Run Wild Missoula Executive Director: Must. Not. Give. In.
Jeff Galloway Visit: January 17 and January 18
January BOP Social Run/Walk: January 21
2016 Miles Due 1/20/17
Galloway Training Classes: Begin January 22 - Marathon and February 26 - Half Marathon
Heart Throb 5K: February 11
Member Spotlight: Jimmy Grant
Member Spotlight: Nomination Form
Missoula Marathon Registration Party
Around Town
Tuesday Track, Every Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. at Runner's Edge



January 2017
Run Wild Missoula Executive Director: Must.  Not.  Give.  In. 
by Tony Banovich, Executive Director
It's been a tough winter so far - with no immediate sign that it's going to get better any time soon. We started off with a wet fall, then in came the white stuff. That was followed closely behind by some frigid cold. Only to then see more snow. And, throw in some freezing rain to top off the whole shebang.
I know that it's been some tough going. Heck, we've cancelled more classes and activities in the last month than we have in my entire first 2 years at Run Wild Missoula. Footing is a challenge. Frostbite always seems to be looming right around the corner. And, it seems especially dark and dreary this year. But, don't let Old Man Winter get the best of you.
Traction control, appropriate footwear and proper clothing (it's all about layers people!) can be found during a visit to our friends at Runner's Edge. (Of course, Run Wild Missoula also has some great half zips, beanies, vests and hoodies to help ward off winter's chill.) Then, it's all about Getting. Out. The. Door. It may be hard to talk yourself into taking those first steps outside. But, give yourself 5 minutes. If you absolutely can't stand it, turn around - at least you'll have fit in 10 minutes of activity. In most cases, you'll find that you're ready to keep going and get in your full run (or walk) after that 5 minutes of warm up.
(Of course, there are always limits to consider. Wind chill has to be taken into account. When we start approaching 0 degrees and below, frostbite has to be considered. Sometimes the ice is so bad that you just can't find safe footing. And, some of us have breathing issues that don't mix well with cold temperatures. Be smart and be safe. But, don't automatically let below freezing temperatures or an inch or two of snow keep you from heading outside.)
Keeping your regular exercise and fitness routine is important for several reasons. 1) It allows you to create a fitness base that will give you a leg up once we hit the better weather of spring. 2) Some outside time every day allows you to avoid some of the emotional lows that many of us experience during the winter. 3) Battling through some tough weather gives you an odd sense of superiority over those who aren't willing to venture out into the elements ;-)  4) How else will you get the chance to take those awesome selfies of frosted eyelashes, frozen beards and snotsicles!!
As we've seen this winter, Mother Nature is capable of throwing down freezing cold and snowmageddon at the snap of a finger. Yet, winter can also be amazingly beautiful. Snow crystals sparkling on a clear, sunny day. Open water in Rattlesnake Creek poking in and out from between iced-over sections. The light of a full moon reflecting off the open face of a snow covered Mount Sentinel. The crunch of packed snow when temperatures hit the single digits. Fresh animal tracks in a newly fallen snow.  But, you'll miss out on all of these wonders of nature if you don't venture out.
Embrace the season. Bundle up and get out there. Most importantly - Don't Give In.
See you on the snow-covered roads, tracks and trails.

Jeff Galloway Visit: January 17 and January 18  
Jeff Galloway will make his seventh and final January visit to Missoula this year. Let's have a great turnout!

The centerpiece of Jeff's visit will be a free motivational talk, open to the public.
"You Can Do It!   Training for the Missoula Marathon or Half  Tuesday January 17, 7:00 p.m.   Doubletree Hotel, 100 Madison Street.
A second free public talk is targeted at the lunchtime crowd (limited seating, come early) 
"Eating, Running, and Weight Loss"
 Wednesday January 18, noon  Good Food Store 1600 S 3rd St West.
Another featured offering is the 3-hour Galloway Running School
      Wednesday evening, January 18, 6:00-9:00 pm
     Doubletree Hotel, 100 Madison Street
     $99 general tuition,  
     $49 for registered participants in 2017 Galloway Marathon/Half         training class
(contact  for discount code)
For online Running School registration, go to  
January BOP Social Run/Walk: January 21

(6th Annual Chili Feed at the Drakes)
Saturday January 21
3:00 pm
Meet at Frenchtown Pond State Park,  Run/walk on the Frenchtown bike trail
4:30  pm  Meet at Kevin and Carol Drake's home in the Wye neighborhood
Chili provided, BYO beverage and a side to share
If you need directions to the Drakes', email
How Many Miles Did You Run in 2016?
Miles due Friday, 1/20/17!
The 1200/2000 Mileage Club members from the last couple years can tell you that it is totally worth it to get those miles turned in!
Go to to log in and enter your miles.  Miles are due by the end of the day on Friday, 1/20/17.  If you have questions, or need help accessing the page, email Hillary, at
Thank you!
Galloway Training Classes: Begin January 22 - Marathon and February 26 - Half Marathon

Jeff Galloway's training program will prepare you for the Missoula Marathon or Half using his trademarked run-walk-run method. Participants must be Run Wild Missoula members.  In order to begin either program, a trainee should be able to run-walk 3 miles.
Both classes are now open for registration via 

24-week Marathon class*:   Begins Sunday January 22, 8:00 a.m.  Click here for details and online registration.   

19-week Half Marathon class:  Begins Sunday February 26, 8:00 a.m  Click here for details and online registration.

*24-week class is also open to half-marathoners who want an early start on training.   Note: that Run Wild Missoula also offers separate running and walking classes that will prepare you for the Missoula Marathon and Half.  Those classes begin in March
Heart Throb 5K: February 11

Love your heart?  Love your sweetie?  Love to run in red outfits?  If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then you need to be at the HeartThrob 5K on February 11th, 10:00 a.m. Ogren Park Allegiance Field.

Beat the winter doldrums and get your heart beating with a fun, mid-winter 5K.  Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S.?  In fact, one of every 4 deaths is the result of heart disease.  Regular exercise is a great way to develop a healthy heart.  So do your heart some good and come out for this fun 5K event.

Nothing says I love you like doing a 5K with your sweetie as a lead up to Valentine's Day.  Remember, couples that run together, stay together.  Sign up as part of the HeartThrob division.  The fastest 3 couples (combined time) will win prizes!

Register HERE  
Member Spotlight: Jimmy Grant

Logging over 3,000 miles a year, Jimmy Grant is one of Missoula's staples in the trail running community, not to mention a course record holder for many trail and road races.  A historian by profession and co-founder of Montana Trail Crew, this family man started running when he was just a young boy.   

Member Spotlight: Nomination Form
Do you know someone from our Run Wild Missoula community that we should get to know better? With 1,500-plus members, we have a wealth of talent, passion, expertise, inspiration, and enthusiasm for running and walking among us.

Maybe it's someone who's been inspirational to you, achieved an insurmountable goal, demonstrated a courage to start (or re-start!), or clearly exemplifies the club's  core values. Perhaps there's another reason? 
If so, we'd like to hear from you!  Simply complete the form on the RWM website, which can be found HERE, and click submit.
Missoula Marathon Registration PARTY
Wednesday, 01/25/17, 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.

Run Wild Missoula will once again host a Missoula Marathon Registration Party at the home of one of our great marathon sponsors, Big Sky Brewing.  Join us in their TapRoom from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM on Wednesday, January 25th, and we'll help get you registered.  (Remember, registration prices increase beginning February 1st.) 

Need some more incentive to attend?  How about:
  • Our  January Beer Run will start from the brewery at 6:00 PM
  • Free beer samplers courtesy of Big Sky Brewing
  • Free snacks by Run Wild Missoula
  • Register at this event and you'll be entered into a drawing to win either a Big Sky Brewing Yeti cooler; or, a 100% refund of your registration fee.  (One winner will be drawn for each item.)
  • Youth Homes will be on site and you'll be able to sign up for their amazing Run 4 Kids Team.Save
Around Town
Frost Fever Frozen Frolic, January 28, Missoula, MT, 10:00 a.m. at McCormick Park, Missoula Parks and Recreation - register here:  
Run Wild,


Chris Everett, Running Wild Newsletter Editor

P.S. Unsubscribing to this email won't eliminate you from receiving emails about volunteer opportunities.

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