In this month's letter , SAIS President Debra Wilson reflects on what SAIS schools have done to maintain educational continuity and keep their communities strong.
Find guidance and sample language for communicating decisions about refunding tuition and fees in this SAIS article.
Brent Kaneft (Park Tudor School) and Nolan LaVoie (Woodberry Forest School) offer advice for keeping your feet planted during uncertain times.
Legal Guidance
Venable reviews the new CARES legislation and Fisher Phillips offers guidance on workplace consequences that come with COVID-19 loans.
SAIS President Debra Wilson suggests areas schools should consider next, from improving remote learning to creating financial models to strengthening retention.
for Managing Difficult Times
Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools (SAES) offers guidance for managing a death on campus . Darkness to Light offers training for protecting kids from child abuse during crises.
COVID-19's Impact on Education
Ian Symmonds shares seven things that will happen to education as a result of COVID-19. Watch Ian's recent SAIS webinar on enrollment strategies here .
To nominate yourself or someone else for the SAIS board, review this information about board service and submit a nomination by April 23 here. Per the bylaws, trustees must be heads of SAIS member schools. The SAIS Governance Committee will process the nominations and present a slate for membership approval at the annual business meeting, which will take place at the SAIS Annual Conference , October 18-20, in Nashville. New trustees will begin their terms on January 1, 2021.