Housing vacancy rates in the Santa Barbara area are extremely low. We strongly recommend you to reserve housing before booking your flight and arriving in the US. If you cannot find housing in the SB area before you arrive, please consider deferring your I-20 to the next semester. A few tips:
- Submit an application right away to increase your chances of getting a space.
- Watch out for scams on social media sites!
Vacancy updates may be found on SBCC Housing roommate finder.
Student Room Stay Apartments, dorm-style apartments, homestays, plus lots of extra services, support, and social events.
Website: go.studentroomstay.com/sbcc
Contact: Desirée Gonzalez
The Coral Group Apartments, cottages, condos and homestays, plus lots of extra services, support, and social events.
Website: coralgroupsb.com
Contact: Kevin & Charlotte Hansen
kevin@coralgroupsb.com or Charlottecoralgroup@gmail.com
Additional housing options