Thursday, January 30, 2025

State Bar of Nevada eNews

Justice Lee Encourages Attorneys to Participate in Pro Bono Challenge

One of Nevada Supreme Court Justice Patricia Lee’s favorite quotes is, “Pro bono is food for the soul.”

Kicking off the new year, many State Bar of Nevada licensees have great plans to do more and give back, but often fall short of their planned accomplishments. Part of creating success is raising your hand for a ready-made opportunity.


The 2025 Section Pro Bono Challenge begins in February and runs through May, and already, we have more than half a dozen volunteers on board! All attorneys can get involved – share your section to credit points to your section. Here’s how:



Attorneys can volunteer online and select their preferred legal service provider or reach out directly.


Justice Lee encourages participation saying, “It is incumbent upon us as attorneys to use our powers for good. There is no greater virtue than providing access to justice for those who would not otherwise be able to afford it.” 


Join us this year!  See past winners. The 2025 challenge runs February 1 through May 31.


Attorneys, sections, and volunteers will be recognized at the annual bar conference and in Nevada Lawyer, and the top winner from each of the top 10 sections will win lunch with the Nevada Supreme Court and Nevada Court of Appeals.

This Week at the State Bar

The State Bar of Nevada’s Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility has drafted a formal opinion and is seeking comments from attorneys. The deadline to submit feedback is noon on Saturday, February 15

The State Bar of Nevada is searching for two attorney coaches to mentor new Mock Trial teams at Desert Oasis and Liberty high schools in Las Vegas. For information, e-mail CLE Director Eric Johnson at

The state bar helps you get the CLE you need, at a time convenient for you. In addition to live seminars and webinars, our online CLE store provides pre-recorded seminars on demand, as well as Nevada Lawyer magazine articles for CLE credit. Search our store today!

The State Bar of Nevada is excited to offer Nevada attorneys and their guests the opportunity to visit Holland while earning CLE credits! We’ve partnered with CLE Abroad to offer this unique and exclusive travel and education package at extraordinary pricing. The trip will take place April 29 through May 5, 2025, with an optional extension for two additional days in Amsterdam.

View Upcoming Bar Events

Supreme Court to Hold Hearing to Amend Retention Schedule

State Court Administrator Katherine Stocks filed a petition to amend the Nevada Courts Administrative Records Retention Schedule to reflect modern standards and improve court efficiency.


The Nevada Supreme Court will conduct a public hearing on the petition at 2 p.m. on Thursday, February 20, 2025, in the Nevada Supreme Court Courtroom at 201 South Carson Street in Carson City. The hearing will be videoconferenced to the Nevada Supreme Court Courtroom at 408 East Clark Avenue in Las Vegas.


The court invites written comments from the bench, bar, and public regarding the petition. Comments or requests to participate may be submitted electronically or in hard-copy format to: Elizabeth A. Brown, Clerk of the Supreme Court, 201 South Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 or by 5 p.m. on Thursday, February 13, 2025.

Plan for the Future with Long-Term Care Insurance

For some, planning for the future can be scary, but with Long-Term Care insurance, it doesn’t need to be.


Every year, more and more Americans are faced with the monumental costs and realities associated with assisted living facilities and nursing homes. Long-Term Care insurance can help families offset those costs and reduce their financial burden.


Visit the State Bar of Nevada Insurance Marketplace to request a free plan comparison and no-obligation quote.

Inn of Court Hosting Pickleball Tournament

The Howard D. McKibben Inn of Court invites you to a fun and friendly Beginner and Intermediate Pickle Ball Round Robin Tournament on Saturday, March 29, at the Plaza Hotel and Casino.


The beginner tournament begins at 10:30 a.m. while the intermediate tournament begins at 1:30 p.m. Parking will be validated.


The tournament is open to both members and non-members, so invite friends who might be interested in joining the fun.


Space is limited, so secure your spot early. Registration deadline is Friday, February 28

Judicial Commission Seeks Temporary Member from 7th District

The Commission on Judicial Selection invites applications from bar members to fill the following vacancy:


  • Temporary member from the Seventh Judicial District (Eureka, Lincoln, or White Pine counties)

Article 6, Section 20, of the Constitution of the State of Nevada, calls for the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Nevada to appoint attorney members to the Commission on Judicial Selection. 


Please submit your application no later than Wednesday, February 5.

Senior Law Program Hosting Free CLE

The Southern Nevada Senior Law Program is offering a free one-hour general credit CLE titled “Elder Abuse & Exploitation: Recognition, Reporting & Response.” The course will provide a general overview of what constitutes elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, who is required to report it, how to report it, and a remedial response for the practitioner. 

This CLE will be held at noon on Thursday, February 20, at the Southern Nevada Senior Law Program’s office and via Zoom.

Please RSVP by emailing Cesar Hernandez at

Featured CLE: Financial Statements and Other Things That Don’t Add Up

The Bankruptcy Section is hosting a CLE titled “Financial Statements, Monthly Operating Reports and Other Things That Don’t Add up.”


Instructors Edward Burr, Bert Larsen, and James Patrick Shea will provide an overview of how to decipher information contained in financial statements, monthly operating reports, and other commonly used financial documents.

Program Date:

April 23



1-2 p.m.





CLE Hours:

1 General Credit


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Pro Bono Opportunities

State Bar of Nevada


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