Hello Fellow Gardeners!
This is our first Sales and Special Offers Alert of the year.
I've decided to send it not just to those who have signed up for the Alert but to our entire list because I thought many of you would appreciate this information.
We are currently offering a Groupon for our fantastic workshops. The deal is essentially two for the price of one or four for the price of two! Only 3 days left to buy the Groupon. And you can buy as many as you like so you can attend all of our workshops!
Workshops are a great opportunity to have fun, expand your knowledge and to bond with friends, family and other gardeners over an exciting project.
We have an amazing line up of cutting edge workshops this year including Cocktail Gardening with a famous bartender (including samples!), Strawberries and Chocolate with our friends from the chocolate shop Sinfully the Best (more samples!), Hungry Hobbit and Harry Potter Gardens for kids, Painting with Succulents Living Walls, and edible workshops that will not only teach you how to grow your veggies but how to preserve them for later eating through canning, freezing, drying, pickling and more! In all there are over 30 workshops this year. We hope that you'll join us..
"Get me to the Groupon page so I can get me some workshops!"
See you soon in our workshops!
Gary and the Phoenicians
PS. If you would like to receive this or other Alerts in the future click on the link below to Update Profile/Email Address.

Haute Couture Gardening: Purses and Pumps for Chic Displays, Mothers' Day, May 12th