There is always something to thank God for.
Years ago, I met a lady that had a serious illness. She did not create saliva. She had a very difficult time swallowing because of this. I thought about it and was so thankful that I had saliva.
We often complain about the things we don’t have, but what about the things we do have? Do you realize that over 10 percent of the world lives with electricity? If you have always had access to electricity, it would be hard to fathom. Ask anyone that has gone through severe weather and their power was off for a few weeks. They would say how grateful they were that they made it through without power.
One in three people in the world do not have safe drinking water. We often take water for granted, don’t we? I remember when a hurricane hit back in 2004. There was a woman in our church that had nine children. Her water came from a well that ran on electricity. She went weeks without any way to get water in her home. She finally had to move her family in with her mother.
Did you realize that 60% of the world does not have inside toilet facilities? We should be grateful every time we can flush a toilet.
I could go on and on with statistics, but you see, we have so much to be grateful for. We need to start thanking God for what we do have and ask Him to forgive us for complaining about what we do not have.
When the Hebrews were in the wilderness they complained and complained. All they could think of was how well off they were in Egypt. Yet, in Egypt they were in bondage. Many of those that complained died in the wilderness.
A heart of gratitude for the simple things pleases our Lord. In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 it says, “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” It is God’s will for us to thank Him in everything. Even in the worse circumstances of our lives there is always something to thank God for.
Having recently been in the hospital, I am grateful for life! God was with me and brought me through my journey. I am thankful for the lessons learned through it all.
What are you grateful for? Have you thanked God for your life lately? That is a good place to start. Then thank him for eternal life. That is the most important thing you can ever thank Him for. A heart of gratitude is a heart that loves God.