July 2023 - Issue #105
Project Update: Targeting Outfall Screening Based on Pollution Risk in Baltimore County
CWP, through an on-call engineering agreement for watershed planning services, assisted the Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability with developing an outfall screening plan for the County’s more than 12,000 stormwater outfalls.
CWP Board Profile: Meet Juanita Galbreath
Marlyn Argueta interviews Juanita Galbreath, CWP's Board Vice President.

Why did volunteering on the CWP Board of Directors interest you?
I am passionate about the Center's mission and the impact it has now and for the future, and I take immense pride in being part of such a vibrant and diverse board.

At which store would you like to max-out your credit card?
I would choose the Apple Store without a doubt.

What was your favorite TV show when growing up?
Growing up, I was particularly fond of musical shows, with American Bandstand and Soul Train at the top of my list.

What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
Immersing myself in appropriations law readings is my nerdiest pastime.

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
It's a tough call between mind reading and the ability to foresee the future.

If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
The first things I'd invest in are well-fitting shoes.
CWPA Member Spotlight: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
On May 8, 2023, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) put on public notice the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) report and Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy (WRAPS) for the Blue Earth Watershed – marking the completion of monitoring and assessment of all 80 watersheds in the state of Minnesota.

CWPA Member Spotlight: In-Situ
In-Situ is excited to announce the release of the Aqua TROLL 700 and 800 seven-port multiparameter sondes. With capacity for six interlocking sensors and an antifouling wiper, these instruments feature the same rugged construction and enhanced reliability of other Aqua TROLL models. Learn about the design process behind the sondes or find out how they fared in rigorous antifouling tests off the Florida coast.
CWP News
MAC-IECA Conference Features Regional Heavy Hitter Keynote Speakers
Join Register online now for the 2023 MAC IECA 30th Anniversary Annual Conference in Baltimore, Maryland September 12-14 to engage with active knowledge exchange with regional heavy hitter speakers.

  • Bobby Whitescarver - Bobby has spent a lifetime installing riparian buffers and stream bank protection measures. He will share his journey of epic transition to renewable energy generation.
  • Adam Lindquist - Learn how an inanimate trash interceptor became a beloved icon in the region and how this technology has helped to pass legislation to keep trash from ending up in waterways.
  • Dwane Jones - Green Infrastructure (GI) is a stormwater management approach aimed at replicating a site's pre-development hydrology. Learn how to construct, inspect, and maintain GI.
  • Bryce Turner, AIA Fellow - Learn how Annapolis is preparing for rising sea levels and how it saved the famous City Dock. And, hear what can be done in other coastal communities.

Full Conference Pass: Member: $325 | Nonmember: $350

Local Mitigation Planning Handbook Now Available!
Mitigation planning provides a framework local governments can build on to lessen the impacts of natural disasters. By encouraging whole-community involvement, assessing risk and using a range of resources, local governments can reduce risk to people, economies and natural environments. This Local Mitigation Planning Handbook (Handbook) guides local governments, including special districts, as they develop or update a hazard mitigation plan. This is a timely resource because FEMA’s updated local mitigation planning policy took effect in April 2023.

Do you need technical assistance?
CWP provides technical assistance to communities to help identify feasible locations for water quality improvement projects, procure funds for the design and installation of these projects, and manage project delivery. We currently offer free assistance though the following programs. CWP also provides customized assistance though our fee-for-service model and can help communities identify and apply for grants to cover CWP’s fees.

A few days left to submit your abstracts for the 2023 Ag & Watershed Symposium!
The Center for Watershed Protection, Inc. is now accepting abstracts from those interested in presenting at our 2023 Agriculture & Watershed Symposium. The Conference will take place on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 and Thursday, October 19, 2023 in Fulton, Maryland.

2023 National Watershed & Stormwater Conference Highlights
The CWP 2023 National Watershed & Stormwater Conference, Value of Water – Stormwater Harvesting & Reuse, Nutrient Trading and Funding, was held April 24-27, 2023, at the Westin in the Gaslamp Quarter in San Diego, CA.

Funding Opportunities on grants.gov:

  • EPA FY24 Brownfields Job Training Grants: Deadline 8/2
  • EPA Great Lakes Environmental Justice Grant Program: Deadline 8/11
  • USDA 2023 National Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Cost Share Program: Deadline 8/15
  • NOAA Inflation Reduction Act: NOAA Climate Resilience Regional Challenge: Deadline 8/21
  • EPA San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund, Fiscal Year 2023: Deadline 8/30
  • EPA Community-Based Research For Effective Programs, Policies, and Decisions To Mitigate Cumulative Health Impacts and Environmental Health Disparities In Under-served Communities: Deadline 8/31
  • EPA Region 8 Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers Program: Deadline 9/11
  • EPA National Clean Investment Fund: Deadline 10/12
  • EPA Clean Communities Investment Accelerator: Deadline 10/12
Upcoming Events
Lunch and Learn Series (CWPA MEMBERS ONLY): Ecopia presents "Leveraging Geospatial Data for Climate Resilience Strategies"
August 17th, 2023, 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
Description: This presentation aims to emphasize the significance of geospatial data and the necessity for higher-resolution products on a national scale. By utilizing land cover data, governments can make informed and optimized land use decisions, facilitating hazard mitigation planning and fostering equitable communities. By pinpointing vulnerable areas, such as urban heat islands, deforested regions, and degraded wetlands, geospatial data supports the creation of climate resiliency solutions to safeguard our environments and communities.

2023 Back to the Basics Training Series
August 29th – October 3rd, 2023
Description: Experts at CWP will share their experience, resources, and tools curated from decades of collaboration and industry leadership. This virtual training series is comprised of six, 2-hour interactive, trainings with CWP Staff and expert guest speakers. Attendees will enhance their industry knowledge and skillset, network with industry professionals, receive access to guidance documents and manuals, and earn CWP continued education units (CEUs) or professional development hours (PDHs).

2023 MAC-IECA 30th Anniversary Annual Conference
September 12th – 14th, 2023
Baltimore, Maryland

2023 Webcast 7: Stormwater Standards in the US
September 20th, 2023, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Description: Over the last ten years, the concept of runoff reduction has become a key aspect of stormwater quality standards for many states and municipalities. Greg will discuss the history of runoff reduction, look at how it has been applied in various communities, and explain the challenges and benefits of the approach.

The evolution of stormwater permits in Southern California has added alternative compliance pathways through robust planning and programming of strategies expected to defensibly achieve water quality goals. The backbone of these efforts are the Reasonable Assurance Analysis to demonstrate through quantitative justification that identified strategies can meet applicable water quality targets. Brianna will discuss the progress in approaches to pursuing the alternative compliance pathways, key lessons learned through implementation, and breakdown key factors of the Reasonable Assurance Analysis influencing the outcomes.

Speakers: Chad Helmle from Craftwater Engineering and Greg Hoffmann from the Center for Watershed Protection

2023 Ag & Watershed Symposium
October 18th - 19th, 2023
Join us in Fulton, Maryland

2024 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference
April 8th - 11th, 2024
Join us in Kansas City, Missouri
Learning Links
The Center for Watershed Protection | www.cwp.org