SAGA Alumni & Friends

Monthly News & Updates

January 18, 2024 | January Newsletter

Notes from Anjanette's Desk | SAGA Open House | Kinderfasching | School Break Camps | Enrollment is Open | First Day 2024-25 | SAGA Board of Directors

Liebe SAGA Alumni and friends,

It's hard to believe that 2023 is behind us and we are looking at the start of a new year. German speakers often say "Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr" to wish someone a "Happy New Year!" Literally translated, it means "(have a) good slide into the new year." I have always appreciated the symbolism of this saying because it brings to mind the image of children sliding down a slide.

Think of your childhood, when you slid down the slide on your school playground. Some days you bumped down slowly with your legs getting stuck to the surface on your way down. Sometimes, you were hesitant and monitored your speed by holding on to the sides. Other days, especially if the slide was wet, you zipped down like a bullet, sometimes landing painfully on your bottom…but man, wasn't the thrill worth it?!

We all come into the new year with different hopes and dreams for ourselves and our families. No matter how we have "landed" in this new year, we take comfort in knowing that our big SAGA family is in this together as we all navigate life within and around this community, whatever 2024 may bring!

Wishing you a safe, adventurous, and “frohes neues Jahr.”

~ Anjanette Gonzales, Head of School

SAGA Open House: January 23rd 

Do you know someone who may be interested in The SAGA School? Please encourage them to join us for our second Open House of the school year!

January 23rd, 6:30-8pm

SAGA School, main campus

11010 Greenwood Ave N.

Seattle, WA 98133


This is an informal event allowing prospective parents and children to learn about our programming and meet some teachers and staff.

Questions? Please contact us at:

Spring and Summer Camp Registration

Looking for fun and educational ways to engage your child during the Spring or Summer Break? Camps are open to children ages 30 mos.–10 years.

Spring Break Camp

April 8–12, 2024

9:00am to 1:15pm/3:00pm daily

Summer Break Camps

July 8–12, 2024

July 15–19, 2024

July 29–August 2, 2024

August 5–9, 2024

9:00am to 1:15pm/3:00pm daily

Learn more and register

Board of Directors

Are you interested in guiding SAGA's long-term strategy and growth? Consider joining the SAGA Board of Directors!

Commitment: Our volunteer board attends monthly meetings. Members also spend time (as able) advancing the goals of specific board committees.

The main requirement for board members is to feel invested in the long-term success of SAGA! Beyond this, we're appreciative of the range of rich professional and personal experiences in our community that can inform our efforts and decision-making.

How to apply: Please reach out to SAGA board president, Torsten Heider ( We'd love to hear about how you feel you could contribute based on your experience. Typically, member candidacy begins with committee service.

Kinderfasching: Feb. 10th

Join us for SAGA's annual Kinderfasching celebration, a family-friendly rendition of the centuries-old Karneval / Fastnacht / Fasching festivities.

February 10th, 2–5pm

SAGA Festhalle

Enjoy a costume party for children of all ages with music, games, crafts, food and drinks, and entertainment!

Tickets: $8 with advance reservation (below) or $10 at the door

Payment: at the door, cash or credit (whether advance purchase or day-of.)

Space is limited; RSVP in advance to reserve your tickets!

Reserve your Kinderfasching Tickets by 12pm, Feb. 9th

2024-25 Enrollment is Open!

We're excited to have officially begun the 2024-25 school year admissions cycle!

If you wish to apply (whether for preschool or for elementary), please visit our admissions website, where you'll find applications, information about tuition and financial aid, and more. Questions? Please reach out to

Application deadline: Feb. 15th, 2024


First Day of 2024-25 School Year

We're excited to announce that the first day of the next (2024-25) school year will be August 29th, 2024.

As always, we will hold a Meet-the-Teacher event for enrolled daytime students and their families on the day before, August 28th, 2024 (time TBD).

Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars!

Kinderfasching: February 10th, 2-5pm

SAGA Festhalle

Reserve your tickets

Austria Club: Annual Viennese Ball

Event Details

Join us! SAGA organizes a table at this festive annual event. Dinner, dancing, and performances! Contact Anjanette if interested in joining the SAGA table.


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