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Upcoming Events & Activities


Many community groups are starting up again this month. Check the link below for options and start dates. Some may request registration. Please don't hesitate to join any of our groups whether you can make it weekly or every now and then.

Community Groups


Convoy of Hope, the same non-profit that gave so generously to our Trunk or Treat event, sent 13 full semi truck loads (so far) from Sacramento down to LA to help ease the burden of the LA fires. If you'd like to know more about how you can help, view the video link above, and give through the link below!

GIVE - Support the LA Fire Efforts
Clemen-Timez Update - December

Mission Opportunities for 2025

Arise Go Serve

Youth Ministries

Contact SBC Kids
Contact Pastor Caleb

Did You Miss the Message? Catch Up Here!

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Christmas Eve 2024

Community Updates

Our TLC (Tender Loving Care) Ministry puts people who love cooking (or picking up someone's favorite from a restaurant!) into contact with families who may need some support; whether that's after having a baby, if someone is ill, going through a loss, or any other need!

Contact Laura

As our church grows, we don't want to lose track of you and all that may be going on in your life. Please reach out if you need any counseling, prayer or assistance of any kind.

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