As a reminder, the SAHMA Update and Outlook are sent via email, so please add to your list of accepted domains. Keep an eye out for the SAHMA Update and SAHMA Outlook Newsletter in the subject line.

You can view the Outlook Newsletter archives at .
Presidential Perspective 
My Path to Affordable Housing
During our SAHMA Regional Conference in Atlanta, last August the membership provided me a genuine honor to serve as your President for the next two years. Thank you. Then during my first Board meeting as President our faithful and tremendous Executive Director, Ms. Daria Jakubowski, quietly passed me a note that read Need you to write an article for SAHMA Outlook in the next couple of weeks 😊 . So here we are…

Believe it or not, pieces of this article started forming in my head during the summer of 2016, not 2017! While attempting to develop an article to the great employees of my company I began reflecting on why I was even in affordable housing. During 2016 I was completing my first year as the President Elect for SAHMA and had someone asked me if this is where I thought I would be 40 plus years out of college, this is not what my answer would have been. In fact, not even remotely close and for that I am thankful. Allow me to explain why I am thankful I would not have been correct.

Early during the summer of 2016 I had another topic in mind for my work article and then in August of that year, while at a conference I attended a session entitled “Transforming Culture From the Inside Out,” as a result I changed what I intended to share with them. For those that know me well, you have heard me say that I feel my personal skills are limited, but one skill that I have been fortunate enough to possess is to position myself to be able to work with many gifted individuals. Sometimes my skill was to aid in their development and other times has been the ability to identify how these individuals would aid us as an organization. I was reminded of this numerous times during that hour long session.

So, for those that know me well, you may not want to read any further. However, for those that read on it may shed some light on why I am so proud to be a part of this industry and specifically SAHMA.

Growing up in Texas, I was the first in my father’s family to graduate from college and did so in 1974 from Texas A&M University with a degree from the College of Engineering. I immediately joined an international Engineering and Construction company. I was willing to work anywhere and did so in 4 foreign countries for approximately 5 years in addition to numerous states here at home. Before being recruited away from that company in 1988, I followed larger and larger construction projects with ever increasing responsibility. I was building my resume and moved my household thirteen times.

So, in 1988 I left that company to slow down my moves joining another construction company and now, three household moves later, I will be at Wesley Living 21 years next March. What I didn’t realize is how I would personally change from this lifestyle and many diverse experiences. Before joining Wesley Living, I immersed myself in each community I was associated with and over time I started realizing there was much more to life than my own personal success. In fact, I began to realize the more I focused outside of myself, the more successful I became. Today I say I don’t regret the moves, however, I really enjoy the stability and being a part of Wesley Living, providing me an opportunity to serve others and give back, both to our residents and organizations such as SAHMA.

To wrap this up, allow me to share a quote I once read that I believe says so much about my journey to affordable housing. It drives me every day, and I believe it could identify with many of our members of SAHMA. “Purpose-oriented employees see work as a means of serving others and achieving fulfillment.” The research shows it is across all demographics and these individuals significantly outperform their colleagues by every measure.

I truly believe I previously left a successful career and joined Wesley Living and all of affordable housing to serve. It is very obvious that my primary responsibility is to serve my company, but I firmly believe close behind is a responsibility to serve our staff, our community and life in general. And that includes you as a member of SAHMA. Thank you for allowing me to serve as your President, and I hope together we can take SAHMA to new heights and successes.

Why SAHMA Is So Great!

I hope you use the SAHMA website for more than just reading the Outlook. Remember SAHMA is here to INFORM, EDUCATE and CONNECT. The website is a great source to learn more and access SAHMA U, eLearning and the many Certifications and Awards.

Also, SAHMA is a tremendous resource for when changes occur with all of our regulatory partners or when disaster strikes as so many of our members have been impacted by the devastating storms of Hurricane Irma and Maria.

If we have not met, I hope you will take an opportunity to let me get to know you at the numerous state meetings beginning with Georgia on February 20, 2018, will I see you there? I hope so because one of my personal goals at every meeting is to look for and identify the future leaders of SAHMA.
Start the New Year Right with SAHMA-U
SAHMA is excited to present SAHMA-U; an on-demand eLearning library with convenient and affordable on-demand training that allows you anywhere, anytime access to valuable information. Our webinars run from 35-60 minutes and include a video, a printable handout, assessment questions to gauge how much you learned, and a certificate of continuing education for just $45. Content is optimized to display on any mobile device allowing you the ability to access webinars from anywhere there is an internet connection. SAHMA-U is fully integrated with our new SAHMA Website which allows your information to seamlessly flow from one system to the other, allowing for a single log-in.
SAHMA-U Webinars
Save the Date!
2018 State Meetings for Affordable Housing

Let SAHMA be your source for training in the upcoming new year. Mark your calendars for 2018!

  • Atlanta, GA - February 20-22 *Now Open - Click Here*
  • Columbia, SC - March 14-16
  • Jacksonville, FL - March 19-21
  • Jackson, MS - April 18-20
  • Louisville, KY - April 24-26
  • Greensboro, NC - May 8-10
  • Birmingham, AL - May 15-17
  • Murfreesboro, TN - May 22-24
After the Storm...A Disaster Update
As we prepare to close out the year, please remember our colleagues and friends that were so dramatically affected by Hurricane’s Irma and Maria. As everyone prepared for and from the moment the storms hit Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico and the USVI, SAHMA made every effort to stay on top of news from our members in the affected areas. Parts of Florida and Georgia sustained some severe damage and worst of all flooding. And our friends in Puerto Rico and the USVI, well, we all know what happened there, and they continue to struggle. From the start, we have been communicating with national partners and have been included in disaster recovery calls to obtain information so that we may disseminate updates as best we can to our members. Specifically, in the Caribbean where communications are still a challenge we’ve done our best to relay news we obtain from various agencies on how owners and managers should handle certain situations. Even as recently as the end of November, Florida is still reporting a few properties that have severe damage and are still making efforts to recover. Puerto Rico and the USVI have only recently begun the process of damage assessment by HUD. However, while the recovery is a long process we at least have learned that USDA-RD continues to pay subsidy to occupied units and HUD encourages O/A’s to keep vouchering in anticipation that HAP contracts will continue to be paid, at least until January of 2018. In disaster-affected areas, a 15-month period for annual recertification is allowed, and HUD will review further extension requests on a case-by-case basis. REAC inspections and MORs remain on hold for disaster affected areas through December 25th, 2017, and HUD will review further extension requests. Annual financial statement submissions have been postponed until December 30th, 2017 with extensions also being considered.  
2017 SAHMA Regional Conference
One Spirit, One Team, One Victory
This year’s regional conference highlights included the election of a new President and President Elect as well as VP of Finance and other Officer and Director positions. Some of these dedicated volunteers took on new roles and responsibilities, we welcomed four new members and said thank you to two members who have earned the privilege of being invited to join our leadership council. This great system of board service brings us a broad representation of SAHMA Members who all come together to serve in one common goal, to advance the mission of our organization and enhance the benefits for our members.

As always, a highlight of this yearly event is the awards that are presented during the opening ceremony (see below). This year, we also presented the first SAHMA Affordable Housing Advocate Award to Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) for his work and support of affordable housing in the Senate (see separate article).

We had to compete with the total solar eclipse on Monday, August 21st but we took time out during our schedule for everyone to view the eclipse either in person outdoors (with their safety glasses) or inside on a big screen via the NASA live stream. A huge thanks to all of our regulatory partners for attending and participating in this year’s event. Special shout out to all of our southeast PBCA’s who facilitated a very successful panel discussion and update. Our networking social event at the College Football Hall of Fame was tons of fun. Our full day of sessions and panel discussions got rave reviews from the attendees and the presenters alike. We closed the event on Wednesday, August 23rd with a great keynote presentation, NAHMA Update and a visit from the then newly appointed Region IV’s Regional Administrator, Ms. Cleveland-Leggett who shared her vision for her tenure. Stay tuned for information regarding next year’s event that will be held August 13-15, 2018 at the Disney Contemporary in Orlando, Florida! 
Achieving Excellence
2017 Manager of the Year award was presented to  Kelle Heathcott of Regional Asset Manager with Wesley Housing Corporation of Memphis, Inc. Kelle attends continuing education courses on a regular basis and is also a dedicated volunteer on the Tennessee State Committee. Kelle was promoted earlier this year from Manager at St. Joseph Village in Dyersburg, Tennessee to Regional Asset Manager with 19 additional properties in her portfolio. She strives to make every resident not only feel part of the community, but part of a family.
2017 Maintenance Person of the Year  award was presented to  Jimmy Brazell  of Asbury Arms Apartments in West Columbia, SC, Southern Development Management Company. Jimmy was one of the first to enter the SAHMA Excellence program. He has over 20 years of experience as a Maintenance Professional and holds several certifications. His property consistently scores well on REAC inspections and Management Reviews. Jimmy provides services that enhance and make Asbury Arms a welcoming environment.
2017 Service Coordinator of the Year  award was presented to  Janet Graham  of Princeton Towers in Birmingham, AL, SPM, LLC.
Janet holds an undergraduate degree and annually attends an impressive list of training events. She and her fellow staff have partnered with over 60 organizations to sponsor everything from health and wellness fair events to legal services. Janet encourages the residents to participate in community projects that benefit not only them and their neighbors but the greater community as a whole.
For more information about the SAHMA Excellence Programs, please visit
Sisson/Ownby Rising Star Award
The Sisson/Ownby Rising Star Award is in honor of one of SAHMA’s founding members, the late Ed Sisson. And, someone who has made a profound impact on our organization from its earliest days, Past President, Patty Ownby. Both were recognized early on in their careers as rising leaders, and they exemplified the same commitment and dedication to affordable housing management.

Charlene Johnson, Program Compliance Manager with Volunteers of America Southeast in Birmingham, Alabama, was selected to receive the 2017 Sisson/Ownby Rising Star Award. Charlene has a true passion for her work. She has earned several industry credentials and has recently applied to receive her National Affordable Housing Management-Executive credential. 

Charlene began her career as a part-time manager for a special needs community. Since then, she has served as a property manager, community administrator, and most recently as a program compliance coordinator. Ms. Johnson is well respected by management and staff alike. She serves as an instructor, mentor and is an instrumental part of the company’s compliance department. She is respected for her knowledge and selfless ability to make herself available and support staff in numerous ways.

Thank you Charlene Johnson for all you do in service to our affordable housing industry.
Affordable Housing Advocate Award
This year, SAHMA established the Affordable Housing Advocate Award to honor and recognize those who have demonstrated great leadership, support, and commitment to affordable housing. Our first recipient, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott (R), was honored at the 2017 SAHMA Regional Conference in Atlanta. In October, S AHMA President Jim Nasso, Past President Reese Quick, and Executive Director Daria Jakubowski met with Senator Scott to present him with the award at his office in Washington, DC.

Senator Scott is a noted supporter of affordable housing and introduced bi-partisan legislation to streamline key rental assistance programs. He also helped start the Senate Opportunity Coalition and in the new Congress, Senator Scott introduced bi-partisan legislation, The Investing in Opportunity Act , which proposes a new solution to encourage economic growth and job creation in economically distressed communities. 

Senator Scott notably stated, "Our low-income and working class families need solutions, not political bickering, and I am proud to help introduce bi-partisan legislation to address challenges with our nation's affordable housing programs....this is a win-win - we are strengthening work incentives, improving access to better schools and working to reduce homelessness while streamlining programs to cut costs and protect taxpayers," illustrating his dedication to strengthening and innovating the Affordable Housing Industry.
Drug Free Poster Art Contest
2017 National Contest Winners
The 2018 NAHMA Drug Free Calendar included artwork by several residents from SAHMA member communities. Two SAHMA residents were selected as National Contest Winners. Congratulations to our National Winners:  Kheahna from MS, Interstate Realty Management Co., José from PR, Martinal Management Corp.!
2018 Drug Free Poster Contest
The submission deadline for this year's Drug Free Poster Art Contest is quickly approaching. Poster submissions are due to your State Drug Free Coordinator by  Friday, January 12th. 

All children, elderly, disabled, and special needs residents of SAHMA member communities may participate. SAHMA will present special awards to winners during SAHMA State Meetings!

Want to learn more about the NAHMA's Drug Free Kids Calendar Program? Visit for more information.
Welcome 2018 with a NAHMA Drug-Free Kids Calendar! 
Looking for that perfect gift for the stocking? One more last minute gift to make the office shine? At $5.50 each, NAHMA Drug-Free Kids Calendars are the perfect way to start off the New Year! The calendars feature outstanding original artwork by children, seniors and adults with special needs living in affordable multifamily housing, including several SAHMA member residents.

Order yours today by clicking here or by visiting the  online store.
SAHMA Members and Grassroots Advocacy
We recently reached out to you and encouraged you to contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators and encourage them to focus on several parts of the House and Senate tax reform legislation that would be detrimental to affordable housing or be more acceptable. We asked you listened, and so many of you responded with emails, phone calls and outreach to your elected officials. We are truly grateful for your response because this type of outreach (Grassroots Advocacy) is how to affect change and to have your voices heard. You might not get exactly the result you were hoping for, you might not get anything you hoped for, BUT you might have swayed an opinion or a vote, and the outcome could be in your favor and in favor of the business you and your fellow SAHMA members so strongly believe in and want to see thrive. 

This is exactly the role that SAHMA members should be taking when issues affect the homes of the residents you serve and your companies. Sometimes these challenges are local in nature, and you work your way through your state house or local leadership to get your voice heard. And, sometimes the issues affect the industry as a whole and a wider net must be cast, which is why SAHMA members have risen to the occasion on tax reform legislation. With the assistance of our National Partner NAHMA and other industry groups, we were able to provide detailed information and outline the issues for our members. These partnerships prove crucial on the advocacy front. 

SAHMA’s dues billing no longer provides you an opportunity to support the NAHMA legislative fund. However, their work continues, and SAHMA members benefit from it. We ask that you consider making a contribution to the NAHMA legislative fund to continue to support advocacy on behalf of the industry. Please click on the link below to be taken directly to NAHMA’s advocacy support webpage and donate today!
Don’t Waste a Good Crisis – Fixing Harassment and Adding Respect to your Culture
Karl Ahlrichs, SHRM-SCP, SPHR
2018 promises to be a year of accusations and resignations – and as organizational leaders we need to examine how we got here, what we should do now, and what similar challenges are on the horizon once we work through these immediate issues. 

First, let me share a strategic point. There are pivotal moments in history where we Americans have examined our attitudes towards fundamental things – civil rights, sexuality, equal pay, and other key components of life in a diverse country. This surge in harassment accusations is another equally pivotal moment, and now we are facing the crucible of confronting the daily revelations of past poor choices and offensive behaviors .

You may think we are going through a “perfect storm” of harassment in the workplace, but I feel it is bigger than that. After a “Perfect Storm” passes, the world returns to a normal state. This current wave of harassment accusation appears to be a fundamental climate change in how our culture handles power and ethics.  

These harassment accusations are affecting every segment of the economy – hitting both private industries and public sectors. Your brand reputation – that priceless, intangible perception that takes years to build - can be lost in an instant and communicated everywhere in social media. Imagine the intangible costs to the Weinstein Company or NBC or Fox News, then swap in the name of your organization and imagine your personal losses.

There is no easy fix, but there are actions you should take. This is an opportunity for you to evaluate your organizational strategy for dealing with harassment in all forms – Sexual, Quid pro Quo, Toxic Environment and Bullying. Each of these are based on power, and all reduce your organization’s productivity and increase your legal risk.

As a risk management and human resources expert, I always look to prevent litigation and challenging episodes for my clients, and to help build positive, high performing anticipatory cultures that will thrive in the future. 

Here are some basic steps to consider in strengthening your policies and practices:
  • Remember, It’s all about Power. Power is often at the heart of harassment and sexual abuse. Power comes in many forms – from the position or title, from relationships, from persuasion, etc. Power benefits from personal maturity – Plato described the ideal leader as a “Philosopher King” who was a servant of his people.
  • Diversity and Inclusion helps. Fostering a business culture that respects human dignity is key to creating sustainable business results. If you promote civility and respect you will engender not only loyalty and hard work, but also an enviable culture that becomes part of your message to the public and your marketplace.
  • Do a cultural audit – You can use modern engagement metrics, or hire outside experts to do a cultural audit. Get a good “read” on your organizational culture. The Audit process will give you vital information to shape more individualized training, and you should consider other tools that may be necessary to improve reporting, prevention and compliance.
  • Build trust in Human Resources. I predict that with this current climate of retribution, complaints will initially go up as there is a significant volume of harassing activity that has not been reported. Our national culture of retaliation against whistleblowers needs to be examined and remedied, and Human Resources needs to be seen as a trusted ally. While whispers and rumors are often not reliable, they can alert an employer to look further. Also, look at your reporting mechanism and those who are supposed to receive complaints. Is your system proactive? Does your HR staff have good business rapport with your employees? Is there a choice of individuals, both male and female, to whom complaints can be directed?
  • Have high standards for your HR professionals. Hiring and promoting well rounded, empathetic and smart HR professionals is invaluable in maintaining solid trust with your employees. Pay attention to their backgrounds, and recognize the certifications that are available that signal competence in the HR body of knowledge.
  • Improve your training, both in quality and quantity. Plan ongoing “Respect in the Workplace” training (the rule of thumb is every two years) and make it interactive and engaging. Make the training mandatory. Obtain the endorsement of the senior team and make sure they participate in the training. Supervisors have additional responsibilities, so there can be some benefit in training them separately. Don’t make the training boring or too long, and look at new delivery technologies and techniques that can give it traction. 
  • Pay attention to your metrics. Organizational culture varies by department, and warning signs about toxic work environment may already be found in your HR metrics. Look for turnover of high performing people by department – if a supervisor isn’t keeping the “good ones”, look deeper for the reasons.

The main point to all of this:  This “climate change” is real, and just beginning. I look at this active shift of power in organizations as the time for leaders to take stock of their systems and step up their game. Leaders should see the changing social landscape as a time to reinforce their commitment to a sustainable high performing culture. It’s not being “trendy” - it is smart business for all of us.

reprinted with permission
Thank You 2017 Sponsors
The SAHMA sponsorship program is designed to provide prominent recognition for SAHMA members whose committed support has been an integral part of the success of the SAHMA mission to Inform, Educate, and Connect the SAHMA community of affordable housing professionals.