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(SAFE) Successful Aging thru Financial Empowerment
Expert Speakers & Trusted Information for Financial Health and Safety

Thank you for your interest in SAFE programming. If you feel this event is of interest to someone you know, please share this message.

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Hope to see you soon! – LaToya Hall, MSW

Friday, March 1st

1:30 -2:30 pm (Eastern)

Get Your Finances in Shape: What is Your Game Plan? 

Kathy Sitek

Vice President of Business Development

Diversified Members Credit Union

Kathi Sitek, Vice President of Business Development for Diversified Members Credit Union, will be explaining the differences between banks and credit unions and the products you can find at both of these institutions. Kathi will also be talking about wealth-building tools and great savings programs available at financial services institutions. this presentation will give tips on credit, budgeting and accessing financial coaching services as well. Don't forget to tune in to catch this important presentation.

Zoom Meeting Link:

OR Phone in:

    312-626-6799 US

Meeting ID: 995 3970 2273

Passcode: 714947

Click Here to Connect to ZOOM

Seeking Volunteers (age 50 and up)

for the Wayne State University Program to

Prevent Financial Exploitation

Adults over age 50 are frequently targeted for different types of financial exploitation. We are currently working to introduce a new financial exploitation prevention program, which would help protect vulnerable older adults from being victims of financial exploitation. As part of this pilot group will provide us with valuable feedback on how to best roll out our program to the larger community of older adults. At the end of the program, we will compensate you $50 for your time.

If interested please contact LaToya Hall at


[email protected]

For more information please call Amanda Horn at 313-664-2616

Please click HERE to enroll and receive information on HBEC events and studies

For more SAFE information contact: SAFE Program Director LaToya Hall at [email protected] or 313-664-2608
SAFE educates, coaches, protects and empowers older adults and caregivers who need help managing their finances. SAFE can help prevent fraud and identity theft, and help victims recover stolen identity and funds. MORE
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