Education Summit
Thu., September 8, 2016
Chaffey College -
Chino Community Center
5890 College Park Ave.,
Chino, CA 91710
California Housing Summit - The Cost of Not Housing
Tues., October 11, 2016 8am - 2pm
L.A. Hotel
333 S. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071
High Desert Opportunity
Thu., October 20, 2016
8am - noon
Victoria Gardens
Cultural Center Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Southern California
Living Summit
October 26-27, 2016
Agua Caliente Resort/Spa
32-250 Bob Hope Drive
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
This is a joint publication of the Council of Governments and Office of Legislative and Public Affairs.
For more info regarding Council of Governments activities please contact Duane Baker.
Council of Governments Ad Hoc Committee Formed
After reviewing the proposed Council of Governments (COG) work plan, the SANBAG Board directed that an Ad Hoc Committee be formed to help set priorities and provide direction to the staff on COG activities for the coming year.
The Committee will have three representatives from each subarea and includes from the West Valley Alan Wapner, Janice Rutherford and Dennis Michael; from the East Valley Josie Gonzales, Larry McCallon and Frank Navarro; and from the Mountain/Desert Eric Schmidt, Bill Jahn and James Ramos.
HERO Program Update
Beginning earlier this summer, after a property owner applies for HERO and within their three day "right to cancel," he or she will receive a phone call from HERO to verify the project, terms, and financing details.
This service was previously only available to seniors and property owners who did not speak English as a primary language, but will now be available to all participants in the HERO Program. This "call back" service will help ensure that HERO property owners fully understand the terms and conditions of the financing. It will also allow for staff to receive immediate feedback regarding customer / contractor interactions, and allow for any intervention to occur before the project has begun. HERO also launched the "Know Before You Owe" form. This standalone form discloses all rates, fees, and costs associated with a HERO Project. This form is provided to all property owners applying for HERO before the project begins.
Grant Workshops Set for October
Earlier this year the Board approved a contract with Blais & Associates to assist SANBAG with grant writing and to conduct grant workshops with our members. The first workshop is scheduled on Wednesday, October 19, 2016 from 2:00 - 4:00 in the SANBAG Board Room.
The focus of the workshop will be on identifying potential grant opportunities available to local governments. These grant opportunities will not necessarily be about transportation but will be in areas of more general local government interest. The workshop is open to staff and elected officials from local governments in San Bernardino County.
A registration flyer will be distributed in the coming weeks.
SANBAG's Consumer Protections Being Embraced Nationally
On May 11, 2016, it was announced that PACENation, the national umbrella organization for commercial and residential PACE programs and the PACE industry as a whole, adopted a set of consumer protection policies based on the Consumer Protections Policy adopted by SANBAG in March 2016.
This adoption is significant, as it will help strengthen HERO's efforts to create PACE industry standards for other providers in California and beyond, and enforce our commitment to upholding the public's trust.
The policies address the following areas:
- Eligibility and Risk
- Disclosures and Documentation
- Financing Terms
- Operations
- Post-Funding Support
- Data Security
- Privacy
- Marketing and Communications
- Protected Classes
- Registered Contractors
- Eligible Products
- Pricing
- Reporting
- Closing & Funding
Just a Click Away from SANBAG GIS Data
SANBAG maintains an extensive library of data that is available for a wide variety of applications both internally and for our member agencies. SANBAG provides access to the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data through both a "Map Viewer" and a "Map Library". The Map Viewer is a web-based application that allows users to independently explore and analyze a wide variety of geographically based data. The Map Library on the other hand, is a collection of content specific maps that have been customized to enable users to focus on one dataset. Available data includes countywide parcel data, jurisdictional boundaries, growth data, land use data, travel forecast data, among other datasets.
These tools capitalize on existing resources and investments through expanded access and use of SANBAG GIS data and capabilities. Added benefits include efficiency, transparency, accountability and the facilitation and promotion of interagency data collaboration.
SANBAG Battery Truck Demonstration Subject of Upcoming Forum
On September 19th, Senator Connie Leyva and the Institute for Local Governments (ILG) will host a roundtable in Fontana on the subject of climate and health. Featured in the discussion will be SANBAG's heavy-duty zero-emission truck demonstration project.
This demonstration will place several heavy-duty battery powered trucks in service at the BNSF rail yard in San Bernardino and the Daylight Transportation logistics facility in Fontana.
The demonstration project will monitor the performance of these trucks over a period of time to help in the further development of this technology for wide spread use.
PACE Assessments Accepted by FHA & VA
On July 19, 2016 guidance was issued by HUD's Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and the VA setting standards that will allow qualifying homes with PACE assessments, like HERO, to be purchased or refinanced with mortgage products provided by FHA or the VA.
The Department of Energy (DOE) also updated their PACE best practices guidelines to incorporate the strong consumer protection policies already adopted by SANBAG.
Community Choice Aggregation (CCA)
SANBAG, CVAG and WRCOG are collaborating on a feasibility study and business plan for CCA that allows cities and counties to purchase electricity for its constituents, often at a lower rate and sometimes with a "greener" energy mix than is currently the case.
A workshop was held with the Board on July 6th on CCA and included some preliminary data from the study. The study is underway and is expected to be complete by September. The draft results are scheduled to be presented to the City/County Managers Technical Advisory Committee on September 1st. The study will include recommendations on whether a CCA is feasible from a financial standpoint; how it could be implemented; and, what options are available for governance.
Natural Gas Fleet Surpasses the 100 Million Mile Mark
Ryder Trucks just announced that its natural gas fleet has logged more than 100 million miles. This accomplishment was made possible by a partnership with SANBAG and a grant from the Department of Energy and the California Energy Commission.
The SANBAG administered grant allowed Ryder to put more than 200 natural gas trucks and three support or fueling facilities into service in southern California. Ryder's fleet of natural gas vehicles has displaced 15.4 million gallons of diesel fuel and has eliminated more than 35,269 tons of Greenhouse Gas emissions.
City/County Conference Planning
Planning for the 2017 City/County Conference has begun. Soon you will receive an electronic survey seeking your feedback on possible conference topics and keynote speakers.
Your feedback will help us to plan a conference that provides value and benefits to you and your agency.