Swedish American Chambers of Commerce


September 2023

This newsletter contains news, updates and relevant information from the Swedish American Chambers of Commerce Inc.


Kära vänner, 

Trust this message finds you in good health and high spirits. 

The SACC-USA flagship event, the SACC SUMMIT, on September 13th - 15th is rapidly drawing near. Limited seats and remaining speaker/sponsor openings can be secured via saccevent@sacc-usa.org. This contact point is also available for addressing any pragmatic or logistical inquiries!

The eminent platform for fostering business growth will interweave talks from distinguished thought leaders and accomplished executives with exquisite dining options and a selection of beverages tailored to your preference. The occasion will be framed by a three-course dinner preceding the event, followed by a networking and cocktail reception at the Ford Museum marking a splendid closure to the summit.


Feel free to reach out if you wish to delve into details about the SACC SUMMIT or any matters pertaining to Swedish-American commerce, investments, and camaraderie! 

With enthusiasm, the SACC-USA team is looking forward to the pleasure of seeing you there!


Warm regards, 

Karin and the SACC-USA Team 



SACC-USA and SACC-Detroit welcome you to SACC Summit 2023 in Detroit, Michigan, at Autoliv!

The annual SACC Summit will facilitate economic expansion and business between the United States and Sweden. This event will feature Keynote speakers, networking opportunities, and further insight into the technological advances of Sweden’s business. Not only is the U.S. Sweden’s largest trading partner outside the EU, but Swedish companies also create over 350,000 job opportunities in the U.S.

We are proud to introduce this year's confirmed sponsors: Autoliv, Volvo Trucks, Atlas Copco, Kasitech and Axis Communications.

20% OFF

Your SACC Summit ticket

Be sure to enter code

SACCSUMMIT2023 at checkout!


Emon Maasho, the CEO of Orrefors and Kosta Boda North America, is now a member of the Board of Directors of SACC-USA

We are happy to be able to announce that Emon Maasho, CEO at Orrefors and Kosta Boda North America, has become a member of the board of Directors of SACC-USA! Maasho, once Sweden’s youngest employee at Pizza Hut at 14, is now a strong profile in New York where he has taken the brand Orrefors and Kosta Boda to new heights. In February, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief for The Swedish Press, Kajsa Norman, dove deeper into Maasho’s exciting journey. 

Read more

Welcome Jonas Wendel to SACC Summit in Detroit! 

Warm welcome to Jonas Wendel, Deputy Chief of Mission at House of Sweden, who is joining us at SACC Summit in Detroit!  

We are really looking forward to hearing his interesting insights at the annual SACC Summit event, during which, we are excited to enjoy a couple days of intriguing discussions and networking possibilities. 

Read more


SACC-USA is delighted to announce an exciting partnership with the prestigious Chalmers University of Technology, in Gothenburg, Sweden! This collaboration allows us to present a unique offer to companies interested in having a top-ranked student at their service, ready to start their internships in summer 2024. SACC-USA will oversee the entire recruitment process by providing a pool of dedicated engineers as well as handling visa issuance. In other words, we present you with a pathway to accessing top-tier talents!

Are you interested? Contact SACCtalentmobility@sacc-usa.org!


Biden's outbound investment rules avoid worst case scenario...for now 

Amid national security concerns over investment ties with China, the Biden administration announced on August 9 a new proposed regime to scrutinize and ban some US investments into China that could help Beijing develop military technology. The administration publicly eschews a broad “decoupling” agenda in favor of what it says is a more narrow “derisking” of ties with a “small yard, high fence” for controls. This latest announcement fits that strategy well. An overly broad regime could be disastrous, necessitating a ballooning bureaucracy and expansion of government power that would bog down US investor firms with international business in red tape and disadvantage them against their peers abroad. As covered in an earlier PIIE blog with context on the outbound issue, its impact on China is likely to be muted, considering China’s large pool of available capital and the US government’s already formidable tools to restrict investment and transfer of technology to China.

Read the article here.

Three Reactions to the Fitch Downgrade by the President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 

America is still the safest place to invest, but public policy risks are growing, states the President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Suzanne P. Clark, in an article reacting to the Fitch Ratings downgrade. Here she states that firstly, the impact on the cost of borrowing and on the markets will be minimal. Second, the downgrade is a reminder that our elected leaders on both sides of the aisle are playing with fire when it comes to the debt limit and our debt and deficit. Third, this greater fiscal risk is only compounding the other policy risks holding back American businesses and the economy. 

Read the article here


New developments and innovations within the SACC network _________________________________________________________________________

New collaboration between Xolaris and Flasheye

Xolaris, a renowned pioneer in developing and delivering cutting-edge software solutions to serve national security, law enforcement, and public safety organizations worldwide, is excited to announce its strategic partnership with Flasheye, an unparalleled innovator in lidar-based solutions used to protect critical infrastructure and beyond.  


Read more about how this partnership is setting the stage for further advancements in their press release here!

Einride branches out into Norway

The freight mobility technology company Einride now expands into Norway with a new collaboration with Scandinavia's leading postal service, PostNord. Einride is a globally recognized company in the road freight industry. Founded in 2016, Einride became the first company in the world to deploy an autonomous, electric vehicle on a public road in 2019 and became the first company to receive approval to operate the vehicle on a US public road in 2022.   

Norway is the world leader in electric transportation but has yet to electrify its heavy transportation - a challenge that Einride takes great pride in assisting with. With PostNord Norway, Einride will electrify over 1,500 transport kilometers daily and reduce 2,100 tonnes of C02 over the upcoming three years.  


"Given Norway's prominent work on the electrification of passenger cars, it is only logical that the country also takes a leading role in the electrification of heavy transport. By offering our end-to-end solution of products and services and establishing the necessary infrastructure to ensure reliable and intelligent transportation across Scandinavia, we can help Norway maintain its leading position in electrification," says Robert Falck, Einride's CEO and founder, in a press release.

The operational go-live happened in mid-June 2023. Thank you, Einride, for helping reduce our carbon footprint, and well done on your new deal! 


Read the full press release here 

Sjöblom Winery expands with signature snaps!

Sjöblom Winery founded by Mike Sjöblom, and located in the heart of Napa Valley, California, turns 23 this year. Mike’s curiosity about wine, which started when he was a teenager, has led to several well-recognized and award-winning labels in both the USA and Europe. Since 2018, he also produces glögg, which is a Swedish version of mulled wine, under the name “Sjöblom Glögg”. This year, in January, he launched traditional Swedish snaps, under the name “Sjöblom Snaps”.   


In 2000, Mike moved to California with his family to merge his long-held passion for wine with business. He settled down in the unique wine region of Napa Valley where he released his first vintages of traditional method champenoise sparkling wines. In 2003, the Swedish Systembolaget purchased the entire vintage of his sparkling wine, which is the only retail store allowed to sell alcoholic beverages that contain more than 3.5% alcohol by volume in Sweden. Since then, he has had both a Zinfandel and Chardonnay (Chateaux Vadeaux & Chateaux Halleaux) on Systembolaget’s shelves. In the US, he has a Zinfandel and a Chardonnay under the label Love without Borders.   


Over the years Mike could not find an authentic glögg in the US. This motivated him to make this traditional beverage from organic, non-GMO spices that are carefully chosen and blended in Sweden. The hand-crafted drink uses a full-flavored vintage wine to bring forward the fruity, natural flavors without the need for any additional coloration and only half the sugar content of other glögg products.  


Now Mike is ready for a new adventure with the typical Scandinavian spirit - the snaps. Sjöblom makes this drink with a dill flavor and ingredients imported from Denmark and Sweden, although produced in Napa. On his website, gloggclub.com, he writes that “The base is a wonderful brandy, aged 2 years in French oak barrels. The flavors are smoother than other snaps products as we keep the alcohol at 23.5%”. 


We can’t wait to try Sjöblom’s take on a new beverage! ( Psst...Try it here today! )


Event calendar

What are the interns reading?

In this month's edition of E-Currents, we continue to present to you a section featuring book recommendations by SACC-USA trainees! As you read through this section, take a moment to appreciate timeless classics or immerse yourself in the joy of exploring new literary treasures.

Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (2013)

This thought-provoking novel written by award-winning author Adichie delves into the lives of Ifemelu and Obinze, two Nigerians grappling with identity, love, and cultural transitions. Set across three continents (Nigeria, United States and England), the story offers a compelling exploration of race, immigration, and the complexities of human relationships. 

The Catcher in the Rye by R. D. Salinger (1951)

This classic coming-of-age novel follows the disenchanted teenager Holden's candid and often rebellious voice. The book explores themes of alienation, innocence, and the complexities of growing up in a world he perceives as phony and superficial, something that is more relevant than ever in today's social media society where the quest for authenticity has taken a digital turn. 

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keynes (1959)

For those intrigued by the ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence, this novel serves as an ideal choice for reading. It explores the journey of Charlie, a man who gains extraordinary intelligence through experimental surgery. As he navigates the complexities of newfound intelligence, the novel raises questions about the ethics of intelligence enhancement as well as the essence of human connections. 

Everything I know about love by Dolly Alderton (2018) 

Ask any Gen-Zer about this book and you will be sure to have an affirmative response. This memoir written by the newly acclaimed author Dolly Alderton has been hard to miss on our feeds. The book is filled with personal experiences of love, relationships, and what it’s like growing up in the modern world. The author reflects on her journey of self-discovery, friendship, and the ups and downs of romantic entanglements through humorous and heartfelt anecdotes.  

What are the interns writing?

Kevin Holst on the rise of populism in Sweden and the States: What do Donald Trump and the Swedish Democrats have in common? 

Some Swedes may be perplexed by the fact that former President Donald Trump is still allowed to run for the Presidency, despite four criminal indictments against him. The first indictment, by a Manhattan grand jury in New York, was for falsifying business records in the first degree. The second time, he was indicted on 37 federal charges for risking national security after leaving the White House.

Read the full article here


This summer has been the hottest one ever. The flooding in Sweden in August has pressured local and state institutions to adapt to scenarios that they clearly were not prepared for. Since the beginning of the summer, the wildfires in Canada have destroyed American and Canadian ecosystems and wildlife while forcing citizens to stay inside on days when the winds were inciting poor air quality. More recently, the deathly wildfires in Hawaii have killed thousands and dazed communities to the ground.  

Read the full article here


What made you move to the United States of America, more specifically, Southern California (SoCal)?   


I've lived and worked internationally in several European countries for most of my career. During the last eight years, I have worked for Anticimex and been very involved in our global expansion. The US and our Western region, including Southern California, are significant growth regions for Anticimex...

Read the article here

Learn Swedish now

Learn Swedish now offers virtual Swedish lessons that fit your schedule. Small group classes, private lessons, and more. Sign up for a free trial lesson today!

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