SAFE Strategies

October 2022
SAFE Presents For TBM Pilots
Addressing Unique Challenges of Single-Pilot Ops
SAFE Executive Director David St. George was one of the presenters at the TBM annual convention in Nashville last week. The convention drew over 400 owners and operators and featured vendor displays and opportunities for "companion fliers" and special operations. The company's new TBM 960 has fully digital engine controls in addition to the impressive Garmin panel and auto-land system ("Safe Return").
David's presentation focused on the safety benefits of "attitude and awareness" and the unique challenges GA pilots face as "single pilot operators of complex, high-speed airframes;" e.g. CIrrus Jet, Citation M2, TBM 960, Piper M-600, and Epic. All face the same challenges of high single-pilot workload. See show notes here. And unlike part 135 and 121 operators who conform to FAA safety regulations, part 91 is fairly permissive, providing only "regulatory minimums." The recent innovations in aviation have put many private pilots into very challenging aircraft with unspecified levels of proficiency and preparation. GA pilots operate under a wider variety of conditions with less back-up or preparation available to charter and airline pilots. In many ways the GA pilot has a harder job. SAFE is working with manufacturers to "train the trainers" as well as pilots of these aircraft.

Recent blogs have touched on the risk-management aspects of high-performance singles and also the challenges CFIs face stepping up to these airframes. Increasingly, insurance companies are searching for qualified "mentor pilots" to guide the safe transition into these pilots into high-performance aircraft.
(What CFIs Get Wrong!)
Don't Forget the required
CFR 61.39 "Meta Endorsement"
SAFE recently publicized the fact that 1/5 of FAA checkrides are never flown due to errors in applicant preparation. This was an effort to alert and mprove CFI performance and relieve the shortage of DPE flight opportunities. These lapses usually involve insufficient (or incorrectly logged) experience and/or endorsements problems. A good policy if there is a question is to ask the DPE before "test day" if possible. The SAFE Toolkit App also provides a complete list and now "one-stop shopping" for each certificate!

One of the most commonly missed endorsements on applicant checkrides is the required 61.39 endorsement attesting to the required dual flight in the last 2 calendar months and correction of the areas found to be deficient on the knowledge test. This "meta-endorsement" is often not pre-printed in older student logbooks and can easily be forgotten by the recommending CFI. There are two parts, the recent dual experience and also the correction of incorrect questions. DPEs are now required to "customize" each applicants flight test to cover the "questions found to be deficient," so a comprehensive review is a critical to applicant success on the evaluation.
The SAFE CFI NOTAMS, found on the SAFE Toolkit App, alerts CFIs to changes in the regulations and common failures in the pilot certification process. This covers some of the tricky aspects of flying and logging PDPIC (performing the duties of PIC) time and also the instrument time required under CFR 61.129.
Comprehensive Applicant Test Preparation!
"One Stop Shop" On the SAFE App
Brand new on the SAFE Toolkit App is "One-Stop-Shop" for applicant preparation at the private, instrument and commercial level. Each of these one-page PDF documents has all the experience requirements in checklist format and the endorsements all pre-printed for the CFI. What could be easier?

When you *think* everything is complete for an applicant, carefully review the log and check it against the experience checklist (and tab each requirement for the DPE). Then enter all the correct endorsements (sign and print your name) in the logbook for your applicant. For advanced certificates you must assure they are a "legal pilot." They (obviously?) must have a flight review (or recent test) and be legally endorsed for the plane they are flying (high-performance, complex)? What could possibly go wrong?
CFI Bootcamp Offers Benefits for all CFIs!
5 Major "Freebies" Here
CFI Bootcamp, a Florida-based school known for its accelerated, high pass rate CFI program, also provides numerous video courses and custom books for experienced CFIs (and pilots who are not educators). As part of the upgrade, CFI Bootcamp is offering five major products for SAFE members only.

All five valuable CFI-oriented information packages are free for SAFE members but require e-mail registration with CFI Bootcamp. The member-only freebies include:

  • FAR Gold, a comprehensive explanation of Part 61 for SEL pilots.
  • An Airspace Checklist, on how to operation in the National Airspace System.
  • FOI Chapter Summaries, a collection of well-written summaries on key items in each chapter of the FAA's Aviation Instructor Handbook.
  • A CFI Study Guide, for those preparing to be a CFI.
  • Airman Etiquette, a badly-needed book explaining aviation's unwritten rules.
Rose and John Dorcey Inducted Into
Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame!
John Dorcey is a tireless volunteer for SAFE, having served as the Oshkosh Airport Manager when SAFE incorporated in 2008. He arranged for our original SAFE Dinners at the terminal and served on the SAFE Board and also as the interim Executive Director.

An Air Force veteran, John was the Wisconsin Chief pilot for years flying all over the state arranging training and safety seminars. He recently received the Wright Brothers and Taylor 50 year awards and will be inducted into the Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame on Oct. 22, 2022.
Rose Dorcey, a private pilot with instrument rating from Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. She is the longest serving president of the Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame. She joined the WAHF Board of Directors in 2001 and became president in 2004. Rose's volunteer efforts are varied and filled with passion. She has given dozens of Wisconsin aviation history presentations throughout the state as well as EAA Young Eagles flights and introductions to flight for family and friends. She has generously shared the joy of flight and aviation history throughout Wisconsin.

Both Rose and John will be inducted into the Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame on Oct. 22, 2022.
FAA Practices What It Preaches
Sept/Oct Issue Of FAA Safety Briefing
The September/October 2022 issue of FAA Safety Briefing magazine focuses on the FAA’s Flight Program Operations team and the role they play in assuring safety in the National Airspace System.

Feature articles cover the team’s various missions and how to operate safely when you hear the “Flight Check” call sign on the radio. We also look at the various partnerships Flight Program Operations has with other agencies, provide a behind-the-scenes peek at the fleet, and make a pitch for potential career opportunities with this dynamic group of aviation professionals.
Who We Are, What We Do, and How It Matters to You

Where FAA Inspectors Go to Keep Current

Why and How the FAA Manages Its Own Fleet
How FAA Flight Program Operations Partners with Other Agencies

Your Aviation Dreams Can Take Flight in Flight Program Operations
Pilot Proficiency Clinic Postponed
To Be Rescheduled in Spring 2023
Rich Stowell, lead instructor for the Pilot Proficiency Clinic originally planned for this month in Idaho, has officially postponed the clinic until next year. "That will give us more lead time to raise awareness and promote the event," he said.

The new dates for the two-day seminar will be announced in SAFE Strategies and other aviation outlets.

Instead of the full-blown PPC, a meetup of Community Aviation folks at the Caldwell Airport will be held on the original date of Thursday, October 6th at 6:30 PM. Co-presenter Billy Winburn will capture video snippets of the clinic presenters and will make those available later to provide a glimpse of the expertise to be presented at the full PPC next year.
Gear Up Landings
Here's How CFIs Can Help Prevent Them
If you teach in retractable gear aircraft, there are several helpful hints that may help your learners avoid expensive and embarrassing gear-up landings.

The FAA has just released its latest "57 Seconds To Safer Flying" video, which has suggestions for CFIs to help their trainees avoid those mistakes. "Gear up landings rarely have a tragic outcome - except perhaps to the pilot's ego - but are still costly and can be avoided by incorporating some of these steps," said an FAA spokesperson.

The 57 Seconds video series addresses many issues faced by CFIs.
Mesa Adds Electric Pipistrel
Learners Offered 50 Hours Each Week
Mesa Airlines has ordered up to 104 Pipistrel training aircraft to support its Mesa Pilot Development Group. The Mesa program helps pilots gain 1,500 hours. Mesa said students will start logging hours in Pipistrel Alpha Trainer 2 aircraft, a two-seat, high-wing, carbon fiber airplane.

The aircraft are equipped with computerized touch-screen instruments, digital autopilot, and full airframe ballistic parachutes. Program participants will be offered up to 40 hours of flight time each week. Mesa said it will fully finance at zero percent interest flight costs of $25 per hour per pilot.
SIU Joins United Aviate Program
Southern Illinois University Carbondale and United Airlines agreed on September 13 to a partnership allowing SIUC students in the airline's Aviate program, which United says offers the most direct path to a United flight deck job.

Launched in 2019 , United Aviate targets aspiring pilots through regional partnerships with 13 flight schools and universities.
Flight Training Online Introduced
Community Aviation Offers CFIs For Home Sims
Community Aviation is offering remote instruction for pilots using PC simulators at home, pairing an experienced CFI with students. "It removes geographic barriers and allows a leader in Savannah to train with a backcountry expert in Boise," said Billy Winburn, founder of the company.

SAFE member Larry Jarkey, a CFII-MEI instructor, prepares pilots for the opportunity with a 45-minute orientation that costs $39. During the session, Jarkey will apprise the learner's current simulator set up, listen to the learner's goals determine if more hardware or software is needed. Based on these findings, and with learner agreement, he will recommend a specific follow up session.

This Orientation session is a requirement for participation in the Community Aviation remote flight training program.

To schedule an orientation session, click here.
SAFE Quick Takes
For Professional CFIs
Aviation Careers

  • Light business jets are anticipated to be the fastest-growing segment of the market, according to Vantage Market Research. Revenue value is expected to reach more than $42 billion by 2028.

New CFI Tools, Apps

  • SAFE Toolkit now includes a checklist to ensure your flight test applicant is qualified. Use can virtually eliminate the 20 percent of tests that fail to start. Free for both Apple and Android devices.

  • A five-part ASI video series for GA passengers shows how they can pinch hit during flight. The series covers preflight, simple aerodynamics, navigation and communication, checklist use and emergency procedures.
Drones And
Urban Mobility Flying

  • Spanish infrastructure group Acciona is using drones around the world for photogrammetric flights, volume calculations, structural inspections, monitoring works progress, assessing the environmental impacts associated with a project's construction, or taking soundings on mountainsides."
SAFE CFI Continuing
Education, Resources

Unleaded: Not Fueling Around

  • "Lipid-based pathways (fats, oils, and greases) are expected to be the primary fuel leading up to 2030" says US Energy Department. The Biden administration wants a minimum of 3 billion gallons annually of SAF by 2030.
SAFE CFI Marketing
  • High time flight instructors move on to airlines quickly, so schools must recruit and retain new ones. Marketing efforts to win new CFIs are discussed by AOPA career consultant William Woodbury.

SAFE Sponsors
These GA-related companies support SAFE and its mission to improve professionalism in aviation education. Please patronize them when choosing a product or service. Click on the logo to go to that company's web site.
SAFE Sponsors

"The Master Instructor accreditation singles out the best the right seat has to offer."
FAA Administrator Jane Garvey

Master Instructor Achievements

The Master Instructor designation is a national FAA-recognized professional accreditation and parallels other professionals' continuing education regimens to increase their professionalism. The Master's designation must be renewed biennially and significantly surpasses FAA requirements for renewing the candidate's flight instructor certificate. Of the 122,000 flight instructors in the US, fewer than 800 have earned the Master Instructor designation, Most are SAFE members.
Jared Sebesta, MCFI-A
Jared Sebesta of Sandwich IL earned his initial accreditation as a Master Certified Flight Instructor-Aerobatic in September.

Jared specializes in Basic to Unlimited Aerobatics Training, Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT), Loss of Control In Flight (LOC-I), Advanced Spin Series, Radial Engine and Jet Warbird Training, High Performance Taildragger Transition Training and more. He got an early start in aviation at age 15 cleaning airplanes, working line service, then towing gliders at the local grass strip. He’s worked with the FAA on several extensive projects developing Letters of Authorization (LOA) and Letters of Deviation Authority (LODA) on the PBY Catalina, Pitts Model 12, and AERO Vodochody AV-L29 Delfin to create ride and training programs, along with creating the country’s only solo rental program of an Extra 330LX.

Jared’s goals, through his company, Gambit Aviation, are to provide the most honest, safe, and enjoyable flight school experience with turn-key, low stress, and more importantly – low ego, for solutions to various taildragger/aerobatic/warbird needs. When he’s not upside down in an airplane, Jared’s other life is that of a Chief Pilot for a Part 91 Learjet operation.
Patrick McInteer, MCFI
Patrick McInteer, DVM of Lincoln NE has received his First Accreditation as a Master CFI. Patrick chose aviation as a hobby that quickly grew into a passion. His journey started 8 years ago. Though he never set out to become an instructor, it has become a great form of flying to help him to continue to learn and more importantly, pass along his love of aviation to others.

He has taken a step back at his full-time job to allow him to instruct more frequently and, in his words, “I’m a much better pilot for it. Helping others learn to fly and continually learning alongside of them is very rewarding. One of my goals in aviation is safety of flight. That’s what led me to learn more and collect certificates and ratings. Now I’m always looking for opportunities to help new aviators fly safely. By far the most rewarding part of instructing is the relationships I form with my students. I’m making lifelong friends and get to fly an airplane every day. That’s hard to beat.”
Donald Ellis Kaye, MCFI
Donald Ellis Kaye of Santa Clara CA has earned Master Flight Instructor honors for the eleventh time. This is an extraordinary achievement as it signifies he has held a Master Designation for twenty-two years.

Born in Canton, Ohio, Donald was interested in aviation from an early age. After earning his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering in 1968, he became a private pilot. From 1970 until 1992, he was real estate broker and developer before turning his full attention to flying. After earning his Instrument rating, he purchased a Mooney TLS and achieved his CFI and II ratings and started teaching full-time, specializing in all models of Mooneys. His ATP certification followed. For many years he taught both the Mooney Pilot Proficiency Course and its corresponding Mountain Flying Course.

After one of his students bought a King Air C90, he earned his multi-engine and multi=engine Instructor ratings. Shortly thereafter, the student bought a CJ1, so he added a Citation CE-525S to his ATP credentials. With over 12,200 hours of total GA time, 6,660 hours have been devoted to teaching.

Donald has been willing to travel to Canada, Australia and even North Dakota in the middle of January to assist those interested in learning the art of flying. Several years ago, he upgraded his airplane panel to the latest avionics. Since then, his experience in the new technology has allowed him to guide pilots in achieving maximum safety while purchasing, learning, and using advanced avionics.
SAFE is a 501(c)(3) educational, not-for-profit professional organization building aviation educator excellence and aviation safety. Our more than 4,500 members include many of the best-known, best-credentialed and most experienced CFIs as well as many FAA Designated Pilot Examiners.