Welcome to the online newsletter of Second Baptist Church of Los Angeles. You will be kept informed about what we are doing as a congregation of believers in Christ as we continue to manage our health, safety and remain connected during the pandemic. You will also be made aware of our projection about what we will be doing post pandemic with a new normal that will expand our commitment, dedication, faith and loyalty to fulfilling the purpose of our faith community. Be encouraged and inspired as you continue on your faith journey. 

I was blessed to become Pastor of Second Baptist Church in October 1987. Second Baptist has a designation with a moniker for the years of their Pastors. My years are labeled the challenging years. Little did I know how true that would capture the reality of what this congregation, neighborhood and country would be experiencing during my tenure. This congregation has afforded me the privilege of serving them for the past 33 years. No pastor could wish for a more accepting, encouraging and loving congregation than what God permitted me to have through this fellowship of faith. 

God Bless. 

Dr. William S. Epps, Senior Pastor