Featured Stories | January 2024

Proyecto Sustentar Addresses Challenges in a New Way

Sustentar has used novel approaches the last few months to understand the challenges employers and workers face in production and to build their capacity for labor compliance. Recently, Engineer Meza, a chile pepper grower in Meoqui, Chihuahua spoke to the Sustentar team about his experience with the project.

Funding is provided by the United States Department of Labor under cooperative agreement number IL-38036-22-75-K.

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MY Voice Child Labour Remediation Hub

To address and help prevent child labour in the garment and palm oil sectors of Malaysia, SAI's MY Voice project is developing a Child Labour Remediation Hub that draws on an existing network of solution providers and resources that can be sustained and scaled over the long-term. The MY Voice Child Labour Remediation Hub is grounded in 11 key due diligence principles for child labour remediation, developed by The Centre for Child Rights and Business, one of the MY Voice project partners.

Funding is provided by the United States Department of Labor under cooperative agreement number IL-37321-21-75-K.

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Upcoming Events

Join the Palma Futuro Handbook and Toolkit Launch

Join SAI, Partners of the Americas, and the US Department of Labor on February 12, 2024 (9:00 am to 10:30 am ET) for the webinar launch of Palma Futuro's handbook and toolkit to learn about the implementation of robust social compliance systems that promote acceptable working conditions in the agricultural sector. The handbook and toolkit are compilations of good practices and lessons learned from project activities conducted with companies and guilds in Colombia and Ecuador.

Register for the event

Upcoming Training for Social Accountability Consultants

SAI’s Social Accountability Consultant Course is a unique opportunity for consultants to advance their knowledge and skills in an interactive and engaging workshop setting. Participants learn to facilitate better social performance through a management systems and capacity building approach that integrates workers' voices. This course is one of the requirements for consultants to join the Social Accountability Consultant Registry.

Upcoming Session:

February 26-28, 2024 (virtual)

8:30-10:30am ET

Learn more and register

New Training Course for Ethical Recruitment

Migrant workers are particularly vulnerable to labor exploitation, which often begins at the recruitment stage. The International Recruitment Integrity System (IRIS) is a social compliance scheme created by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), designed to promote ethical international labor recruitment and mitigate the risks of migrant worker recruitment. 

SAI, in partnership with IOM, has developed the IRIS Audit Programme to help further these objectives. Participants will develop a comprehensive understanding of international labor migration and ethical recruitment learn to how to audit to the IRIS standard.

Upcoming Session:

April 2-5, 2024 (New York City, USA)

Learn more and register
Updates from the Anker Institute

The Anker Research Institute's newest living wage and living income reports include:

The Anker Institute is the independent research arm of the Global Living Wage Coalition (GLWC) and SAI is the institutional host.

SAI Is Hiring

SAI is hiring for several roles across our projects and programs. Apply to join our dynamic global team!

  • Social Compliance Expert, MY Voice (Malaysia)
  • Field Coordinator, Baja California, Proyecto Sustentar (Mexico)
  • SAAS Accreditation Auditor, Various Locations

Learn more and apply on our Careers page.

Upcoming Training Opportunities

SAI & SA8000 Training Courses

SA8000 Introduction & Basic Auditor Training

February 5 – 9: Hamburg, Germany | English

March 11 – 15: Mexico City, Mexico | Spanish

March 18 – 22: Coimbatore, India | English

March 25 – 29: Cremona, Italy | Italian

March 25 – 29: Shenzhen, China | Chinese

SA8000 Advanced Auditor Training

March 5 – 7: | Mexico City, Mexico | English and Spanish

SAI Consultant Course

February 26 – 28: | Remote | English

See full course list and register