Thursday, January 23, 2025

State Bar of Nevada eNews

Volunteers Urgently Needed for 2025 High School Mock Trial Competitions

The State Bar of Nevada’s annual High School Mock Trial competitions continue to grow as more than 30 teams have signed up to participate in this year’s competition – 10 more than last year. The state bar is thrilled with the interest – and now has desperate need of judges.


Passionate lawyers are urgently needed to volunteer as judges and courtroom liaisons for the mock trial competitions coming up in just a few weeks. Volunteers support aspiring high school students and mentor the next generation of legal minds. By volunteering, not only will you witness firsthand the enthusiasm, talent, and potential of high school students immersing themselves in the world of law, but you'll also earn valuable CLE credits.


Join us in Las Vegas and Reno for these exciting rounds:


  • February 21: Southern Nevada Regional Competition (Las Vegas);
  • February 28: Northern Nevada Regional Competition (Reno); and
  • March 12-14: State Competition (Reno).


Volunteer for any (or all) of the competition dates your support is greatly appreciated.

Sign Up Today: Mock Trial Judge Registration


Questions? Contact CLE Manager Sonja Finley-Tratos at


Together, we can make a meaningful impact on these young, enterprising legal minds and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of live mock trials!

This Week at the State Bar

The State Bar of Nevada is hiring an Assistant Bar Counsel for its Las Vegas office. 

The State Bar of Nevada is seeking dedicated and qualified individuals to join the Functional Equivalency Committee. This committee plays a crucial role in evaluating a petitioner's qualifications under SCR 51.5 to be eligible to apply for admission in Nevada. 

The State Bar of Nevada is searching for two attorney coaches to mentor new Mock Trial teams at Desert Oasis and Liberty high schools in Las Vegas. For information, e-mail CLE Director Eric Johnson at

The State Bar of Nevada is excited to offer Nevada attorneys and their guests the opportunity to visit Holland while earning CLE credits! We’ve partnered with CLE Abroad to offer this unique and exclusive travel and education package at extraordinary pricing. The trip will take place April 29 through May 5, 2025, with an optional extension for two additional days in Amsterdam.

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Judicial Commission Seeks Temporary Member from 7th District

The Commission on Judicial Selection invites applications from bar members to fill the following vacancy:


  • Temporary member from the Seventh Judicial District (Eureka, Lincoln, or White Pine counties)

Article 6, Section 20, of the Constitution of the State of Nevada, calls for the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Nevada to appoint attorney members to the Commission on Judicial Selection. 


Please submit your application no later than Wednesday, February 5.

Deadline Approaching: Out-of-State Attorneys Must File by Jan. 31

Out-of-state attorneys representing Nevada clients in extra-judicial matters pending in or substantially related to Nevada are required to register with the State Bar of Nevada by filing an annual report each calendar year. This annual report must be filed by January 31.


This registration is required by Nevada Rule of Professional Conduct 5.5A, regarding the Unauthorized Practice of Law. Copies of the form are available on the state bar's website. A reporting fee of $150 is required.


Members of the State Bar of Nevada can assist their fellow counsel by reminding them of this requirement and providing them with the information needed to access the required forms. This requirement frequently applies in transactional matters, such as out-of-state real estate transactions.

State Bar Seeks Feedback on Formal Ethics Opinion

The State Bar of Nevada’s Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility has drafted a formal opinion and is seeking comments from membership.


The formal opinion is regarding the following matter:

“Whether Rule 4.2 of the Nevada Rules of Professional Conduct prohibits a Nevada-licensed attorney from contacting a represented party when the Nevada-licensed attorney is not engaged in the practice of law on behalf of a client, as well as the limitations, if any, on an attorney in providing public comment at a publicly noticed meeting.”


The deadline to submit feedback is noon on Saturday, February 15.


The full opinion will remain posted on the State Bar of Nevada’s website until the deadline. The website allows members to voice their opinions about these matters via online comment form.

First Judicial District Bar Association Hosting CLE Lunch 

The First Judicial District Bar Association (FJDBA) is hosting a one-hour general credit CLE titled “Prosecutorial Ethics” at noon Friday, February 7, at Red’s Old 395 Grill at 1055 South Carson Street in Carson City. Carson City District Attorney Garrit Pruyt will be the speaker.


The cost is $25 for nonmembers and $20 for FJDBA members. To RSVP, email or call Anne Laughlin at 775-671-2414.

Senior Law Program Hosting Free CLE

The Southern Nevada Senior Law Program is offering a free one-hour general credit CLE titled “Elder Abuse & Exploitation: Recognition, Reporting & Response.” The course will provide a general overview of what constitutes elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, who is required to report it, how to report it, and a remedial response for the practitioner. 

This CLE will be held at noon on Thursday, February 20, at the Southern Nevada Senior Law Program’s office and via Zoom.

SABA-LV Offers Free Membership in 2025

The South Asian Bar Association of Las Vegas (SABA-LV) is waiving membership fees for all new members in 2025. Click here to join.


SABA-LV promotes DEI and professional growth in Las Vegas across all communities, with a particular focus on the South Asian community and those engaged in or pursuing a career in law. It has awarded significant scholarships to law students across all communities. At SABA-LV’s formal event held in August 2024, it awarded nearly $40,000 in scholarships to 12 William S. Boyd law school students with a wide range of diverse backgrounds.


Take advantage of this limited-time offer and join today.

Featured CLE: Nevada Public Records Act & Tort Litigation Update

The Public Lawyers Section is hosting a CLE titled “Nevada Public Records Act & Tort Litigation Update.”


Instructor Jackie Nichols will provide public records law updates and updates regarding tort law litigation for public agencies. 


Nichols focuses her practice on representing government and municipal entities, with experience in civil rights, personal injury, employment matters, and Nevada Public Records Act (NPRA) cases, including appeals. She also represents medical professionals and entities in malpractice suits, handling all stages of litigation from pre-suit investigations to expert discovery.

Program Date:

February 12



11 a.m. until 1 p.m.





CLE Hours:

2 General Credits


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