Vote comes on same day as Senate Committee approves Circus Cruelty Prevention Act
– A major update to existing animal welfare legislation passed an important committee vote in the California State Assembly yesterday, with AB 1260 passing the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee by a vote of 11-3. Authored by Assemblymember Brian Maienschein (D-San Diego) and sponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation, AB 1260 will ban the importation and sale of hippos, several lizard species and caiman correcting gaps in state law that already covers the commercial sale of big cats, dolphins, elephants, and others.
“Californians like to do what’s right and have supported legislation to protect animals,” said
Assemblymember Maienschein
. “Maybe there was a time when our ancestors needed to wear the fur from polar bears or the skin of a hippopotamus, but that time is long gone. These are fashion choices, plain and simple, and they are destroying biodiversity around the world. I’m proud to be taking steps to eliminate a market for these unnecessary and destructive products.”
“No one needs a hippo’s skin more than the hippo does,” added
Judie Mancuso, Founder and CEO of Social Compassion in Legislation
. “Advancing AB 1260 shows that California is truly a leader in animal welfare, and will bring the fashion industry in line with our compassionate California values.”
This came on the same day as the vote to approve another Social Compassion in Legislation sponsored bill, the
Circus Cruelty Prevention Act (SB 313)
. This bill, which bans animals in circuses including elephants and tigers was approved by a 7-0 vote of the California Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee.
“Polling shows that the majority of Californians support banning animals in circuses. The growing public disdain for archaic animal circuses and the dangerous incidents involving animals are why so many jurisdictions around the world are banning these types of performances,”
“Elephants and tigers don’t belong in cages – and circuses that exploit them and other animals have no place here in California, or anywhere for that matter,” said
Senator Ben Hueso (D-San Diego)
. “I thank the members of the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee for their unanimous vote in favor of SB 313, and everyone who traveled to the Capitol to show their support for this important and overdue legislation.”
On this bill,
Delcianna Winders, Vice President and Deputy Counsel for the PETA Foundation
, said, “Even when circus exhibitors’ neglect and abuse results in death to humans and animals, they are allowed to stay in business, their licenses to exhibit animals automatically renewed regardless of egregious violations, at best slapped with a miniscule penalty that is treated as a cost of doing business. California’s permitting process for traveling animal acts does virtually nothing to make this situation better.
SB 313 provides much needed protections to animals used in circuses—and the humans they endanger.”
AB 1260 will support fair competition in the fashion marketplace, where several large retailers – including Chanel, Ann Taylor, H&M, Adidas, and Victoria’s Secret – have already committed to never use the skins of the animals that would be protected under the proposed legislation.
AB 1260 now advances to the Assembly Appropriations Committee, and SB 313 heads to Senate Judiciary Committee.