We learn so much about life through reading the scriptures. We see Adam playing the blame game in the Garden of Eden. We see Eve blaming the serpent. We see Abraham’s father called by God, but only went part way in the call.
We see Abraham lying about his wife being his sister. We see Jacob as a deceiver with his brother. We see Judah with a harlot that produced twins. We see King Saul not waiting for Samuel and keeping the spoil and the enemy when he was told not to.
We see David as a man after God’s own heart yet falls prey to sexual sin with Bathsheba.
We see Nathan going to David AND exposing his sin with Bathsheba, and we see David repentant.
We see Paul riding with all his might to destroy those of “the way” but encounters the Lord and makes a 180 degree turn around. We see a Judas that betrayed the Lord but did not repent. We see Peter denying the Lord, but repenting.
The list goes on and on. You see, these were real people with real problems that knew their lives were changed when they turned to God. Some chose not to repent and turn to God and died in their sin. Others made the right choice and were reconciled to God.
The point is that in life we all fail, and the scriptures attest to that, but there is a Savior that has open arms to restore us when we repent. Never let your sin stand in the way of restoration my friend. We have a God that forgives seventy times seven.