Jolyn Smith

Photo credit: Jolyn Smith

Rural Health Connect

Improving the health of rural communities

In this issue: January 8, 2025

Statewide updates and news


  • Antimicrobial Stewardship ECHO series
  • Stay in the loop with Utah health trends

Statewide updates and news

Survey shows high retention of Utah’s Conrad State 30/J-1 physicians

A new survey shows that physicians who come to Utah with the help of our immigration programs intend to stay. Utah’s retention rate for visa waiver physicians is almost double the national average.

Read more

Utah Primary Care Grant Program

application cycle opens spring 2025

The Utah Primary Care Grant Program (UPCGP) application cycle will open spring of 2025. Private, nonprofit and for-profit entities that provide primary healthcare to underserved and underinsured individuals in urban and rural Utah are eligible to apply. 

Announcements will be sent via email, website and this newsletter when the exact dates are available. 

Share this newsletter with anyone you know who might be interested.


Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students program

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) released a new Notice of Funding Opportunity to increase the health workforce.

The Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students (SDS) Program funds schools that train health professions students in specific disciplines. Schools make scholarships available to students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Review our FAQs for more information. 

View grant opportunity

What are Physician Health Professional Shortage Area bonuses?

Medicare pays a 10% quarterly bonus to certain health care providers who furnish services in federally-designated HPSA shortage areas. 

Physician bonuses


Antimicrobial Stewardship ECHO series

January 15, 2025, Noon - 1pm

Christopher Chao, MD, Urgent Care Association

"This new ECHO series is dedicated to implementing and enhancing antimicrobial stewardship in outpatient settings. Sessions are held on the third Wednesday of each month from 12:00 to 1:00 pm MST and include free CME credits for providers. Please feel free to forward the registration form to anyone interested in attending and learning more about antimicrobial stewardship in their clinics."


Stay in the loop with Utah health trends

The Utah Department of Health and Human Services wants to make sure clinicians across the state get timely information about important health trends. In case you missed a message earlier last month, we invite you to join our listservs to stay in the loop.

  • Utah Health Alert Network (HAN): Urgent information for healthcare professionals during disease outbreaks, environmental threats, and other emergencies. You can expect 2–3 emails a month. Sign up here.

  • Public Health Update Listserv: Weekly updates on disease trends, best practices, and new testing procedures. Sign up here.

  • Public Health Grand Rounds: Twice a year lunchtime lecture series with Dr. Leisha Nolen, Utah state epidemiologist, that provides data and insights to help clinicians make well-informed decisions for their patients and communities. Eligible for CME. Sign up here.

Please share this information with other clinicians, public information officers, laboratorians, and public health practitioners to spread the word about registering to receive these public health messages.

Reach out to with any questions.

Contact us

PCRH provides support to all its stakeholders in the form of hands-on assistance, economic impact analysis, research, community health needs assessments, and healthcare workforce needs assessment. PCRH also provides technical assistance and pertinent information on student loan repayment programs and grant opportunities.

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Melissa Huntington

Photo credit: Melissa Huntington

Disclaimer: The Utah Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) may occasionally link to outside sources of information. Utah DHHS and state of Utah do not necessarily endorse the provider of the content and are not responsible for any content published on the external site.