October 31, 2023
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Next Week's Rural Dart
On account of SARM's upcoming midterm convention, the next Rural Dart email will be postponed until Nov 14.
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Future Supply Plan – 2030 and Beyond - STAGE 3
Join the conversation about Saskatchewan’s power future
In 2022, SaskPower started talking to Saskatchewan people about how the province is powered. That’s because the power system is changing, and SaskPower is in the process of updating their long-term power supply plan.
In Stages 1 and 2 people were asked about their values, priorities, and about the power supply options they preferred. This information was used to develop scenarios that show what the SK power system could look like in the future.
Now, in Stage 3 there are four ways to participate and give feedback on how to power the province in the future:
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Immersion Workshops
These in-depth, two-part workshops are a good fit for those who want to dive deep with us on the nuances of supply planning. All participants who attend and participate in both Part 1 and 2 are eligible to receive a $100 VISA gift certificate.
Session 1: NOV 7, 11:30AM to 1:30PM or NOV 8, 9 – 11AM
Session 2: NOV 14, 11:30AM to 1:30PM or NOV 15, 9 – 11AM
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Essentials Workshops
These two-hour, in-person and online workshops are intended for those who are keen to grow their knowledge of supply planning. Our team of experts will visit 5 Saskatchewan cities and offer 3 online sessions to hear from you! Participants will have a chance to win a $100 VISA gift card at the end of each in-person and online workshop.
Swift Current: NOV 9, 5:30 to 7:30 pm – Register here!
Yorkton: NOV 16, 5:30 to 7:30 pm – Register here!
Saskatoon: NOV 21, 5:30 to 7:30 pm – Register here!
Saskatoon: NOV 22, 2 to 4 pm – Register here!
Prince Albert: NOV 23, 5:30 to 7:30 pm – Register here!
Regina: NOV 29, 5:30 to 7:30 pm – Register here!
Regina: NOV 30, 1:30 to 3:30 pm – Register here!
Online: DEC 5, 9 to 11 am – Register here!
Online: DEC 6, 9 to 11 am – Register here!
Online: DEC 7, 11:30 am to 1:30 pm – Register here!
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Discovery Kit
If you want to explore potential pathways to net zero from the comfort of your home or office, the Discovery activity kit is for you. Include family, friends, coworkers, or students and enjoy the freedom to learn and engage on your own terms! Participants who mail their feedback by Dec. 15 will be entered into a draw to win a $250 VISA gift card.
Order Discovery kits starting NOV 1.
If you only have 10 minutes to spare, this is the way to give us your feedback quickly! Everyone who completes the survey will have a chance to win 1 of 10 $250 VISA gift cards.
Survey opens NOV 9.
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Calling Elected Officials - Focus Group Participants Needed
Notice of Invitation - Elected Official Knowledge Tools
As a key initiative within SARM’s capacity building plan, online learning modules for elected officials are under development. As the initial module(s) and learning platform are in the intermediary design stage, the development team will be hosting a focus group discussion to collect input and feedback from elected officials. The outcomes from the discussion will help guide the final design of the modules and the approach to the administration of the learning platform.
The focus group for elected officials will be held during the SARM Midterm Convention in November. There are ten spots, and participants will receive an honorarium.
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Elected officials interested in being a part of the discussions are asked to email roy.anderson@sasktel.net with your name, and the name/number of your Rural Municipality. | | |
Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA)
2023 Board Elections
The deadline for SAMA Board nominations has now passed. Please see a listing of the current nominees below:
- Allen Kreshewski - RM of Hazel Dell No. 335
- Gerald Muller - RM of Canwood No.494
- John Wagner- RM of Piapot No. 110
- Rod Quintin - RM of Dundurn No. 314
Candidates will be elected by delegates at the 2023 SARM Midterm Convention on November 8th at 2:45 PM for a three-year term and may be reappointed to subsequent terms.
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The seven-member SAMA Board of Directors is appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council and consists of:
- three members named by the Ministry of Government Relations including the Board Chair;
- two members named by the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM);
- one member named by the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) for urban and northern municipalities under 30,000; and
- one member named by SUMA for cities with a population exceeding 30,000
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Gerald Muller
RM of Canwood No. 494
Learn more about Gerald Muller's platform for the 2023 SAMA Board election through the link below:
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Rod Quintin
RM of Dundurn No. 314
Learn more about Rod Quintin's platform for the 2023 SAMA Board election through the link below:
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For an additional fee candidates can submit their election platform to share with SARM members. | |
Awards/Nominations/Scholarships | |
Awarded to Reeves, Councillors, or Administrators (active or retired)
for their lifetime contribution to rural Saskatchewan.
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2024 LGA Nomination Period:
NOV 1, 2023 - JAN 31, 2024
Candidates must be nominated
by an RM, with council’s approval, and administrator’s sign-off.
The selection committee includes representatives from:
- Lieutenant’s Governor’s Office of Saskatchewan
- Ministry of Government Relations
- Rural Administrators’ Association
- Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities
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Please include the following information with your nominations:
- A completed Nomination Form
- Biographical information based on the Nomination Guidelines
- Submissions to be e-mailed to: sarm@sarm.ca
Should you have further questions regarding the 2024 Lieutenant Governor’s Award, please contact Penni Greensides, Committee Coordinator directly at (306) 761-3731 or e-mail executivecoordinator@sarm.ca.
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2024 Saskatchewan Order of Merit
The Saskatchewan Order of Merit was established in 1985 to celebrate excellence and achievement by Saskatchewan citizens. To date, 272 individuals have been invested with the Order in appreciation of their significant contributions in areas such as agriculture, business, industry, community leadership, public service, art, research, and volunteering.
Nominations will be accepted until November 30, 2023. Online nominations are encouraged, but nominations will also be accepted by mail, courier or in-person.
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17th Annual Saskatchewan Municipal Awards
Nominate your Municipality Today!
Established in 2006, the Saskatchewan Municipal Awards (SMAs) celebrate the hard work of Saskatchewan’s municipal governments, and aim to recognize their innovation and excellence. The SMAs are awarded to both rural and urban municipalities, and provide provincial exposure for the municipality and the initiative.
The 2023 Saskatchewan Municipal awards will be awarded to:
- Top municipal led initiative (rural, urban, or cooperative)
- Top rural municipal led initiative
- Top urban municipal led initiative
Regional cooperation (a joint initiative involving at least one rural and one urban municipality)
Celebrate a municipally led initiative by submitting a nomination before 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday November 21, 2023.
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2020 Code Adoption Workshops
Building and Technical Standards (BTS) Branch
Adopting the 2020 editions of the National Building Code of Canada, the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings, the National Plumbing Code of Canada and the National Fire Code of Canada is proposed for January 1, 2024.
BTS will host free workshops in Saskatoon and Regina to highlight the significant changes to the 2020 codes. The workshop will be of interest to building owners and managers, industry, municipal officials, building officials, fire inspectors, designers and other code users.
Space is limited and applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
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Saskatoon - November 9, 2023
Times: 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., 12:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Location: Travelodge Saskatoon, 106 Circle Drive West
Registration deadline: Nov 2, 2023
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Regina - November 16, 2023
Times: 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., 12:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Location: Royal Hotel Regina, 4025 Albert Street
Registration deadline: Nov 9, 2023
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Disclaimer: The following RMs have requested the information below to be distributed and will be billed for using this service. | |
Looking to Hire:
RM of Keys No. 303, Administrator, NOV 10 - Close
RM of Reciprocity No. 32, Public Works Operator, NOV 25 - Close
RM of Reciprocity No. 32, Public Works Supervisor, NOV 25 - Close
RM of Milton No. 292, Administrator, NOV 25 - Close
Resort Village of Cochin, Chief Administrative Officer, NOV 25 - Close
RM of Caledonia No. 99, Public Works Equipment Operator, NOV 19 - Close
RM of Lacadena No. 228, Foreman, NOV 18 - Close
RM of Moose Creek No. 33, MAIP Internship as an Assistant Administrator, Nov 10 - Close
Town of Lemberg, Chief Administrative Officer, Nov 13 - Close
Resort Village of the District of Katepwa, Acting Chief Administrative Officer, NOV 4 - Close
RM of Lake Johnston No. 102, Administrator, OCT 31 - Close
Looking to Buy/Sell:
RM of Progress No. 351, For Tender: 2017 Case 885B-AWD Motor Grader, DEC 1 - Close
RM of Morris No. 312, For Tender: 2018 Cat 140M AWD Motor Grader, Nov 12 - Close
RM of Wood River No. 74, For Sale: 2010 160M Cat Grader, NOV 3 - Close
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If you have questions or would like to post in the SARM Classifieds contact: (306) 757-3577 or sarm@sarm.ca
Please send your advertisement in a Word Document.
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To view past issues of the Rural Dart, visit the Publications page on the SARM website. | | | | | | |