Call Us! 615-907-9707
Improving The Health of Rural Tennesseans Through Advocacy, Education, & Service
We're Hiring!

RHA of TN has the opportunity to hire for the below positions:
  • Policy & Advocacy Director
  • Community Health Managers (4)
  • Rural Health Clinic Network Director
  • Communications Manager

We are looking for qualified candidates to help us represent rural Tennesseans in all corners of the state. Please spread the word to help us find the best candidates!

New Customizable Toolkit
The National Rural Health Resource Center has a new customizable toolkit to help communities share messages with vaccine hesitant people.

The toolkit emphasizes a patient's right to Learn, Understand, and Decide and includes resources like:
  • posters,
  • graphics,
  • social posts, and More!
Conference Planning
RHA of TN's conference committee is working to finalize speakers and activities for this year's conference in Pigeon Forge, TN November 17th - 19th, 2021.

Here are some ways you can help with the planning:
  • Submit 1-3 photos for a chance to be featured in a RHA of TN newsletter and/or the conference.
  • Silent Auction Items - Send an email to if you have an item you are willing to donate for the silent auction in November.
  • RHA of TN Awards - Nominate someone special for a Rural Health Award. Details here.
Email for more info.
Welcome New & Returning Sponsors!

RHA of TN is proud to have the support of the below business and nonprofit partners.
Click the logos to visit their websites.

  • June - Men's Health Month - Men’s Health Month aims to encourage boys and men to take charge of their overall health by implementing healthy living decisions. Visit for materials, social media graphics and health resources.

  • November 17th - 19th 2021 - RHA of TN's 27th Annual Conference. Early bird registration is open for our annual conference this November in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Details for guests, sponsors, and presenters are at:
  • Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy in Rural Communities Toolkit - Free toolkit of unbranded graphics to be shared in local newsletters and social posts. Click here.

  • 2021 Kids Count Data Book - This annual report contains state rankings to present a comprehensive picture of child well-being. The data shows that while Tennessee’s ranking at 36th is an improvement over the last decade, it is still in the bottom half of the nation on four key domains of child well-being.

  • Emotional Support Videos for Educators and Others - Tennessee Department of Education released a video series in partnership with Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and others, including RHA of TN. Read More.
Welcome New Members!
The below organizations have recently joined or renewed their memberships.
Members can search our member directory to connect with other members
when logging in to RHA of TN's website.
While you're searching, update your profile!
Thank you to our Platinum Sponsors
for making these events and our annual conference possible
Mailing Address:
PO Box 656,
Decaturville, TN 38329