NARHC Newsletter | Summer 2022
NARHC DC Office Updates
- Medicaid Continuous Enrollment Unwinding
- RHC Vaccine Confidence Grant Project Period Concludes
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Phone Number Transition
- NARHC Joins Webinar with White House on Test to Treat
Noteworthy News
- NARHC 2022 Fall Institute
- NARHC Store Opening for a Limited Time
- Registration Opens Soon: Fall CRHCP Session
- NARHC Board Candidates
- Ron Nelson Award
Member Spotlight
- Sudan Medical Clinic Making Strides Towards Value-Based Care
- RHC Community Shares Experiences With COVID-19 Programs
Consultant's Corner
- The No Surprises Act is Catching Rural Health Clinics by Surprise
- Benefits of a CCM Program for Patients and Clinics
- Patient-Centered Care Planning for Behavioral Health Integration
- Dry Ice Replacement Proves To Be Essential Solution in Rural America
- Preparing for the Future with PCMH
- Increasing Visits While Battling Staff Shortages
Medicaid Continuous Enrollment Unwinding
Resources Available to Support your Patients as we Approach the End of the PHE
Much of current healthcare operations are impacted by temporary policy and waivers in place for the duration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). As you know, this includes Medicare telehealth policy, which is set to expire 151-days after the PHE ends. For more on current telehealth policy READ MORE HERE.
RHC Vaccine Confidence Grant Project Period Concludes
Closeout Requirements Due Soon
Over the last twelve months, RHCs and their parent organizations have utilized the HRSA RHC Vaccine Confidence (RHCVC) Program in a variety of ways to reduce vaccine hesitancy within their communities. Many of you have planned engaging events, increased patient access to trusted providers and educators, kept your communities informed through billboards, social media, print flyers, and Public Service Announcements, and much more, all tailored to best meet the needs of your unique communities. READ MORE
988 Lifeline Suicide Prevention Lifeline
On July 16, 2022, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) will transition to an easy-to-remember, 3-digit number (988). This represents an unprecedented opportunity to strengthen and expand the existing network of over 200 locally operated and funded crisis centers across the country. READ MORE
NARHC Joins Webinar with White House on Test to Treat
NARHC’s vice president, Mandy Shelast, recently participated in a White House/HRSA webinar on Test to Treat with Dr. Ashish Jah and Administrator Carole Johnson. Mandy represented both Marshfield Clinic and the RHC community extremely well! You can find a link to the recording of the video HERE.
As a refresher, RHCs are able to acquire COVID therapeutics and tests through the COVID supply programs in the HPOP (Health Provider Ordering Portal) system. Once RHCs order therapeutics through the portal, RHCs can get the formal “test to treat” flag by reaching out to
Registration Opens Soon!
Certified Rural Health Clinic Professional Course
The Certified Rural Health Clinic Professional (CRHCP) Course is designed to educate learners on the operations, rules and regulations to manage a successful rural health clinic. This highly sought after, full-spectrum course is offered to Directors, Consultants, Clinic Administrators & other RHC leaders. LEARN MORE
NARHC has an Annual Award which recognizes and honors an outstanding leader and promoter of Rural Health Clinics. Nominate individuals who have dedicated their time and talent to advancing the health and well being of others through the RHC program.
Nominations will be accepted from members through August 1st. Recipients do not have to be NARHC members. This sign of our appreciation and national distinction will be awarded at the NARHC Annual Meeting in October. NOMINATE SOMEONE TODAY!
Sudan Medical Clinic Making Strides Towards Value-Based Care
Sudan Medical Clinic (SMC), located in Sudan Texas, is a family-owned clinic that provides general wellness, chronic illness management, pediatric care, women’s health check-ups, minor urgent care needs, certified DOT physicals, immunizations, school sports/activity physicals, and Texas Health Step Exams for patients on Texas Medicaid from birth to age 22. The certified rural health clinic opened in 2006 and expanded in 2016 by adding another location in Muleshoe, Texas. READ MORE
RHC Spotlights!
RHC Community Shares Experiences With Covid-19 Programs
Seen above is Michele Miller, Coordinator of RHCs for Valley Health. In this conversation with Mo Sullivan, NARHC Technical Assistance Specialist, Michele shares how the HRSA COVID-19 Testing Supply Program has ensured her community has access to COVID-19 testing. CLICK HERE to hear her words.
With the various COVID-19 programs available to support RHCs, NARHC is utilizing Facebook to share brief videos, quotes, pictures, and more directly from the RHC community. These programs include the RHC Testing and Mitigation funding, COVID-19 Testing Supply, Vaccine Confidence, Vaccine Distribution, and more. These “RHC Spotlight” posts allow RHCs to hear feedback directly from their peers about these programs.
Are you participating in any of the HRSA COVID-19 programs? We would love to feature you as our next RHC Spotlight! Visit our Facebook page to see our past spotlight posts: and email if you are interested in being featured!
The No Surprises Act is Catching Rural Health Clinics by Surprise
Many rural health clinics are still unfamiliar with the new federal No Surprises Act (NSA) and how it affects them. But with NSA regulations in effect since January 1, the time to act is running out... READ MORE
Benefits of a CCM Program for Patients and Clinics
Chronic Care Management (CCM) is a program designed to coordinate all patients’ health care needs and resources proactively. The goal of the CCM program is to ensure that patients receive the proper care, at the right time, in the right setting. A CCM program may integrate information technology systems and business processes, clinical services, risk management, provider networks, and other vital functions to help people work together to achieve an optimal level of care. READ MORE
Patient-Centered Care Planning for Behavioral Health Integration
Nearly 75% of primary care appointments include some kind behavioral health check-in. This can involve the mental factors connected to chronic disease management or the influence of stress and diet on well-being, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. It’s become clearer that integrating physical care with psychological needs can be an effective strategy for improving overall patient outcomes. But how is this actually implemented in a clinical setting? READ MORE
Dry Ice Replacement Proves to Be Essential Solution in Rural America
Lately, our world has been facing disaster, disease, and detriment. No one feels the effects more than rural America, as they deal with higher levels of poverty, unemployment, and disability; higher energy costs, a struggling agriculture industry, and low investment in resilient infrastructure; poor disaster preparedness, with small local governments and little to no funding for valuable federal programs. READ MORE
Preparing for the Future with PCMH
The Shift from Quantity to Quality
Within the last decade, we have seen significant transformation of our healthcare system and practices have had to keep pace, or at least most have attempted. These changes have proven to be frustrating for providers and staff as they are already stretched beyond their limits. Add a public health emergency to the mix and some of these changes seem nearly impossible. Value-based care, also known as accountable care, is ultimately designed to allow opportunities to improve patient satisfaction and outcomes while financially rewarding providers for the quality of care they are providing at a lower cost. READ MORE
Increasing Visits While Battling Staff Shortages
Plus Medicare Reimbursement Changes
As COVID-19 changed the landscape of healthcare, and impacted rural areas deeply, we are now in a precarious situation that is the culmination of the past 2 years changes. How do we increase patient visits to counteract Medicare changes while also combating staff shortages and healthcare burnout? The two seem to contradict, but we have solutions for your rural health clinic. READ MORE
NARHC Members may contribute articles to the quarterly newsletter.