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September Theme: Preparing for Transition Success

Overview of session dates for this month:

September: 5th, 13th (Lunch&Learn), 19th, 26th

Join us this month as we learn more about:

Transitioning into Adulthood, IEP/ ISP, Project Life/Project Search Programs, Employment & Post High School Options

Hybrid Session

(Virtual & In-person Session)

What is My Next Step?

Planning for My Teenager Transitioning

into Adulthood

September 5th 2023


Time: 6pm - 7:30pm

Transition is a journey, not a once & done activity. Figuring out what your young adult (14-22 years old) will do after he/she leaves school takes a great deal of early planning.

In this first SALT TALKS Session of the 2023-2024 school year, the Montgomery County Board of Developmental Disabilities will guide us through a series of transition check points for parents, including: Why transition planning is important?, What are “transition services”?, the importance of student involvement in transition planning, the key agencies that should be considered as part of the transition team, and tools that can help with transition planning.

SALT TEENS (Students & Young Adults) will be offered

at the location below as an in-person gathering only and at the same time as the SALT TALKS. Parents must be attending SALT TALKS while their student or young adults attend the SALT TEENS session.

SALT TEENS will not be offered virtually.

SALT TEENS participants will have a fun time meeting peers and a chance to socialize, while learning about transitioning to adulthood.

See below for the location regarding the in-person meeting.

Northview School, 8114 N. Main Street, Dayton, Ohio  45415 / Room #83 ; Questions? Contact: Andrea Harker,

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Transition Planning: Utilizing the IEP or ISP

September 13th 2023

SALT TALKS Lunch & Learn


Time: 12pm - 1pm

Have you ever felt overwhelmed or confused during during the IEP meeting?

Or didn't know about the ISP post high school?

Join SALT TALKS along with the Butler County Board of Developmental Disabilities

& Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), as we explore how to

navigate the IEP & ISP, and document information in order to get the most

out of these plans for a smooth transition from high school into adulthood.

Students should be preparing to begin their transition planning from school

to post graduation adulthood as early as age 14.

  • So how can you plan effectively for a successful transition?
  • Is there a specific strategy when writing an effective plan?
  • What services does the County Board & OOD provide?
  • What are the possible challenges families may face when creating an IEP / ISP plan & organizing a transition team?


We will discuss how to document your IEP & ISP plans effectively. Additionally, how to identify who should be part of your child’s transition & Post High School teams.

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Transition Planning for Life Skills & Employment:

The Project Life & Project Search Programs

September 19th 2023


Time: 6pm - 7:30pm

Join SALT TALKS during this session as we focus on the Project Life and Project Search Programs. We will hear from several of the Project Life & Project Search programs offered in Southwest Ohio.

Points of discussion we will explore, but not limited to :

  • What is Project Life?
  • What is Project Search?
  • Where, when & how do I apply?
  • What is the eligibility criteria?
  • Where are the internship locations & are they county specific?
  • Are students leaving these programs successful in the real world?

Eligibility and the application timeframes for these programs can be time sensitive. Learn about these programs and when the application process opens. These are wonderful programs, so don't miss the deadlines!

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Post High School: Employment,

Post-Secondary Education or Pajamas?

What's the Plan?

September 26th 2023


Time: 6pm - 7:30pm

Planning for our child's future can be overwhelming, challenging to plan

and at times, difficult to comprehend this part of transition.    

During this session our panel of presenters will review 3 possible options and some thoughts to consider:


  1. Employment
  2. Post Secondary Education
  3. What happens if neither work out?

Hope you can join us for this session as we look at the next possible

options following graduation.

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October Theme - Independent Living Preparing & Planning Part 1

Overview of session dates for this month:

October: 3rd, 11th (Lunch&Learn), 17th, 24th

Join us this month as we learn more about: Independent Living, Housing, Tools for Transition,

Transportation Options

Independent Living - The Allison Boot Story

Hybrid Session

(Virtual & In-person Session)

October 3rd 2023


Time: 6pm - 7:30pm

Worried about what the future may look like for your child with a disability?  

Come to hear three-time self-published author / Ms. Wheelchair Ohio 2023, Allison Boot will talk about how people with disabilities can live equitable, happy lives. She will share her story including the ups and downs of independent living and answer any questions you may have.

See below for the location regarding the in-person meeting.

Greene County Board of Developmental Disabilities: 245 N Valley Rd, Xenia, OH 45385. Questions? Contact: Kathy Kleiser

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Home Sweet Home!

October 11th 2023

SALT TALKS Lunch & Learn


Time: 12pm - 1pm

Finding the right housing options for individuals with disabilities can

be a challenge. We as parents have so many questions around

independent living.

During this session, we will look into the housing decisions & processes

we as parents could expect to face.

Here are some points of discussion, but not limited to:

  • What can we do to prepare for living independently?
  • How do I look for an apartment, housing, group housing, and living with a relative?
  • Can I get my own place to live in the community?
  • How are things paid for or funded?
  • Will I get help to do the things I want to do?
  • What are my Housing Options? (apartment, house, neighborhood community).
  • Discussions around social isolation and the importance of community building and how housing/independent living and transportation can be really closely tied to barriers to making friends and staying connected as adults.

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Tools to Prepare for Transition

Building Life Skills & Independent Living

October 17th 2023


Time: 6pm - 7:30pm

Join SALT TALKS as we explore some possible tools parents can

use to organize and apply to any life circumstance.

Participants should come prepared to learn:

  • What optional tools are available?
  • Where do I start and can I get some help with these tools?
  • Learn about the Charting LifeCourse program & the many tools available to use during transition, with IEP or ISP, employment, independent living goals, and ongoing life changes.

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Getting Around Town:

Public Transportation & Independent Driving

October 24th 2023


Time: 6pm - 7:30pm

What kind of transportation will your young adult use for

getting around town?

Join SALT TALKS as we explore both the public transportation system and getting a personal driver’s license. We will here from various public transportation organizations along with Capabilities as we learn about these options and navigating these opportunities.

Participates will learn about helpful information, available resources and address the challenges individuals with disabilities may face regarding

the various transportation opportunities.

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In-Person Locations for the SALT TALKS sessions that are HYBRID only (Virtual & Live In-Person):

September 5, 2023 – What is My Next Step? Planning for My Teenager Transitioning into Adulthood

Meeting Location Address: Northview School, 8114 N. Main Street, Dayton, Ohio  45415 / Room #83 ; Questions? Contact: Andrea Harker,


October 3, 2023 - Independent Living The Allison Boot Story

Meeting Location & Address: Greene County Board of Developmental Disabilities: 245 N Valley Rd, Xenia, OH 45385. Questions? Contact: Kathy Kleiser

Questions or Subscribe: Please email


Contact your local County Board SALT Team Leader:

Butler Co: Mary Hils,

Greene Co: Kathy Kleiser

Montgomery Co: Andrea Harker

Warren Co: Brittany Conner

These trainings are brought to you in collaborations through

Butler County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Montgomery/Greene/Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities - Local Leaders,

and SALT Resource Solutions LLC


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