Dear People of God,

The process to select MCC’s next Council of Elders will begin in January 2024. As you may know, under the UFMCC bylaws, Elders are formalized through a 3 part process:

  • Appointed by the Moderator
  • Approved by the Governing Board
  • Affirmed by General Conference

This process ensures that the choices of the Moderator are scrutinised by two other bodies, before the Elders who are approved and affirmed come into office.

A more detailed communication with how to apply will be available in early January 2024.

  • Applications will be open 5th January 2024 until midnight (GMT) 21st January 2024 (please do not send in applications before then).
  • Webinars to meet Elders recommended for affirmation will be held Monday, 19th February, Portuguese/English; Thursday, 22nd February, Spanish/English; and Saturday, 24th February, English.
  • A Special General Conference for the votes of affirmation will commence on 27th February 2024.

Please hold me in prayer and those who will put themselves forward to be considered, as I discern who is called to serve us all at this stage in MCC’s journey. 

God bless,

Reverend Elder Cecilia Eggleston


Metropolitan Community Churches

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