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JANUARY 11, 2024

The Life of Samuel - Part 6 - The Rejection of Saul.jpg

We pray that this newsletter and its contents that we share will help you on your daily journey with Christ, causing you to grow in the ways of the Lord.

The giftings of the fivefold ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher) should have one purpose, and that is the teaching and equipping of the saints until we come into unity. This is why we teach so that you can grow stronger in your faith until unity comes in the body of Christ.

Take what you have learned and share it with others so that we can further the kingdom for Jesus Christ.

Russell and Helen Sanders

Spirit of Life Ministries International, Inc.

“And we know that all things work together for good for them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

Romans 8:28 KJV







Have you ever run out of gas? It has happened to me a few times, and both times it was a critical situation. I had not checked the tank, and the vehicle stopped. Fortunately, there was someone close by to help me.  It was my own fault because I hadn’t checked the gas gauge. This can happen with a lawnmower, or any machine that runs on gasoline. Then sometimes the carburetor is messed up and it won’t start. 

What about your spiritual gas tank? Are you so busy with life that your spiritual tank is running on empty? Do you take the time to come apart from the busyness of the world, and get a spiritual fill up? 

 In the book of Jude that only contains 25 verses, there is a very needful verse. In verse 20 it says, “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves (fill ourselves up) on your most Holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost (tongues).” By doing this, verse 21 tells us that it keeps us “in the love of God.” 

Perhaps you may feel God is angry with you over something you did. If that is the case, then repent, then fill yourself up by praying in the spirit. We absolutely must take time to fill ourselves up in this age. There is so much going on around us to “drain” our spiritual tank my friends. You must stay filled up. 

 Then, we also sometimes have a leak in our tank! Little by little it empties, until it just is dried up. Are you in that position? Are you feeling dry about God, and things of the Spirit? You need a fill up.  

Don’t shy away from God during these times. It is in these times that you need God more than ever. He wants you to be filled up with his love, his goodness, and his joy! Pull into his filling station which is the Word of God and fill up! He is waiting to fill you to overflowing!  



To read more of Helen's Daily messages click here