Psalm 150:6 says “Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the LORD.” This includes every living creature and that includes you and me.
In reading the entire 6 verses of Psalm 150 we see that we are to praise God for His mighty acts, his excellent greatness, praise Him in the Church, and out of church. We are to use musical instruments to praise God, trumpets, pianos, harps, tambourines, stringed instruments, cymbals, and noisy high-sounding cymbals.
This is not quiet praise folks; it is praising God everywhere and with everything we’ve got! It is letting Him know our love for Him through praise.
Don’t make your praise secret. Let people know your love of God everywhere you go—home, work, Church, and everywhere else. Praise should be a lifestyle, not an occasional Sunday morning in church type of praise!
If you don’t praise Him, the stones will. What a poor substitute for us—stones praising God. Let’s let the Lord know how much we love Him and continually Praise the Lord!