SB 1013 GMDP Program Workshop Recap

The CRA team attended CalRecycle's latest informal public workshop, which focused on the Glass Market Development Payment (GMDP) Program, created with the passage of SB 1013. The GMDP Program is similar to the Plastic Market Development Program, which CalRecycle has administered since 2007, however, unlike the plastic program, glass payments are only paid to manufacturers. Processors do not receive GMDP payments. Key takeaways from today's workshop are provided below. CalRecycle is accepting comments, questions and/or concerns specific to GMDP through next Tuesday, May 30.

Workshop Recap:

  • The draft GMDP eligibility form is close to being finalized. Manufacturers are asked to provide as much detail as possible on the forms before submission. Once approved, manufacturers will be assigned a GMDP number to use on their claim form and then submit a 204 form in order to receive payments.
  • Claim forms are to be submitted on a quarterly basis and no later than the 10th of the second month following the reporting quarter. Claims will start with July 1 - September 30, 2023 and are due November 10, 2023. July 1 is the first date manufacturers would be making claims.
  • There is no exact date for when payments will go out, but claims for the first quarter will be processed starting November 10. This will be CalRecycle’s first run with the new program so there is not a specific date for when funds will be distributed.
  • Every invoice needs to be submitted for all recycled glass received (one participant said they would have to submit invoices per load, which would mean roughly hundreds of loads per month, so CalRecycle will consider this potentially onerous requirement and how best to move forward for manufacturers). Glass purchased outside of California is not eligible for GMDP so invoices are not required for out of state purchases.

CalRecycle Next Steps:

  • Review comments from today
  • Review email inquiries received after presentation
  • Follow up with participant if CalRecycle has questions
  • Make necessary changes/clarifications to forms
  • Post forms and instructions by Wednesday, June 21
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