Rutiz Family Farms


Our new crop of potatoes are being harvest and gold "Halcyon" potatoes, yellow fingerlings and our usual Sierra Gold variety.  A note about these early potatoes...their skins haven't quite developed to be thick enough to carry them through a longer storage time, so use them within a week or two of purchase.  Later on in the season, the skins will have developed thicker and thus the ability to store longer.

If any of you missed our "milkweed" giveaway of two Saturdays ago ( or if you need an additional plant for your garden )...we still have plenty of plants left that need to find good homes.  This Saturday, we again welcome docents from the Pismo State Park Monarch Butterfly Trees.  They will be providing information on how you can, in your own garden at home, provide habitat for the Monarch Butterflies when they come to visit the Central Coast this fall.   To help you get started in your own Butterfly project, our farm has grown "Narrow Leaf Milkweed" plants in 4 inch pots.  These plants are ready for you to take home and plant in your garden and will provide food for the Monarch Butterfly larva when the adults lay their eggs later this year.  As our farm's small part in helping the Monarch's survival, we will be providing one plant free to each family that comes by this Saturday.  The State Park docents will be at our the farm this Saturday, from 11 to 3 pm, giving you tips on how to make a happy home for the butterflies!

What's happening with our strawberries?  Now that the weather has warmed up and the berries taste great...the plants are getting tired and aren't producing as many berries.  We will continue to have strawberries for sale on the stand table...but we are only picking a limited amount each day, so be sure to come by earlier in the day to have the best chance to take some home.  The u-pick field is still open each day for you hardy pickers, just not as plentiful berries as a few weeks ago.

BeeWench Farms chicken, pork and bone broth.
 Little Red Hen bread 
BlissRiver Organics elderberry syrup.
Kacey Cakes gluten free treats 
Central Coast Catch ( fish ) will offer their pre-ordered Kevin Hall at for sign up info.

Carol and Nancy will be offering their cookies, scones and muffins...tasty treats!
Shannon and Justin from MicroCosmic Organics will have their organic microgreens .
Nelson and Christina from Wild Bread Co will have their freshly baked breads. 

Grown on our farm using organic farming methods: cabbage, zucchini, chard, bok choy, celery, potatoes and carrots.
Persian cucumbers from Phillip at SLO Grown Produce in Arroyo Grande...pesticide free.
Hass avocados from David Righetti near SLO.
Yellow nectarines from Island Farms in Kingsburg...certified organic.

Cooking the Rainbow colored chard:
Heat olive oil in a large skillet or pot over medium heat. Stir in the sliced garlic, red pepper flakes, and chard stems, and cook for 3 minutes until the flavor of the garlic mellows and the stems begin to soften. Stir in the shredded chard leaves, cover, and cook 5 minutes over medium-low heat.

BOK CHOY STIR FRY from Allrecipe website:
 This basic stir-fry can be served as is, or you can add meat or tofu to make it more substantial. Quick and easy, this is one of my favorite ways to load up on leafy greens. Serve with fluffy rice or over noodles.  The bok choy cooks down quite a bit, so the raw amount may look like it will be too much before cooking.   If you want a more robust flavor, feel free to add some soy sauce or oyster sauce to the finished product, but personally I like to let the simple but delicious taste of the bok choy shine through
1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 2 cloves garlic (crushed and chopped) 1 to 2 heads bok choy (trimmed and cut into bite-size pieces..use both the white stems and the green leaves )
Heat the oil in a large skillet or wok over medium heat, and cook the garlic in the hot oil until fragrant, 1 to 2 minutes.
Mix in the bok choy, and cook and stir until the green parts of the leaves turn bright green and the stalks become slightly translucent, 5 to 8 minutes. Sprinkle with salt to serve.

Cabbage--A simple coleslaw recipe using the cabbage and carrots:
Combine the shredded cabbage and carrots in a large bowl. Whisk together the mayonnaise, sour cream, onion, sugar, vinegar, mustard, celery salt, salt, and pepper in a medium bowl, and then add to the cabbage mixture. Mix well to combine and taste for seasoning; add more salt, pepper, or sugar if desired.

 Springville Ranch "Grass Fed" Ground Beef ..for sale in frozen 1 pound packages
Custom canned  Premium Albacore caught by Wayne and Diane Moody of Arroyo Grande.  Check out their website at for more info on their sustainable fishing methods, their history and recipe ideas.

Medjool Dates from Christina and Robert at the Flying Disc Ranch located in Coachella Valley ( near Palm Springs ).

 "Artisan" breads from "Little Red Hen" Bakery every Tuesday and Friday and N.14th Wild Bread Co. every Saturday.
Goat cheeses from Drake Farms in Southern California...apricot and honey, jalapeno, herbs de Provence,  and garlic and onion flavors. 
Heather and John Teixeira bring their locally raised beef cuts to our stand every 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month.  Sarah and Ryan from Beewench Farms brings their frozen chickens every 2nd and 4th Friday.
Almond Brittle from Paso Almonds of SLO...freshly made each week by Rusty and his crew.
Bone Broth made with BeeWench chicken bones and organic vegetables. 
Sierra High brand Lavender and White Sage essential oils.

Vegetable and herb starts from The Transitions Mental Health Growing Grounds of Santa Maria...pesticide free!  
We have two great beekeepers that bring their honey to our stand...Alisha Taft from the Rock Front Ranch near Cuyama  brings her sage and wildflower honeys and David's Blue Ribbon Honey ( and bee pollen ) from the Arroyo Grande area. 
"At Rutiz Farms, our goal is to provide the highest quality fresh produce while using sustainable farming practices, including legume green manure cover cropping, organic fertilizers, no pesticides and no GMO crops."     Our goal is bring to our customers ( and their families ).. fresh, nutritious, and safe food at a reasonable price and good value.


Available at the Standstrawberry
Here are the items that we should have on the "table" for this week:
strawberries--$3.50/ basket, 3 baskets for $10
baby bok choy--$1.50 / bunch
fennel--$1 each
kale--$2/ bunch
dandelion greens--$2/ bunch
collard greens---$2/ bunch
Green garlic --$2/ bunch
chard--$2/ bunch
beets--$2/ bunch
radishes--$1.50/ bunch
lettuce-- $1.50 each
"Sierra Gold" potatoes--$2/ pound
fava beans--$3/ pound
"Mokum" orange baby carrots--$2.50 / bunch
leeks--$ 2 pound
baby mixed salad greens--$2/ bag of about 1/2 pound 
Endive --$3/ bag of about 1/2 pound
spicy greens  mix--$3/ bag of about 1/2 pound  
Bloomsdale baby spinach--$2/ bag
fresh herbs--$1/ bunch.. Italian flat-leaf parsley, cilantro , mint, rosemary, French tarragon and basil
Flowers: $6 / bunch

from other growers ( pesticide free unless otherwise noted )
Hass avocados--$1.50 each
peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots--$3.50/ pound
blueberries--$4/ basket
Meyer lemons--$2.50/ pound
Mandarin tangerines--$2.50/ pound
apples--$2.50/ pound
yellow onions--$1.00/ pound ( "conventionally grown" in Washington State)
Honey:,$14 for a 1 pound jar, $22 for a 2 pound jar
goat cheese--$7/ tub
almond brittle--$5 / 5 oz bag or $13/ 1 pound bag

Harvest Box Info
You are welcome to come by and pick out individual items from the table or continue to pick up your reserved Harvest box or both( add items that may not be included in your Box that week)..The Harvest Boxes, which cost $20 / week , will be available for pick up during the Stand hours on Fridays only. I would ask you to kindly let me know by Thursday evening of each week, with a E mail response( use the link in the right hand column of this newsletter where it says  Order Your Harvest Box)  if you want a Box for the week.    Please take note:  this ordering link is only usable for the current week's newsletter....After Friday morning of each week, the ordering link becomes unusable!


Week of June 14 2019

In This Issue
Available at the Stand
Harvest Box Info

Order Your Harvest Box  
Click Here      
(this ordering link is only active until 7am  Friday of the week that this newsletter was originally sent out. )
Harvest Box   

Produce in the Harvest Box this week:


orange carrots

green zucchini

"Rainbow" colored chard


bok choy

red and gold "new" potaotes

"Persian" cucumbers

Hass avocados

yellow nectarines

  PLEASE bring back the empty boxes each week.
Stand Hours

Tuesdays through Fridays: noon to 6pm
Saturdays: 10am to 4pm

1075 "The Pike" in Arroyo Grande.
We are located on the south side of The Pike, between Halcyon Road and Elm Street. Visit our web site at for a map to the farm.

Our mailing address is:
Rutiz Farms
333 Miller Way
Arroyo Grande,  Ca 93420

Join Our Mailing List
Thank you for choosing to support our farm and local, pesticide free, sustainable agriculture.

Jerry & Maureen
Rutiz Family Farms