An example is shown in illustration #21. This illustration has three layouts.
Here the piecer is instructed to attach the two colored borders to the white quilt center, with the borders laying across each other, as depicted in the layout on the left. These are stitched down with a 1/4" seam allowance except for leaving 1/4" from the end for the two borders to meet.
The top is then folded so that borders are on top of each other, right sides together, as depicted in the center layout.
The right layout shows that the instructions tell the piecer to sew a seam that aligns to the angle of the folded white center/top.
Trim off the excess, and "Wah Lah," you have a perfect 90 degree corner. Or, do you?
Just as in the case of "corner triangles" made with the intuitive "sew & flip" method that should turn out to be 90 degrees, these often result in corners that are not 90 degrees.
The first two steps are correct. However, when it comes to making the diagonal seam, one additional step is necessary to replace the last step.