August 13, 2024

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2025 SARM Calendars


The SARM Calendars will be provided in the following formats for 2025:

  • Online Calendar: Access the SARM website calendar at
  • Outlook Calendar: Once the 2025 calendar has been finalized, SARM will distribute a link to download a digital copy that can be imported directly into your Outlook account. Simply click on the SARM provided calendar link and download the file. Once the calendar has been downloaded, click on the file and select “Open as New” or “Import”. This gives you the option to add the file into Outlook as a new separate calendar or integrate the content with your current calendar.
  • Rural Sheaf: Each month we will outline important dates in the Rural Sheaf electronic newsletter.

The dates for 2025 will be added to these electronic formats this fall, so watch for further details in the coming months.


Note: The printed desktop, wall, and pocket calendars will no longer be available.

Fraudulent Convention Emails


It has come to our attention that a fraudulent email scam has been circulating to members regarding the acquisition of SARM convention visitor/attendee lists. SARM is in no way affiliated with these companies sending out these emails and does not release convention attendee information to outside parties.

With data breaches and cyber attacks on the rise, we are reminding you to stay vigilant against phishing attempts.


Hackers use deceptive practices to trick people into sharing their data. The most common technique is email phishing. Hackers send messages that appear legitimate or look like they're from someone you trust so that you engage with the message or click on malicious attachments. 


Here are some tips to keep in mind to avoid falling victim to these types of scams:


  • Double-check that the sender's email address matches who they claim to be
  • Don't click a link or download from someone you don't know, or weren't expecting
  • Don't reply to a suspicious email or message from an email you don't recognize
  • Inform your IT solutions partner or provider about any suspicious or potential attempts


If you receive an email from,,, or any other unknown email addresses, please disregard it, block it, and delete it.

Your Voice

Healthcare Practitioner Community Settlement Toolkit


The Saskatchewan Healthcare Recruitment Agency wants your feedback! The agency is drafting a “Healthcare Practitioner Community Settlement Toolkit” where local initiatives and strategies are being gathered from communities and incorporated into a resource to share across Saskatchewan.


Community involvement in supporting healthcare workers is a critical part of healthcare retention and the agency extends its gratitude for the work that is being done.

The agency is interested in learning from communities who are supporting healthcare workers at the local level to provide them insights into their work.


If you are interested in collaborating with the agency on this project, please contact Ashley Blumson, Policy Analyst and Stakeholder Relations Lead at or 306-281-3208 by August 20, 2024.

Information & Resources

SGI Public Grants Announcement

SARM has been in contact with SGI regarding the availability of grants to improve traffic safety within RMs. SGI offers a Provincial Traffic Safety Fund Grant program. Its goal is to stimulate and support local, collaborative action that will increase traffic safety awareness. 

The deadline for submissions for the fall intake is September 30, 2024.

If you are interested in additional information regarding the grant, please click here for an outline of the grant guidelines and additional information on how to apply for the grant. 

SARM encourages its members to look at the program. So far in 2024, 15 RMs have taken advantage of the program with $228,526 in grants being provided as of June 30, 2024. This program is a great initiative by SGI to try and reduce traffic accidents and make our roadways safer. 

If you have any questions, please contact Colin Warnecke, Manager of Risk Management, at

Learn More / Apply

Disclaimer: The following RMs have requested the information below to be distributed and will be billed for using this service.

Looking to Hire:


RM of Hart Butte No. 11 & RM of Happy Valley No. 10, Joint Administrator, Aug 16 - Close

RM of Whiska Creek No. 106, Seasonal Operator Level 1, Aug 18 - Close

City of Melfort, Director of Corporate Services, Aug 18 - Close

RM of Langenburg No. 181, Administrative Assistant, Aug 22 - Close

RM of Fox Valley No. 171, Assistant Administrator, Aug 23 - Close

RM of Usborne No. 310, Administrator, Aug 24 - Close

RM of Perdue No. 346, Seasonal Mower Operator, Aug 30 - Close

RM of Laird No. 404, Administrator, Aug 31 - Close

RM of South Qu'Appelle No. 157, Seasonal Equipment Operator, Sep 16 - Close

RM of South Qu'Appelle No. 157, Seasonal Mower Operator, Sep 16 - Close


Looking to Buy/Sell:

RM of Edenwold No. 158, For Tender: 2012 John Deere Gator, Aug 23 - Close

If you have questions or would like to post in the SARM Classifieds contact: 306.757.3577 or

Please send your advertisement in a Word Document.

SARM Classifieds

New This Week

Key Water Infrastructure Projects Starting in Southwest Saskatchewan

The Water Security Agency (WSA) is investing more than $2 million in the design and construction work on five water infrastructure projects in Southwest Saskatchewan. These projects will strengthen dams, weirs and reservoirs in the region and improve public safety. The projects stretch from Lafleche to Cypress Hills and will begin in 2024-25.

Learn More

Crop Report for the Period of July 30 to August 5, 2024

Crops continue to rapidly advance with the increased temperatures and lack of moisture experienced throughout much of the province this past week. Conditions have led to a further decline in yield potential for some crops. Although any moisture received would be too late for advanced crops, producers indicate moisture would still be beneficial for later seeded crops to help with grain fill along with supporting pasture conditions.

Learn More

To view past issues of the Rural Dart, visit the Publications page on the SARM website.

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