October 17, 2023
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Important: Focus Group Participants Needed
Notice of Invitation - Elected Official Learning Management
As a key initiative within SARM’s capacity building plan, online learning modules for elected officials are currently being developed. These modules will be supported by a learning management system that will encourage participation and encourage the growth of a learning culture with elected officials. From the 2018 needs assessment, we understand that 50% of elected officials had not participated in any formal training, and that time is the most significant barrier to participation. The learning modules are being designed to hit the sweet spot – provide high-level guidance on the fundamental ‘do and don’t’ principles, and provide this through a delivery that is accessible and requires limited time.
As the initial module(s) and platform are in the intermediary design stage, the development team will be hosting two focus group discussions to collect input and feedback on the program. Specifically, the discussions will focus on the draft content, the delivery goals of accessibility and ‘time required’, and the interface with the learning platform. The outcomes from the discussion will help guide the final design of the modules and the approach to the administration of the learning platform. Two focus groups will be held during the SARM Midterm Convention in November – one with elected officials, and one with rural municipal administrators. Each group will accommodate ten participants, and participants will receive an honorarium.
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Elected officials and administrators interested in being a part of the discussions are asked to email roy.anderson@sasktel.net with your name, RM Name and indicate if you want to participate in the elected officials or RM administrator focus group. | | |
Funding for Rural Communities
Saskatchewan Blue Cross
Saskatchewan Blue Cross is making investments in rural communities across the province. They currently provide community support through two main programs. Find out more about each program below to determine the best fit for your application:
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Community Investment Program
By investing in charitable organizations whose mandates empower individuals and communities on their journey to whole health, Saskatchewan Blue Cross's support for these organizations just makes sense!
The Community Investment program at Saskatchewan Blue Cross has three main areas of focus:
- Health Literacy
- Community Health and Wellbeing
- Diversity & Inclusion
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Event & Organization Sponsorship Program
Saskatchewan Blue Cross takes pride in contributing to and participating in local events and initiatives that bring people together and make our communities strong and vibrant.
The event and organization sponsorship program supports the Saskatchewan communities, strengthening local economies and helping to achieve whole health and wellness for the people of Saskatchewan.
Each year, Saskatchewan Blue Cross supports more than 250 initiatives, events and organizations across Saskatchewan.
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The deadline to submit your applications for funding through Saskatchewan Blue Cross is October 31, 2023. | |
Municipal Leaders' Roles and Responsibilities
The 2023 Municipal Leaders’ Roles and Responsibilities seminar will be held virtually over Microsoft Teams. This webinar will provide information to newly-elected council members about their roles and responsibilities as a council member of their local government. The presentations would also serve as a good refresher for existing council members.
Participants will hear about the importance of open and transparent government, conflict of interest, code of ethics, decision making, council procedures, the rights and obligations of elected officials, administrators, and rate payers, and procurement best practices.
Those attending this seminar will be given credit for MLDP Module 1, so please ensure that everyone attending is registered separately (even if you are watching as a group) for tracking purposes.
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Date: November 30, 2023
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Location: Virtual Session
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Pest Control Product Compliance
Health Canada's Pesticide Compliance Program (PCP) is responsible for promoting, monitoring, and enforcing compliance with the Federal Pest Control Products Act & Regulation. The legislation aims to protect human health and safety and the environment by regulating the use of "pest control products", also known as pesticides.
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Join SARM and Health Canada for an informative webinar session to learn more about the PCP program and rodenticides as well as some of the best practices and obligations that your RM should be aware of pertaining to pest control products. | | |
Date: October 26, 2023
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
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Disclaimer: The following RMs have requested the information below to be distributed and will be billed for using this service. | |
Looking to Hire:
RM of Moose Creek No. 33, Full-time MAIP Internship as an Assistant Administrator, Nov 10 - Close
Town of Lemberg, Chief Administrative Officer, Nov 13 - Close
Resort Village of the District of Katepwa, Acting Chief Administrative Officer, NOV 4 - Close
RM of Lake Johnston No. 102, Administrator, OCT 31 - Close
RM of Lacadena No. 228, Equipment Operators, OCT 25 - Close
RM of Sutton No. 103, Grader Operator, OCT 19 - Close
Looking to Buy/Sell:
RM of Morris No. 312, For Tender: 2018 Cat 140M AWD Motor Grader, Nov 12 - Close
RM of Wood River No. 74, For Sale: 2010 160M Cat Grader, NOV 3 - Close
RM of Meota No 468, For Sale: 1983 Ford F-700 Fire Truck - OCT 17 - Close
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If you have questions or would like to post in the SARM Classifieds contact: (306) 757-3577 or sarm@sarm.ca
Please send your advertisement in a Word Document.
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When you need to manage the flow of water to and from your land, the Water Security Agency is here to give you the resources you need. From planning the project, connecting you with experts, and providing cost-sharing funding, we can help you!
Learn more about our agricultural water management program and apply for Agricultural Water Management funding by visiting www.wsask.ca.
(Sponsored Content)
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To view past issues of the Rural Dart, visit the Publications page on the SARM website. | | | | | | |