Connections  |  March 2018   
Every Woman's Place for Support, Connections and Community.
You're Invited to International Women's Day 
International Women's Day is almost here and we're inviting you all to join us for an evening of celebration and community, on Thursday March 8, 5:00-7:00 pm.

Music will be provided by our Artist in Residence, Girls Rock Camp Band: Afternoon Tea Party. Activities will include an indoor communal canvas, button making station, trivia wheel and door prizes. Please bring a potluck dish if you are able. For more details and to RSVP to this event please visit our website

We would also like to thank our event partners for their support. Special thank you to:  United Nurses of Alberta, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), Calgary District and Labour Council and UFCW 401

Also, an editor's note from the previous newsletter: we did not properly attribute credit to Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC). We apologize for that error and thank them for their understanding and generous support. 
Around the Web

20 Jobs That Have the Biggest Gender Wage Gaps in Canada

Gender Persecution the Top Reason Women Seek Asylum in Canada

How Climate Change Disproportionately Affects Women

Jane's Walk Committee is Looking for Volunteers
Every year, the Women's Centre honours Jane Jacobs and other women in our neighbourhood by participating in the Calgary Foundation's Jane's Walk. 

Our committee is looking for volunteers to help plan and run this year's Jane's Walk, which will take place on Saturday May 5th

If you're interested to know more or get involved, please contact our Learning Coordinator Amanda by email: or 403-264-1155 ext. 243.

Call Out For Forks & Spoons

The Women's Centre kitchens are very low on utensils and looking for your help with donations of forks and spoons. 

If you have new or gently used metal forks and spoons to donate please bring them to the Women's Centre (39 - 4th St NE) during regular business hours

Thanks in advance for your support!

Free Queer Art Night
Hosted by the Calgary School of Informal Education, Queer Art Night is a monthly event for people who identify as queer to get together do a variety of art. 

This month's event will take place on  Sunday March 18,  6:00-10:00 pm at the CommunityWise Resource Centre (223 12th Ave. SW). No registration required, feel free to drop-in. For more details check out their Facebook event

Poverty Talks! Is Recruiting Committee Members

Poverty Talks! is supported by Vibrant Communities Calgary and was created to support people who are living in poverty to get involved in social change efforts, political processes, and to raise public awareness of poverty.

For details or to apply to join the Poverty Talks! steering committee please visit their website

Please Support Our Important Work

Ways to Connect 

Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Visit our blog View our photos on flickr View our profile on LinkedIn
Run or Walk for the Women's Centre's Team
Join the Women's Centre's team this year to run or walk and raise funds in support of women in our community in the Scotiabank Marathon Charity Challenge! 
On May 27th, you will be running or walking to continue to provide women with a space where they can meet their basic needs. 

Our Direct Assistance program was accessed over 16,000 times by women last year to receive food and personal care items like shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, tampons, and body wash.  

Social Issues Discussion: Food Sovereignty and Dignity
Are you ready to stimulate your brain and your taste buds? 

On Wednesday March 7, 6:00-8:00 pm you're invited to join us for March's Social Issues Discussion. The evening will include a discussion on food and a communal cooking experience.  We'll be making some dishes for the International Women's Day Potluck the next day, and talking about the relationship between dignity, food, and women. Facilitators TBA.

For more details or to sign up please visit our website here
Girl Power After School Spring Break Camp
Girl Power After School presents, Spring Break Leadership Camp from Monday March 26 - Thursday March 29 (daily 9:00 am - 4:00 pm) at the Women's Centre. 

This camp is open to girls who have attended Girl Power After School two or more times this year. 

Supplies, bus tickets and food is provided. To secure your spot please contact Alexe by email: or call 403-264-1155.
Girl Force Leadership Camp
Girl Force Leadership Camp takes place Monday March 26 - Thursday March 29 (daily 9:00 am - 4:00 pm) at the Women's Centre. 

This camp is open to girls in grades 7-9 who have attended Girl Force After School two or more times this year. 

Supplies, bus tickets and food is provided. To secure your spot please contact Sarah by email: or call 403-264-1155. 
Upcoming Workshops
Our workshops are free and open to all women. View and register for the March workshops online  here
Craftivism: IWD Edition | Monday March 5, 6:00-8:00 pm
In celebration of IWD we will be doing some feminist craftivism. Come colour some feminist colouring pages, make a zine, or whatever inspires you!
Practice English | Mondays, March 5, 12 & 19, 1:00-3:00 pm
This is a conversational group where women have an opportunity to practice English for daily situations. 
Drop-in basis; no sign-up required.
Renter's Rights Workshop | Monday March 12, 6:00-8:00 pm
Organized by the Renters' Action Movement (RAM), this interactive workshop will teach you about your rights as a tenant, share possible resources in case you have any issues, and introduce you to the work of RAM.
Zumba | Thursday March 15, 22 & 29, 6:30-7:30 pm
Come and join us for a Zumba class. It's all about the party! Dance, shake and groove in a fun dance-style aerobics class that is designed to work for everyone at all fitness levels.

In our monthly Environmental Issues Discussion, we will be discussing the New Age of Recycling.Stay tuned for guest speaker announcements! 
Our Vision: Women Supporting Communities, Communities Supporting Women.