Staff: Trainers are on site to assist if there are any medical injuries or emergencies. Any player wishing to be "taped" before playing MUST provide their own taping supplies. Medical staff will only provide tape and/or ice for injured players who they evaluate and treat.
Team Camp Set Up: Teams may use the "yellow" zone to unload their camp items Before 11:00a. At 11:00a and after, teams will need to park in the parking areas and carry in their items.
Team (Players) Food & Hydration: Teams need to bring enough water and ice for their players. Food and snacks are avilable at the newly constructed concession stand. Water will be available for purchase by the bottle. Ice is not available for purchase (gas stations on 191st Street/Rt 31)
Restricted Areas: Please stay out of areas that are restricted to players, referees, coaches, event staff, medical teams, etc. These are clearly marked. Also, at no time should parents/spectators be on the pitches.