Training Announcements

Vol. 20, June 23, 2016

TOPIn this issue, you will find upcoming trainings on automated vehicles, safety culture, and clear zones. 

Do not miss out on the next Safety Center training, Roundtable on the Public Health Side of Rural Transportation Safety . This free webinar will take place on Wednesday, July 6, 2016 and will host a question and answer roundtable with four experts that represent different facets of the public health side of rural transportation safety.

The National Association of Counties (NACO) will be hosting a webinar, Saving Lives through Local Road Safety Planning, on June 30, 2016. This webinar will introduce Local Road Safety Plans (LRSPs), and how your county can benefit from the development and implementation of one. Click here to register for this training.

Do not forget to save the date for the upcoming National Working Summit on Transportation in Rural America on September 7-9, 2016. Click here to register for this event.  There are many trainings coming up so make sure to plan ahead so you do not miss out on these great training opportunities! 
If you know of relevant trainings or events which are not included in our emails, please let us know so that we can add them. Also, if you know of sites, newsletters or other sources that we should monitor for upcoming trainings and events, please pass those along to us, as well. 

Jaime Sullivan
Center Manager
National Center for Rural Road Safety
In This Issue

Traffic Safety Weeks

Event: Vehicle Theft Prevention Month 
Date: July 1-31, 2016
Organization: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
NHTSA is launching its annual Vehicle Theft Prevention Campaign this July, which is Vehicle Theft Prevention Month, all across the nation. Vehicle theft is a very expensive crime, with the cost of stolen vehicles pegged at more than $4.1 billion - that's billion with a "B". And July is one of the months when more cars are stolen than any other month.

For more information about this event, click here .
Event: 4th of July - Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over 
Date: July 4, 2016
Organization: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
We love to celebrate the 4th of July with family, friends, food and fireworks, but all too often the festivities turn tragic on the nation's roads. The fact is, this iconic American holiday is also one of the deadliest holidays of the year due to drunk-driving crashes.

For more information about this event, click here .
Event: National Drunk Driving Enforcement 
Date: August 19 - September 5, 2016
Organization: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
The 2016 national enforcement mobilization "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" goes into effect across the country from August 17 to September 5, 2016. One of the deadliest and most often committed - yet preventable - of crimes [drunk driving], has become a serious safety epidemic in our country.

For more information about this event, click here .


Webinar: Every Day Counts - Smarter Work Zones
Date: June 23, 2016
Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm ET
Cost: Free
Organization: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Every Day Counts

Work zones are responsible for over 130 injuries, one fatality, and 10 percent of all congestion each day. One option for addressing these issues is to implement Smarter Work Zones (SWZs). SWZs utilize innovative strategies to better coordinate construction projects and/or deploy innovative technology applications to dynamically manage and minimize work zone safety and mobility impacts. SWZ techniques can improve safety and mobility for travelers, reduce schedule delays due to conflicts between projects, reduce overall operating costs to agencies, and increase the satisfaction of the traveling public, business owners, nearby residences, and politicians.

These webinars are meant to be participated at hub locations with numerous persons at each hub - this encourages local discussions on the topic.  To attend this live event, please contact the  EDC Coordinator in the FHWA Division office in your state  for information on the location.
Webinar: Automation in Europe: Update on Activities in the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom
Date: June 27, 2016
Time: 11:00 am to 12:30 pm ET
Cost: Free
Organization: USDOT ITS Joint Program Office

The U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) is hosting a series of webinars on the key issues and opportunities facing the integration of automated vehicles into our transportation system. Automation in Europe: Update on Activities in the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom is the fourth in this series of webinars produced from the 2015 Automated Vehicles Symposium. Unlike previous installations of this series, this 90-minute webinar will explore Europe's automated vehicle initiatives in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom (UK), and Sweden. 

For more information about this training, click here.
Webinar: Improving Safety Culture in Public Transportation
Date: June 28, 2016
Time: 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm ET
Cost: Free
Organization: National Transit Institute (NTI)

While public transportation systems in the United States have a commendable safety record overall, there have been a number of recent events that highlight the need to improve safety culture and safety performance.  As such, research  is needed to take a comprehensive and multifaceted look at addressing safety culture for public transportation systems.

This webinar, based on TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 174: Improving Safety Culture in Public Transportation presents research on the definition of safety culture within public transportation, presents methods and tools for assessing safety culture, and provides strategies and guidelines that public transportation agencies may apply to initiate and build a program for improving safety culture.

For more information about this training, click here.
Webinar: Saving Lives through Local Road Safety Planning
Date: June 30, 2016
Time: 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm ET
Cost: Free
Organization: National Association of Counties (NACO)

Join NACO on this interactive webinar to learn about Local Road Safety Plans (LRSPs), and how your county can benefit from the development and implementation of one. Federal, state, and local transportation experts will discuss the recognized positive impacts LRSPs have on local road safety through collaboration with safety stakeholders, building awareness and correlation with the State Strategic Highway Safety Plans (SHSP). LRSPs are designed to build on the foundation established by the SHSP. They can also provide the basis for systemic implementation of safety measures across the entire jurisdiction. This presentation will provide an overview of LRSP with a focus on (1) the "why" of developing Local Road Safety Plans; (2) the benefits realized and (3) different approaches to the development and implementation of the plans. This webinar is being presented with support from the sponsors of the NACo Community and Economic Development program.

For more information about this training, click here.
Webinar: The Public Health Side of Rural Transportation Safety
Date: July 6, 2016
Time: 11:00 am to 12:30 pm ET
Cost: Free
Organization: National Center for Rural Road Safety

This Safety Center sponsored webinar will explore the public health side of rural transportation safety. In this unique webinar, the Safety Center will host a question and answer roundtable with four experts that represent different facets of the public health side of rural transportation safety. 

For more information about this training, click here.
Webinar: Countermeasures for Reducing Collisions at Pedestrian Crossings 
Date: July 7, 2016
Time: 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm ET
Cost: $249 members/ $299 non-members
Organization: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Improving pedestrian safety has become increasingly emphasized. The desire to improve pedestrian safety extends to areas typically seen as being non-pedestrian-friendly, such as the higher speeds and wider roadways. With traffic conditions changing as traffic volumes and congestion increase, pedestrians' ability to safely cross many roadways is affected. Recent developments in geometric design features, traffic control devices, and technologies may improve pedestrian safety and access by addressing specific problems associated with roadway crossings. 

Several recent publications have focused on countermeasures for reducing collisions at crosswalks in various types of locations. This webinar provides a comprehensive review of those counter measures, provide examples of each type in different environments, and identify potential costs and studies about their effectiveness. The webinar discusses countermeasures for both uncontrolled and controlled locations as well intersections and midblock locations.

For more information about this training, click here.
Webinar: Introduction to Integrated Corridor Management 
Date: July 12, 2016
Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm ET
Cost: Free
Organization: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), American Public Transit Association (APTA), National Transit Institute (NTI), and US Department of Transportation

Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) focuses on managing a transportation corridor by creating a framework for interaction and coordination among the various agencies that operate facilities along that corridor, including transit agencies and operators. Transit agencies can play an important role in the process of improving mobility and reduce congestion on a busy corridor through the collection and use of real-time information on the location and capacity of transit vehicles. Real-time information enhances the ability of an agency to provide additional capacity to improve person throughput. Module 13 provides an introduction to ICM that includes highlighting pertinent transit and other standards deployed through the use of ICM case studies. 

For more information about this training, click here.
Webinar: Using Technology for Practical Purposes in Work Zones
Date: July 12, 2016
Time: 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm ET
Cost: Free
Organization: Transportation Research Board (TRB)

TRB will conduct a webinar on Tuesday, July 12, 2016 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM ET that focuses on current technologies that can help plan and evaluate work zones. It will also discuss future vehicle-to-worker technologies under evaluation which could enhance work zone safety.

For more information about this training, click here.
Webinar: Applying GTFS to your Agency 
Date: July 13, 2016
Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm ET
Cost: Free
Organization: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), American Public Transit Association (APTA), National Transit Institute (NTI), and US Department of Transportation

The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) defines a common format for public transportation schedules and associated geographic information that is "open," available, and widely adopted by transit agencies.  GTFS "feeds" allow public transit agencies to publish their transit data and developers to write applications that consume that data in an interoperable way.  GTFS is also a key component of Travel Information System (TIS). 

For more information about this training, click here.
Webinar: Electronic Fare Payment/ Advanced Payment Systems 
Date: July 14, 2016
Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm ET
Cost: Free
Organization: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), American Public Transit Association (APTA), National Transit Institute (NTI), and US Department of Transportation

Electronic   Fare   Payment   (EFP)   is   the   automated   calculation,   validation,   collection,   recording,   and reporting of passenger fare payments using some form of electronic media for trips on a   public transportation system. Implementation of Open Payment acceptance as part of an electronic fare payment (EFP) system   will   create a number of technical and operational impacts for the agency and its system   integrator although these may, depending on the implementation approach applied, be offset by   certain benefits that are unique to this form of fare payment.

For more information about this training, click here.
Webinar: Application of Clear Zones for Roadway Departures
Date: July 22, 2016
Time: 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm ET
Cost: $99 members/ $159 non-members
Organization: American Society of Civil Engineer (ASCE)

The fourth edition of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide presents information on the latest state-of-the-practice in roadside safety. It presents procedures to determine a recommended minimum clear zone on tangent sections of roadway with variable side slopes and adjustments for horizontal curvature. The AASHTO Sixth Edition of A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (Green Book) enumerates a clear zone value for various functional classes of highway. This webinar will provide information on how roadside clear zones are to be provided in area with and without curbs. Clarification of the terminology used in various FHWA publications will be provided including the understanding of clear zones and their importance. The first half of the presentation will focus on how to minimize roadway departures. The second half of the presentation will focus on what should be done to mitigate  crashes resulting from drivers drifting out of the travel lanes.

For more information about this training, click here.
Webinar: California High-Speed Rail: Challenges, Best Practices, Project Implementation, and Station Area Development
Date: July 26, 2016
Time: 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm ET
Cost: $149 members/ $199 non-members
Organization: Institute of Transportation Engineers

This webinar focuses on how the $64 billion California High Speed Rail project is redefining transportation in the US
with special emphasis on unique engineering challenges, station area development implications, public outreach best
practices, and project implementation.

For more information about this training, click here.
Webinar: Did You Know a Road Can Go on a Diet?
Date: July 28, 2016
Time: 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET
Cost: Free
Organization: Federal Highway Administration, Every Day Counts Program

As one of the initiatives included in the Every Day Counts (EDC) program, Road Diets are a low-cost measure that improves safety, calms traffic, and takes into account the needs of all roadway users. FHWA is currently focusing on increasing awareness of Road Diets and their benefits through training, technical assistance, and outreach. This FHWA webinar will provide information on how to determine candidate roads for Road Diets, feasibility/evaluation criteria, design aspects, and other unique considerations.

For more information about this training, click here.
Webinar: Controlling Corrosion of Infrastructure Systems
Date: August 4, 2016
Time: 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm ET
Cost: Free members/ $95 non-members
Organization: Transportation Research Board (TRB)

TRB will conduct a webinar on Thursday, August 4, 2016 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM ET that discusses corrosion control. Corrosion poses a risk to public safety and the environment; the annual direct cost of corrosion in the United States is estimated to be more than 3 percent of national GDP. This webinar will help engineers bridge the gap between academic research and practices to address corrosion infrastructure durability. Presenters will discuss the causes of corrosion, the methods of monitoring corrosion, and methods to reduce corrosion and rehabilitate structures. 

For more information about this training, click here.
Webinar: Guidance on Developing Crash Modification Factors
Date: August 11, 2016
Time: 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm ET
Cost: Free members/ $95 non-members
Organization: Transportation Research Board (TRB)

TRB will conduct a webinar on Thursday, August 11, 2016 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM ET on crash modification factors (CMFs). A CMF is a number used to quantify how effective a safety measure is expected to be when implemented. This webinar will discuss the basic study types used to develop CMFs, what data are needed, and how to avoid potential biases. 

For more information about this training, click here .

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Instructor-Led Trainings
Training: Roundabout and Safety Performance Training
Date: June 28, 2016
Location: Watsonville, CA
Organization: Kittelson and Associates, Inc.
Jorge Aguilar, PE of  Wallace Group will highlight the changing tools and methods that support planning and implementation of public works facilities and how these tools were used in recent projects. Brian Ray and Matt Braughton from Kittelson & Associates, Inc. (KAI) will be conducting training sessions covering the following three areas of transportation design:

Intersection Control Evaluations (ICE) - KAI worked with Caltrans Headquarters and District 5 staff to implement this Caltrans' 2013 Traffic Operations Policy Directive. A number of local communities have successfully applied ICE activities to objectively consider the fullest range of intersection control strategies. Specifically KAI and Wallace Group completed a streamlined ICE for the Holman Highway Interchange and recently completed more extensive ICE products for TAMC. Objectively determining the appropriate intersection control can be useful for many of our local roadway corridors. ICE considers account future traffic volumes, multimodal quality of service, construction costs, maintenance costs, and safety. 

Roundabouts 101 - During the training, Kittelson will be providing basic rules of thumb for laying out single and multilane roundabouts that is based on roundabout size, location, and approach configuration. KAI literally wrote the book on roundabouts - NCHRP Report 672: Roundabouts: An Informational Guide. 

Safety Analysis - Many of our local roads are rural two lane roadways. KAI will present an overview the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) a will provide practical examples on how to use HSM to develop a tool box of options for improving safety and traffic on our rural roadways.

For more information about this training, click here.
Training: School Crossing Design and Safety Analysis
Date: July 11, 2016
Location: College Park, MD
Organization: Maryland Transportation Technology Transfer Center
The School Crossing Design Course instructed by Dane Ismart will cover the recommended guidelines for school crossings. Various issues such as determining the school area boundaries, signing and markings for school crossing areas, and design criteria will be covered. Requirements and guidelines as covered by the Maryland MUTCD will be reviewed as part of the class. How to select treatments such as potential signalization, crossing guards, pedestrian cross walks, coverage, school speed zones and speed monitoring, location of traffic control devices, and warrants will be presented to the class. The Safe Routes to School program will be reviewed. Sources for information and school crossing information will be given to the class as well as innovative school treatments from other states. A class exercise will be conducted by the participants to demonstrate the application of the procedures and design principles for implementing school crossing treatments.

For more information about this training, click here.
Training: NW TTAP Summer Tribal Planning Institute: Tribal Planning
Date: July 11-15, 2016
Location: Spokane, WA
Organization: Northwest Tribal Technical Assistance Program, Eastern Washington University
This five-day workshop will describe the history, structures and powers of tribal government within tribal sovereignty for tribal planning. It will include an overview of land use planning based on a Comprehensive Plan that covers the natural environment, land use, housing and community facilities, economic development, and transportation as elements of the plan. The class will also cover the unique processes of Tribal Specific Comprehensive Plans that incorporate elements of tribal history, tribal language and culture; tribal lands; tribal architecture and housing; land use patterns, tribal health and wellness; tribal economic and community development, and their significance in planning for contemporary and future communities. The course will include an assessment of contemporary tribal planning practices for sustainable tribal futures through a review of tribal plans and best practices.
The model for tribal planning is the development of tribal (or village) specific planning as a unique and dynamic process which uses some of the same tools of non-tribal planning but expands from a base of tribal sovereignty.

For more information about this training, click here.
Training: Crash and Safety Data Analysis
Date: July 12, 2016
Location: College Park, MD
Organization: Maryland Transportation Technology Transfer Center
This day and a half course instructed by  Dane Ismart  will cover the following: (1) Crash Data and Computation of Crash Frequency; (2) Condition Diagramming and Collision Types; (3) Speed Analysis and Traffic Calming; (4) Sight Distance Analysis; (5) Pedestrian Safety; (6) School Crossing Considerations; (7) Marking and Signing Considerations; and (8) Safety Design Issues and Mitigation.

For more information about this training, click here.
Training: Crash and Intersection Safety Data Analysis
Date: July 14, 2016
Location: Chester, VA
Organization: University of Virginia, Center for Transportation Studies
This one-day course instructed by Mr. Dane Ismart will cover the following: crash data and computation of crash frequency, condition diagramming and collision types, speed analysis and traffic calming, sight distance analysis, pedestrian safety, school crossing considerations, and safety design issues and mitigation.

For more information about this training, click here.
Training: Traffic Management Through Signals, Signs And Markings
Date: July 28, 2016
Location: Dawson Springs, KY
Organization: University of Kentucky, Kentucky Transportation Center
This workshop will show examples of proper signs and markings, sign requirements, proper placement, warrants, sign supports and pavement markings.  This course will also discuss the background on traffic signals, signal indications, hardware, left turn signals, signal coordination an pedestrian signals.  Also included in this course are the latest changes to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices  (MUTCD). 

For more information about this training, click here.
Training: Low Cost Safety Improvements
Date: August 3, 2016
Location: Midlothian, VA
Organization: University of Virginia, Center for Transportation Studies
Each year, motor vehicle crashes on U.S. roadways claim more than 33,000 lives, cause 3 million injuries, and involve $230 billion in costs. The Federal Highway Administration and AASHTO, among others, have identified roadway safety as a high priority. The consequences of motor vehicle crashes would not be nearly so high if programs, tools, and technologies that have been developed were more extensively deployed to make roads safer for travel.

This workshop emphasizes the application of traffic control devices, enhanced traffic control device application measures, low-cost safety improvements, and their specific safety benefits in terms of crash modification factors. Signing, marking, and illumination are highlighted. The information is directly applicable to addressing requests and comments from the public.

For more information about this training, click here.
Training: NW TTAP Summer Tribal Planning Institute: GIS for Tribal Planning, Transportation and Traffic Safety
Date: August 8-12, 2016
Location: Spokane, WA
Organization: Northwest Tribal Technical Assistance Program, Eastern Washington University

This five-day workshop will cover the fundamentals of Geographical Information Systems for spatial data collection, mapping, and spatial analysis of data for planning, transportation planning and traffic safety.  ESRI ARC-GIS software will be utilized in computer-lab based instruction, along with data collection APPs, tutorials and lectures at beginning and advanced levels.  Students will learn how to download existing data sets and to go into the field to create spatial data for later mapping and analysis.  The class will explore spatial inventory and analysis of environmental and land use data; road inventory data collection, analysis and mapping; and analysis of existing traffic safety data for the boundaries of the reservation and surrounding areas on or leading to reservations.  Advanced analysis will combine road conditions and crash data as part of traffic safety planning to identify contributing factors and effective countermeasures as part of transportation safety projects for tribes. 

For more information about this training, click here.
Training: Designing for Pedestrian Safety
Date: August 16, 2016
Location: Akron, OH
Organization: National Transit Institute (NTI)

The Designing for Pedestrian Safety course is intended to help state and local transportation engineering professionals address pedestrian safety issues through design and engineering solutions. The training course includes a field exercise in the application of the principles, concepts, and strategies covered in the course. Also the participants will share and prioritize potential policies, programs, and strategies.

For more information about this training, click here.
Training: Traffic Incident Management Training for Emergency Responders
Date: August 17, 2016
Location: Piscataway, NJ
Organization: Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT)

Three vehicle crashes involving injuries occur every minute in the United States putting nearly 39,000 incident responders in harm's way daily. Disruption and congestion from these incidents can increase the likelihood of secondary crashes, cause delays, and increase driver frustration. The longer responders remain on the scene, the greater the risk they, and the traveling public, face. Correct traffic incident management (TIM) focuses on responding in a way that protects motorists and emergency personnel while minimizing negative effects on traffic. TIM practices include detecting, verifying, and responding to incidents; clearing the incident scene; and restoring traffic flow.

Using a multi-discipline approach, first responders in New Jersey will learn how to operate more efficiently and act collectively. The training covers topics including TIM guidelines, fundamentals, and terminology; notifications and scene size up; scene safety and risk management; traffic management; special circumstances; clearance; and termination.

This course is open to all traffic-incident first responders including personnel in law enforcement, fire fighting, emergency medical services (EMS), public safety, public works, towing and recovery, and hazardous materials (HAZMAT).

For more information about this training, click here.
Training: Work Zone Safety Awareness Workshop
Date: September 9, 2016
Location: Piscataway, NJ
Organization: Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT)

The Work Zone Safety Awareness Program is offered to participants who require an overview of working safely in the roadway. As new or veteran employees enter or re-enter the construction and public works profession, they are frequently required to set up short-term work zones or are assigned to long-term projects. There are no allowances for errors when working next to traffic, so it is important for personnel to have a solid understanding of work zone safety compliance with the national MUTCD standards. Also, the roles of workers and enforcement personnel at work sites, differences between NJDOT and local projects, and legal responsibilities in work zones will be addressed during this program.

For more information about this training, click here.
Training: Designing Safer Roads for Pedestrians and Vulnerable Road Users
Date: September 20, 2016
Location: College Park, MD
Organization: University of Maryland, Maryland Transportation Technology Transfer Center

Vulnerable road users (VRU) are susceptible to traffic injuries and fatalities, perhaps more so than drivers. Yet we design highways for the mobility of cars sometimes neglecting the needs of the most vulnerable, such as pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, transit users and others. This course instructed by Juan M. Morales, P.E. will teach participants how to diagnose pedestrian (and other VRU) safety deficiencies and select the appropriate countermeasures to make conditions safer for all users including an overview of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA)accessibility requirements. Engineering countermeasures will be emphasized but education and enforcement countermeasures will also be covered.  

For more information about this training, click here.

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Conference: ASSE Safety 2016 Professional Development Conference and Exposition
Date: June 26-29, 2016
Location: Atlanta, GA
Organization: American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE)

The ASSE Safety 2016 Professional Development Conference & Exposition is for OSH professionals who want to achieve exceptional safety results. Hear from distinguished speakers and engage in strategic sessions covering emerging topics and trends. Make connections with over 4,000 peers and gain actionable insight from proven leaders.

For more information about this conference, click here.
Conference: International Conference on Transportation and Development
Date: June 26-29, 2016
Location: Houston, TX
Organization: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

The ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development (ICTD 2016) will focus on projects and best practices that truly contribute to smart transportation and development, essential components of competitiveness and prosperity. It will provide a forum for relevant engineering research, applications, and innovations that contribute to competitiveness, efficiency, convenience, safety and well-being.

Presentations and panel discussions will cover transportation and development planning, financing, functional design, construction, operation, and management: how practitioners are improving performance to meet the critical mobility and development challenges of a changing operational and competitive environment. Presentations, papers, and posters are sought to address transportation applications, innovations, and critical needs.

For more information about this conference, click here.
Conference: ITE Western District Annual Meeting
Date: July 10-13, 2016
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Organization: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)

The Institute of Transportation Engineers Western District Annual Meeting will commence for the 69th year in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The New Mexico Section is honored to welcome our professional, vendor, and student colleagues and their guests to the Land of Enchantment July 10-13, 2016.

The meeting content will include a mix of interactive presentation, Ignite sessions, and workshop formats. Sessions will be focused on state-of-the practice, advancement of the profession, and emerging issues designed to provide transportation professionals in the public and private sectors with tools and resources that can be adapted to meet their organizational needs.

For more information about this conference, click here.
Conference: National LTAP/TTAP Conference
Date: July 18-21, 2016
Location: MadisonWI
Organization: National Local Technical Assistance Program Association (NLTAPA)

The National Local Technical Assistance Program Association(NLTAPA) holds their annual conference to share the latest knowledge, skills and materials that enhance the performance of its Centers. NLTAPA works with all local and rural road partners, customers and stakeholders, to develop Center staff competencies, and support interest of NLTAPA members.

For more information about this conference, click here.
Conference: Traffic Records Forum 2016
Date: August 7-10, 2016
Location: Baltimore, MD
Organization: Association of Transportation Safety Information Professionals (ATSIP)

The Traffic Records Forum is a four day opportunity to participate in presentations, exhibits, workshops, and seminars on topics of interest to the highway traffic safety and data communities, and to help guide national discourse about traffic records during the ATSIP general meeting.

For more information about this conference, click here.
Conference: Annual IACP Training Conference on Drugs, Alcohol, and Impaired Driving
Date: August 13-15, 2016
Location: Denver, CO
Organization: International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)

This training conference provides certified drug recognition experts, physicians, toxicologists, prosecutors, and other traffic safety professionals with a forum in which to share information, best practices and lessons learned in law enforcement drug recognition settings. Though the technology and practices have changed and are constantly evolving, the conference provides consistent training, professional development, and a  national forum for drug recognition experts and others with a professional interest on a broad array of new and emerging issues. 

The annual training conference features a mix of plenary sessions and concurrent workshops that are designed to keep attendees up to date on the latest practice and science of drug recognition. This year, topics will include the traffic safety implications of ending marijuana prohibition, the use of Oral Fluid Testing for DUID, and improving DRE evaluation and report writing, among many others. Networking events enable conference attendees to meet new colleagues and establish a professional rapport that often extends well beyond the event.

For more information about this conference, click here.
Conference: 2016 Institute of Transportation Engineers Annual Meeting and Exhibit
Date: August 14-17, 2016
Location: Anaheim, CA
Organization: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)

Join ITE August 14-17 in Anaheim, CA at our 2016 Annual Meeting and Exhibit as we explore "Expanding Our Horizons-Change. Challenge. Opportunity." This year's annual meeting and exhibit is about embracing change.

Transportation professionals from around the world will convene at the Anaheim Marriott for four days of discussion, peer-to-peer conversation, and networking. As the showcase event for both ITE and the transportation profession, our annual meeting and exhibit is the stage for national and international perspectives to be shared. Educational sessions and workshops will also tap into the wealth of transportation innovation taking place in California.

For more information about this conference, click here.
Conference: 49th Annual National Association of Women Highway Safety Leaders Conference
Date: August 24-28, 2016
Location: Seattle, WA
Organization: National Association of Women Highway Safety Leaders (NAWHSL)

Join members of the National Association of Women Highway Safety Leaders at their 49th Annual Conference in Seattle, Washington. Dedicated to preventing and reducing motor vehicle crashes on our roadways, as well as the resulting deaths and life-changing injuries, the Conference agenda includes a variety of workshops aimed at "Saving Lives - NAWHSL: The Heart of Traffic Safety".The conference provides a wonderful opportunity for participants to network and share ideas and programs that are working in their states, communities, etc. Please plan to attend this year's informative conference and enjoy the camaraderie!

For more information about this conference, click here.
Conference: 2016 GHSA Annual Meeting Crossroads: The Intersection of Technology and Driver Behavior 
Date: August 27-31, 2016
Location: Seattle, WA
Organization: Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA)

Crossroads: The Intersection of Technology and Driver Behavior is the theme for the 2016 GHSA Annual Meeting. General Sessions will address how technological innovations can impact the way we drive now and in the future.  Breakout workshops will cover a wide variety of hot topics, including drowsy driving, drug-impaired driving, teen drivers, automated enforcement, and more.  The meeting provides a wide range of sponsorship and partnership opportunities  for organizations to gain visibility and access a wide range of highway safety leaders.

For more information about this conference, click here.
Conference: National Working Summit on Transportation in Rural America
Date: September 7-9, 2016
Location: Denver, CO
Organization: National Center for Rural Road Safety

Transportation moves rural America. Rural communities need safe, viable roads and multi-modal systems to move people from place to place; and to move goods and services to markets, often across long distances. Without reliable and well-maintained transportation networks through rural areas, visitors cannot enjoy iconic travel and recreation opportunities; and businesses cannot ensure coast-to-coast delivery of goods.

This summit is all-inclusive, bringing together key leaders and grassroots stakeholders to articulate important safety and transportation issues that impact quality of life and economic prosperity in rural areas. It will also identify collaborative opportunities to advocate for and implement initiatives that advance the deployment of a safe, efficient, seamless, and financially sustainable rural transportation network.

For more information about this conference, click here.
Conference: CVSA Annual Conference and Exhibition
Date: September 18-22, 2016
Location: Little Rock. AR
Organization: Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA)

The Alliance provides the opportunities and framework for its members to work together to advance its mission to achieve quality, uniformity and consistency in commercial motor vehicle safety and security all across North America, all year long. However, it is the in-person meetings that take place throughout the year that provide the most effective and efficient way for key stakeholders-government officials, enforcement and industry-to collaborate and affect meaningful changes to the overall culture of transportation safety throughout Canada, Mexico and the United States. That's exactly why attending the CVSA Annual Conference & Exhibition is so important.

The Alliance's premier annual event includes roll-up-your-sleeve meetings of CVSA's elected leadership, technical working committees, program committees and task forces. The benefits of the face-to-face interaction are priceless-participants get down to business, discuss, examine, cooperate and make tremendous strides in furthering CVSA's mission. Please join your colleagues at year's most important gathering of the CMV safety and security community in Buffalo. Together, we make a difference and save lives.

For more information about this conference, click here.
Conference: American Society of Civil Engineers Convention
Date: September 28 - October 1, 2016
Location: Portland, OR
Organization: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

The ASCE Convention is the Society's premiere membership event. It is the single annual opportunity where the entire Society joins together reflecting the diversity that ASCE encompasses. The convention program is designed to have integrated, multi-cultural, technical, and educational components to meet the needs of the profession.

For more information about this conference, click  here.
Conference: 19th Annual National Tribal Transportation Conference
Date: October 3-6, 2016
Location: Anaheim, CA
Organization: Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP)

The seven TTAP Centers throughout the U.S., in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration, bring you the 19th Annual Tribal Transportation Conference. The program for this year's conference is developed to meet your transportation needs.The agenda is set for many opportunities to visit booths and displays during registration, breaks, meals and breakout sessions.

This NTTC 2016 will be held at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel in Anaheim, California. It promises to be an exciting event that brings together tribal, federal, state, and private interests that work in the field of tribal transportation. The conference will provide information and resources for all who are committed to improving the transportation infrastructure of Indian country and the safety of those who live, work and travel the roadways of Indian lands. Come participate, learn, and enjoy the conference.

For more information about this conference, click  here.
Conference: American Road and Transportation Builders Association National Convention
Date: October 4-6, 2016
Location: Tucson, AZ
Organization: American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)

The American Road and Transportation Builders Association, based in Washington, D.C. is one of the largest, most respected transportation and construction trade groups in the world. They bring hundreds of companies, buyers, sellers and customers within the industry together each year at the ARTBA National Convention.

For more information about this conference, click here.
Conference: Rail~Volution Conference
Date: October 9-12, 2016
Location: San Francisco, CA
Organization: Rail~Volution

Learn, grow, and be inspired at the only transportation conference that showcases the link between land use, transit and development. This meticulously curated annual event brings together planners, community activists, transit officials, consultants, developers, lenders, grassroots organizations, academics, elected officials, health advocates and housing advocates to share the most cutting edge information in their fields. For over 20 years, these experts and innovators have come from hundreds of communities to engage in thoughtful discussions at the Rail~Volution conference, a place to explore ideas, breakthroughs, challenges and solutions for building livable communities with transit.

For more information about this conference, click here.
Conference: 2016 Toward Zero Deaths Conference
Date: November 16-17, 2016
Location: Duluth, MN
Organization: University of Minnesota's Center for Transportation Studies, Minnesota Department of Transportation

This conference provides a forum for sharing information on best practices in engineering, enforcement, education, and emergency medical/health services and for identifying new approaches to reducing the number of traffic fatalities and life-changing injuries on Minnesota roads.

For more information about this conference, click here.