July 2018
Jonblair and Joy
A Promise Youth Inspires His Family
Jonblair and his mom
Jonblair is a 17-year-old high schooler. When he first met his Promise Counselor he was very shy, to the point of barely speaking. After building some rapport he opened up a bit and his Counselor discovered that he was open to working. Jonblair was very unsure of what his work interests might be and what he might be capable of. He mentioned that work was not something he had thought about because he thought he had to wait until he was older to work. Read the rest of Jonblair's story
youth smiling at work
Act Now to Find a Summer Job

Having a summer job can be fun and set you up for future success. You can meet new friends, learn new skills, and earn extra money.
Talk to your Promise Counselor
Promise can help connect you with employers who hire for the summer.  Your Promise counselor   can help you create or improve your resume, prepare for the interview, and be ready to start working.

Let others know you want to work this summer. Do your part to learn of job openings. One of the best ways to learn about jobs is through friends and family. Tell others that you want to work this summer. Your friend, teacher, mom, dad, or even next door neighbor might be the person who connects you to your summer job.

Ellie's Updates

Check out the Promise Services Summary and find out how Promise is helping Wisconsin Promise Youth and Families. The more impact we can have with more youth and their family members, the more we will be able to demonstrate how Wisconsin Promise Services and Supports can help to increase participants’ education, employment, and financial self-sufficiency.

Take a Promise Survey text
Promise Follow-Up Survey

As Promise services come to an end, we are asking all Promise Youth and one family member to complete a final follow-up survey about their time in the Promise program. Any youth who fill out the survey by October 31st will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a $30 Walmart or Target gift card.

girl holding a balloon with Save the Date text
Save the Date
Promise Celebrations

Celebrate Your Promise Accomplishments
Events are planned around the state to share stories, meet other teens and families, and look ahead to what’s next. Join us for food and fun at a location near you.

Milwaukee Brunch Celebration   |  Saturday  |  September 8, 2018  |  10am to 1pm
Urban Ecology Center-Riverside Park  |  1500 E. Park Place  |  Milwaukee, WI

Racine/Kenosha Dinner Celebration   |  Thursday  |  September 13, 2018  |  6pm to 8:30pm
Filomena’s Restaurant |  1300 Sheridan Road  | Kenosha, WI

Milwaukee Dinner Celebration   |  Friday  |  September 14, 2018  |  6pm to 8:30pm
Radisson West  | 2303 N. Mayfair Road  |  Milwaukee, WI

La Crosse Brunch Celebration   |  Saturday  |  September 15, 2018  |  10am to 1pm
The Charmant Hotel  | 101 State Street |  La Crosse, WI

Madison Dinner Celebration   |  Wednesday  |  September 19, 2018  |  6pm to 8:30pm
Goodman Community Center, Bolz A Room  | 149 Waubesa Street  |  Madison, WI

Appleton Dinner Celebration   |  Thursday  |  September 20, 2018  |  6pm to 8:30pm
Courtyard Marriott Riverside | 101 S. Riverheath Way |  Appleton, WI

Eau Claire Dinner Celebration   |  Wednesday  |  September 26, 2018  |  6pm to 8:30pm
Green Mill Restaurant and Bar  | 2703 Craig Road  |  Eau Claire, WI

Wausau Dinner Celebration   |  Thursday  |  September 27, 2018  |  6pm to 8:30pm
Great Dane Pub and Brewing Co. | 2305 Sherman Street  |  Wausau, WI
Community Forums

Employing Young Adults with Barriers:
Finding Workforce Solutions
Business's have workforce needs and young adults with disabilities and other barriers have the skills and the desire to work. Join the discussion to help identify how to make these connections.

Milwaukee, WI
When: August 21, 2018
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Where: Radisson West Milwaukee
Cost: FREE

Milwaukee, WI
When: September 19, 2018
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Where: Botanas Restaurant
Cost: FREE
shadow of youth indicating enrollment graph
Promise in the Community

2018 WI IPS Learning Collaborative Annual Meeting
June 11-12, 2018
Ellie Hartman spoke about preliminary outcomes and lessons learned. She shared Reyna's and Matthew's videos about financial self-sufficiency and Trauma Informed Care.

Financial Empowerment for People with Disabilities
June 27, 2018
Ellie Hartman spoke about Wisconsin Promise and Assuring People with Disabilities Have Access to Mainstream Financial Services.
Promise Parent and Youth Advisory Committee
June 2018
Members met in Milwaukee for some team building exercises and preparation for a panel presentation at the Inclusion Institute to be held on July 25th in Wausau, WI. Here are some of the questions and answers they prepared for.
  • What kind of things are you sharing with the group? The parents and youth plan to share their future goals and their experiences planning for these goals with their schools, Promise counselors, and other service providers. They will give suggestions/tips to families and professionals about working together as a team. 
  • What questions do you all have? The families and youth expressed concerns about service coordination once Promise ends. They are wondering what type of help they will get from schools and DVR once Promise ends. When families hit roadblocks or dead ends with schools and services, where do they turn for help? 
youth and adult working with marshmallows and spaghetti
A group working with spaghetti and marshmallows
Group picture of event
  • What are things that are working well? Individualized support to learn self-advocacy skills and soft skills, support/assistance from the family advocate, and teachers that help youth stay on track with their goals. People who recognize that families might be overwhelmed. People who listen for and respond to/follow through with what youth and families need to be successful. 
  • What are things that could be improved? Parents need more complete information more often about services and supports, what to expect, and how to advocate during transition. Families need to be better supported to understand the dignity of risk and how to enable their child to gain independence and pursue future goals. More opportunities throughout the state for family networking, information sharing, and family peer support.
Steering Committee Profile Members and Emails
Project Director
Meredith Dressel

Project Manager
Ellie Hartman

Cayte Anderson
Nancy Molfenter
Sam Ninnemann
Wendy Henderson
Jenny Neugart 
Suzanne Lee