Thursday, November 30, 2023

State Bar of Nevada eNews

Nevada Lawyer Delves into Housing Problems and Solutions

The number of Nevada residents facing housing concerns – including homelessness – is increasing due to rising housing costs, economic uncertainties, and other issues. The December issue of Nevada Lawyer magazine explores the problems the state is facing and offers ways for attorneys to help those in need.


The December issue looks at how the Nevada Legislature is incentivizing the creation of low-income housing, how Las Vegas is handling the eviction crisis, explores the city of Henderson’s plan to deal with homelessness, and offers an article for CLE credit on the summary eviction process and common defenses for it. Judge Gregory G. Gordon’s article analyzes the issues faced by self-represented litigants in Family Court.  


As always, the magazine includes regular features such as the president’s message, news and notes, the Nevada Trailblazer profile, and the bar counsel report. Be sure to check out the Nevada Lawyer archives for a lengthy list of back issues.

This Week at the State Bar

The newest section at the State Bar of Nevada – the Science & Technology Law Section – is now accepting members! The SciTech Section provides leadership on emerging issues at the intersection of law, science, and technology to Nevada’s legal community.

Still need CLE credits before year-end? Check out the lineup of online and in-person CLEs the state bar is offering. Featured upcoming seminars include “Ethics: Year in Review,” on Dec. 6 at 9 a.m.; “Advanced Family Law,” on Dec. 7 at 8:45 a.m.; and “Legislative Update,” on Dec. 13 at noon.

Interested in attending the 2024 Bar Conference in Santa Fe? Attendees can now register to attend and book hotel rooms. Be sure to join us June 27-28, 2024!

View Upcoming Bar Events

Couvillier Selected to Fill U.S. Magistrate Judge Vacancy

Chief Judge Miranda M. Du, of the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada, has announced that Maximiliano D. Couvillier III was selected to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of V. Cam Ferenbach, U.S. Magistrate Judge in Las Vegas.


Couvillier is a founding partner of Kennedy & Couvillier, PLLC. Prior to establishing Kennedy & Couvillier, PLLC, he was a partner at Lionel Sawyer & Collins and managing partner at Black & LoBello. Couvillier served as the general counsel for the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada (2011-13) and then as president of the Board of Directors (2014-23). He also served as president of the Nevada Latino Bar Association and chair of the State Bar of Nevada’s Litigation Section.

Couvillier received his law degree from California Western School of Law, graduating cum laude, and his Bachelor of Arts in political science from the University of California at San Diego (Thurgood Marshall College).


Couvillier will assume the position of U.S. Magistrate Judge on January 8. The term of the appointment is eight years.

2024 Health Insurance Open Enrollment Period Ends Jan. 15

The annual Open Enrollment period for individual health insurance plans ends on January 15. If you need a January 1 start date, make sure you enroll by December 15. This is the only time of year to enroll in ACA-compliant health coverage unless you experience a qualifying life event. Visit to shop plans, schedule an appointment, or use the live chat.


The Insurance Marketplace is a State Bar of Nevada Business Partner that offers the ability to access insurance and benefits needed to stay happy and healthy. From health insurance to disability coverage, bar members are covered. The Health Insurance Marketplace offers a broad level of choice and concierge-level of support designed exclusively for members, employees, and dependents.

CSF Committee Seeks Both Attorney, Non-Attorney Members

The Clients’ Security Fund Committee has an open attorney position and one open lay member position.

The State Bar of Nevada’s Clients’ Security Fund (CSF) Committee is responsible for making financial resources available to reimburse victims of attorney theft. Attorney committee members investigate 10 to 15 claims filed with the CSF each year. All committee members analyze the claims to determine if attorney fees were earned and/or if attorney theft took place, evaluate the ongoing financial condition of the CSF, and approve or deny reimbursement requests in accordance with these factors.

Each member can expect to commit approximately 30 hours annually to CSF committee duties, in addition to two half-day meetings each year. Typical claims involve issues of personal injury law, bankruptcy, probate/guardianship, family/domestic, and criminal issues. Ideal candidates will have diverse backgrounds in more than one area of law. Committee members are appointed to three-year terms.

Those interested in being a part of the Clients’ Security Fund Committee should submit an application before the December 15 deadline.

First Judicial District Bar Association Hosting Happy Hour

The First Judicial District Bar Association (FJDBA) is hosting a Holiday Happy Hour Get Together from 5:30-7:30 p.m., Tuesday, December 12, at The Shoe Tree Brewing Company at 1496 Old Hotsprings Road in Carson City.


There is no charge for FJDBA members.


To RSVP, email or call Anne Laughlin at 775-671-2414.

Featured CLE: Constitutional Law

with Professor Chemerinsky

Professor Erwin Chemerinsky, one of the state bar's most highly regarded speakers, will discuss cases on the SCOTUS docket that are of interest to Nevada practitioners. The course is a review of the decisions from the Supreme Court’s October Term 2022 and of the major cases pending on the docket for this term, October Term 2023.

Program Date:

Thursday, December 14



1:30 – 4:45 p.m.





CLE Hours:

3 General Credits


State Bar of Nevada


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