Run Wild Missoula Executive Director: Giving Thanks And Looking Forward
Resolution Run: January 1
December BOP Social Run/Walk: December 12
Jeff Galloway Visit: Week of January 16, 2016
Galloway Training Classes: Begin January 22 - Marathon and February 26 - Half Marathon
Member Spotlight: 2016 RWM Award Winners
Member Spotlight: Nomination Form
Around Town
Tuesday Track, Every Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. at Runner's Edge

Parade Of Lights, December 3, 5:00 p.m., Run Wild Missoula



December 2016
Run Wild Missoula Executive Director: Giving Thanks And Looking Forward
by Tony Banovich, Executive Director
I generally don't like to "recycle" newsletter articles. But, in looking back at my article from last December, the underlying message still seemed relevant. So, as 2016 comes towards its end and 2017 rapidly approaches, it seemed appropriate to once again give thanks and to look forward to what's ahead.

I continue to be thankful for:
  • A family that's healthy and happy - including the addition of a new son-in-law and a new grandson.
  • A wife who has been by my side for 31 years.
  • A job where I am lucky enough to interact with the running community every day.
  • Being healthy enough to be out on the roads, tracks and trails taking part in the sport that I love.
  • The fortune of being able to explore the amazing landscapes of Western Montana.
  • An incredible set of employees, board members and volunteers at Run Wild Missoula.
  • All the friends that I've made over the years through running and racing - including those that I've made over the last 2 years at Run Wild Missoula.
  • Beer Runs.
  • The ability to live in a community where a fit, active and healthy lifestyle is the norm rather than the exception.
As we approach a new year, I'm looking forward to:
  • Another great year of Run Wild Missoula races, classes, social events, group runs (and walks) and activities that will be enjoyed by almost 12,000 participants.
  • Finding ways to keep our club fresh and relevant.
  • Beer Runs.
  • The hope that we can all treat each other with dignity, respect and compassion.
I was once again traveling for Thanksgiving - to Seattle this year. With all that road time, I again found myself thinking about how lucky I am for all the gifts in my life. And, reflecting on how easy it is to get caught up in the day to day activities of "life" and not take the time to consider and value all the good things that surround us. And that's when I realized that thinking about the good things in life was much more pleasant than worrying about all the things that were left undone, not started, waiting in the wings or out of my control

So, when you're on your next commute, road trip, daily run or quiet moment at home, take the time to reflect on the gifts in your life. You'll come away from it with a much better mindset than if you had spent that time worrying about uncompleted chores, fussing about your overcrowded inbox, or stewing on some perceived grievance. Be Thankful. Be Appreciative. Be Happy.

See you on the roads, tracks and trails.
Supporting Our Community

In the spirit of being thankful - we're so pleased that we're able to make contributions to some important programs in Missoula.  Here's a synopsis of the ways that we were able to give back to the community from some of our fall races and events.
  • $2,430 to the Ava Nicole Breast Health Fund at the Foundation For Community Health from Diva Day.  This includes $580 from optional donations made by participants and $1,850 from race proceeds.
  • Pumpkin Run race proceeds in the amount of $1,975 to the Council Grove Apartments solar panel project.
  • $161 to the City's Conservation Lands Program as optional donations by participants in the Elk Ramble.
  • $1,957 was raised by the Turkey Day Run for the Missoula Food Bank.  This includes $1,457 of donations made by participants; and, a $500 matching donation made by our friends at Runner's Edge.
  • In addition to the money raised by the Turkey Day Run, participants also donated 814 pounds of non-perishable food to the Food Bank.
  • And, from our Run Wild Movember Show Us Your 'Stache party, $167 will be donated to Team Up Montana to be used towards their efforts in prostate and testicular cancer care, diagnosis and treatment.

That's $6,690 going back to local programs because of our Missoula running community.  Thank you all for your amazing spirit of giving!!!!  


Resolution Run: January 1

Start The Year Off Right

Run right on into the New Year with the Resolution Run 5K. We'll once again partner with Runner's Edge to bring you this $5 5K. It's a fun, healthy way to start the year on the right foot. ( Haha - get it? Right foot? 'Cause you run on your feet? Best pun ever????) The run/walk is limited to 500 participants; and, we're over 70% full already. Don't miss out, just go HERE to get more information and to sign up.

One of our Resolution Run sponsors is CostCare. Over the last year, t hey've really been working to be a partner with Run Wild Missoula (and Runner's Edge) in promoting healthy lifestyle activities. They are also committed to providing the tools you need for healthy, every-day, practical nutrition. Starting January 3 rd , they'll be presenting their CostCare Boot Camp. Space is limited; but, if you are interested, check it out HERE.

December BOP Social Run/Walk: December 12

Holiday lights!

Monday December 12
6:00 pm
Meet at Caffe Dolce (corner Brooks and Beckwith)
Run/walk 2-4 miles around neighborhoods
Return to Caffe Dolce to eat and socialize

Note:  Bring your RWM membership card to get the Monday night special--2 pizzas for the price of one.
For questions, or more information, please contact Pam Gardiner, 
Jeff Galloway Visit: Week of January 16, 2016
Jeff Galloway will make his seventh and final January visit to Missoula this year. Let's have a great turnout!

The centerpiece of Jeff's visit will be a free motivational talk , open to the public on  Tuesday evening January 17 , at the Doubletree Hilton Hotel.  Time TBD (watch social media).
Another featured offering is a 3-hour Galloway Running School $99 general tuition , $49 for registered participants in 2017 Galloway Marathon/Half training class Wednesday evening, January 18 , at the Doubletree Hilton Hotel.  Time TBD (watch social media).

Galloway Training Classes: Begin January 22 - Marathon and February 26 - Half Marathon

Galloway training classes will prepare you for the Missoula Marathon or Half Marathon, using the run-walk-run method.   Both classes are now open for registration via 

24-week Marathon class*:   Begins Sunday January 22, 8:00 a.m.  Click here for details and online registration.   

19-week Half Marathon class:  Begins Sunday February 26, 8:00 a.m  Click here for details and online registration.

*24-week class is also open to half-marathoners who want an early start on training.  
Member Spotlight: 2016 RWM Award Winners

Congratulations to all the 2016 award winners. In our RWM blog we profile our award winners and provide some of the comments we received about each recipient, along with their own answers to a question we posed to learn more about them. Read the blog by clicking here. Each of our RWM award winners have unique stories of motivation and share how running is important to them. Our award winners are:
- Male Runner of the Year | Jesse Carnes 
- Female Runner of the Year | Miranda Ming 
- Male Masters Runner of the Year | Dick Everett 
- Female Masters Runners of the Year | Tammy Mocabee & Sue   Falsey
- Male Trail/Ultra Runner of the Year | Forrest Boughner 
- Female Trail/Ultra Runner of the Year | Kelsi Camp 
- BOPer or Walker of the Year | Connie Chestnutt  
- Inspirational Runners of the Year | Roger Lewis & Micheal Lee
- Volunteers of the Year | Thurston Elfstrom; Tim & Carol Brooker 
- Race Director of the Year | Courtney Babcock, Turkey Day 8K & 3K Family Fun Run

Member Spotlight: Nomination Form
Do you know someone from our Run Wild Missoula community that we should get to know better? With 1,600-plus members, we have a wealth of talent, passion, expertise, inspiration, and enthusiasm for running and walking among us.

Maybe it's someone who's been inspirational to you, achieved an insurmountable goal, demonstrated a courage to start (or re-start!), or clearly exemplifies the club's  core values. Perhaps there's another reason? 

If so, we'd like to hear from you!  Simply complete the form on the RWM website, which can be found HERE, and click submit.
Around Town
Light The Way 5K, December 16, Missoula, MT, 6:30 p.m. at Linda Vista Golf Course
Run Wild,


Chris Everett, Running Wild Newsletter Editor

P.S. Unsubscribing to this email won't eliminate you from receiving emails about volunteer opportunities.

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