It seems like every day there is chaos in some place or another in the world. There are ongoing wars, destructive weather, elevated food prices, union strikes, deaths, marriages, and more. People are addicted to reading the news, social media, Facebook, YouTube, and the like.
It isn’t that we should not be interested in these things, but when they become our focus daily then we are not focused on God and his plan for the day.
We can become consumed with these distractions. Years ago, a Christian lady that I knew fairly well became obsessed with a high-profile murder trial that was on television. All she talked about continuously was that this person was guilty. She never talked about the Lord anymore, although previously she had a close walk with God. She had become the judge, jury, and executioner in this case even though she was not personally involved. She had become totally distracted by this event.
Are you distracted? Do you spend more time concentrating on the things happening in the world instead of going into the world with the gospel and making something happen? If we aren’t careful, and avoid distractions, our lives will be just as chaotic as the world is chaotic.
We must daily immerse ourselves in the Word of God. That is where we find the “good news.” That is where we find the promises for our daily provision, healing, and counsel for everything else needed in this life.
In Luke chapter 21 much is discussed about end times and what to expect. Then verse 22 tells us the condition of men. It says, “Men’s hearts failing them for FEAR, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”
Continuously being consumed with the chaos of the world will ultimately bring fear into one’s life. Yes, we learn from reading God’s word that these things will happen, and worse things are going to happen because God told us about it in Word. Despite this happening, this is our hour to go into the darkness and shine for Jesus. We must remember that our purpose as Christians is to focus on our assignment from God, and fulfill it, and to not focus on the chaos.
Do not let the cares of the world rob you of the promises of the Word. You must fight the good fight of faith and do not let yourself become distracted.