Newsletter - March 2020

SAFE-10-T Final Virtual Conference

The SAFE-10-T project is now in its final stage and the main project results will be presented at the SAFE-10-T Final Conference "Safety of Transport Infrastructure on the TEN-T Network", which will be organized on Friday 17 April 2020 at 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM (Brussels time)
Due to concerns over the spread of the CODIV-19, the SAFE-10-T Final Conference will be replaced with the VIRTUAL meeting.
The H2020-funded SAFE-10-T project ( ) developed a Decision Support Tool (DST) that can be employed to support decision-making regarding the management of transport infrastructure along the European TEN - T network.
The SAFE-10-T Final Conference will be of interest to infrastructure owners and operators of road, rail and inland waterway networks, government transport planning authorities, researchers and transport policy makers.
Attendees will learn about innovative approaches to asset management for transport infrastructure networks, the main results of the Bridge Reliability Model, Multi-Model Traffic Modelling, Whole Life Cycle Model, integration of Big Data and Global Safety Framework as well as a novel Decision Support Tool for cost-effective management and maintenance of transport infrastructure.
Furthermore, it will be an excellent networking opportunity to share ideas, knowledge and experience in relation to transport infrastructure asset management. The results of the project will be presented for three real demonstration projects as follows:
·       Demo project 1 - Port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands
·       Demo project 2 - Port of Rijeka, Croatia
·       Demo project 3 - Severn River Crossing, United Kingdom
The Programme and full details can be found here .
Due to limited number of participants , we would suggest to register now here .
This virtual event is FREE of charge, but registration is mandatory.
An email with the link to join the Conference will be sent to registered participants a day before the event. 

We look forward to welcoming you to the SAFE-10-T Final virtual Conference, on 17 April 2020!

Project Partners
Horizon 2020 project
SAFE-10-T has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement
No. 723254.
The SAFE-10-T dissemination and communication activities are coordinated by ISIG and FEHRL.
For more information see
or contact Project Coordinator  Paul Doherty , Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions Ltd. at [email protected]