SBVC Foundation Quarterly Newsletter
March 2021 | Issue 2
Recent News
Nearly $1 Million Raised to Provide Financial Support to SBVC Students During Pandemic
The SBVC Foundation and community has been hard at work for students during the pandemic this past year. Over $960,000 has been raised through various donations and grants to help SBVC students both in response to the pandemic and to support them into the Fall 2021-Spring 2022 academic year.

One of the largest donations came from the Chuck Obershaw Estate. The generous donation, about $350,000, will be added to an existing endowment for a combined endowment of about $600,000. Interest from the account will support approximately 30 students annually with scholarships of $1,000 each to pursue careers in automotive, business, and entrepreneurship. There will be no citizenship requirements to apply for these scholarships. SBVC students will be able to apply for the scholarships through Academic Works during the scholarship application period (Oct. 1-Jan. 31).
Ahmael McGee, Finish Line Scholarship Recipient & Student at SBVC
Several donations were made from different foundations to provide more immediate assistance to students in need during the pandemic. A charitable donation from the Jay Pritzker Foundation enabled the Finish Line Scholars Program to award $150,000. Currently enrolled SBVC students can apply directly for emergency financial aid at:

Our own SBVC Foundation contributed $180,000 to be used for emergency financial aid, allocating $70,000 for undocumented students (who were not eligible to participate in CARES Act emergency assistance) and $5,000 for student transfer fees. Likewise, the Inland Empire Community Foundation awarded $20,000 to be used for emergency aid going directly to students. Students can find more information on these emergency funds and how to apply through the SBVC Foundation and the SBVC main websites. As funds are designed to to help currently enrolled SBVC students address financial hardships that may impact their ability to stay enrolled, students will need to submit an application for funding and must intend to stay enrolled through the end of the semester.

Grant funds have also been used to support current and former foster youth. The Foundation for California Community Colleges Student Relief Fund for Foster Youth awarded $10,665 to help 29 current or former foster youth.

A combined $45,000 was used to purchase hot spot devices with 12-month data plans to help student without internet access. The Growing Inland Achievement donated $15,000 and SBVC’s Association of Student Government donated $30,000. The hotspot devices were distributed in the Fall 2020. Students submitted a request through the SBVC library if they needed a hotspot device.

Other funds have been made available to students directly through existing academic programs. For instance, the Valley-Bound Commitment Program students will receive some emergency financial relief after the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians allowed the Foundation to repurpose more than $60,000 of grant funds to provide emergency financial aid to Valley-Bound students enrolled this semester. Additionally, the Wells Fargo Foundation kindly repurposed a $25,000 grant to buy Chromebooks that were loaned out to Valley-Bound Program students who needed access to a computer. The funds also included the purchase hotspots for Valley-Bound Program students to borrow.

Over $75,000 was awarded by Southern California Edison, including $50,000 that will support the SBVC’s Clean Energy Hybrid and Electric Vehicle (EV) Technician Training program and award $1,000 scholarships to 5 students in the program. The department faculty chair will select awardees. The remaining $25,000 will be used to fund 25 $1,000 scholarships for students in STEM (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics) programs. SBVC students will be able to apply for the SCE STEM scholarships through Academic Works.

Other program support funding comes from a $25,000 grant from the So Cal Gas Company to expand SBVC’s EV Tech Program (hydrogen) at Automotive & Diesel. This grant is mainly for program support to purchase tools for student use.

Finally, a $20,000 grant from the San Bernardino County Nonprofit Assistance Fund was awarded to the SBVC Foundation.

In all, these generous donations validate the importance of student needs and inspire others to recognize how critical it is to create opportunity for SBVC students to achieve their educational goals.
2019-2020 Annual Report
San Bernardino Valley College Foundation is proud to release our 2019-2020 Annual Report. Each year our offices release the report as a review of the year's events, which also includes:
  • A message from the 2019-20 SBVC Foundation President
  • Articles:
  • Grant Spotlight: SoCal Gas
  • Grant Spotlight: Edison International STEM Scholarships & Clean Technology Program
  • Community Support Spotlight: San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
  • Community Spotlight: Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County
  • Alumni Success: Rhonda Sewell, RN
  • Alumni/Donor Spotlight: Charles D. Obershaw
  • Donor Appreciation
  • Financial Statements  
  • Ways to help support SBVC students 

Cover Image: 2020 Scholarship Awardees
Upcoming Events
SBVC Foundation Board of Directors Nominations
Now Being Accepted!

The San Bernardino Valley College Foundation is now accepting nominations for new Board Directors. Nominations will be accepted now through March 8, 2021.

SBVC Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, with up to 27 members, that is charged with setting policy, providing oversight, and strengthening support for the college. Each Board Director’s commitment to these activities enables San Bernardino Valley College to better serve its students and the local community.
A strong candidate is someone who is interested in advancing San Bernardino Valley College, is committed to the SBVC community, and has the capacity to contribute and/or bring in contributions to the SBVC Foundation. Nominees must be at least 18 years old. Newly-elected Directors will begin their three-year terms on July 1, 2021.

Nominate yourself or someone you know today!

Use the buttons below to apply online or to download the application.
2019 SBVC Commencement
Celebrating 95 years of San Bernardino Valley College Graduates
San Bernardino Valley College will be celebrating its 95th Anniversary with a gala, which is tentatively scheduled for January, 2022.

We are in the planning stages now and will be releasing more information on the event in our upcoming quarterly newsletters. There will be plenty of sponsorship opportunities available to support the gala.

Proceeds from the event will be used to fund student scholarships.
Alumni Success Spotlight
"When you feel things aren't possible they are. Everything is possible. Take advantage of your opportunities. It’s a step to success."
- Miriam Padilla
2020 Graduate Miriam Padilla
Miriam Padilla
Valley-Bound Program Alumna
Graduating in a pandemic is not typically what students sign up to do. As Spring 2020 graduate of San Bernardino Valley College, Miriam Padilla shows how with familia (family), dedication, and guidance a scholar can persist even through a pandemic. She was awarded an Associate’s degree in Liberal Arts with a concentration of Humanities and Fine Arts.
In high school, Miriam was not certain if she would attend college. Her biggest motivator in deciding to attend was the encouragement she received from her uncle. He advised her that college was a way to provide a better future for herself and her family.

One of Miriam’s biggest fears was not being able to afford college. In her last year of high school, she learned about the Valley-Bound Program. The Valley-Bound Program supports students who are low-income. It is designed to remove economic barriers for these high school graduates by covering enrollment fees and textbooks for the first year of attendance. In addition, students participate in a learning community, which helps to strengthen students' academic achievements.

Miriam applied and was accepted to the Valley-Bound Program. She especially benefitted from the workshops that were offered to help her identify her future goals, take care of her health and wellbeing, and learn how to navigate financial aid. She shared, “There were times I wanted to change my major or wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do, but the Valley-Bound counselors guided me in what route to take.”

Miriam’s advice to others is to: “Take advantage of your opportunities. It’s a step to success!”
Join the Alumni Association
Former SBVC students, faculty, staff, and administration are welcome to join the San Bernardino Valley College Alumni Association.

We will keep you up to date on SBVC events, news, and alumni successes!

SBVC Foundation Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Dr. Dennis Byas
Educator, Retired
Foundation President        

Ms. Beverly Powell
Marketing and Community Relations
Foundation Vice President
Ms. Diana Z. Rodriguez
SBVC President
Foundation Secretary
Mr. Scott Stark
SBVC VP of Administrative Services
Foundation Treasurer
Dr. Susan Bangasser
SBVC Faculty, Retired

Mr. John Echevarria
Community Affairs Sergeant, San Bernardino Police Department
Mr. Robert Garcia
SBVC Alum & United States Air Force, Retired
Ms. Allynn Jackson
Administrative Office, San Bernardino City Unified School District

Mr. Gary Kelly
SBVC Faculty, Retired

Dr. Ken Lane
Kaiser Permanente, Retired
Mr. Justin R. Martinez
Financial Advisor, Merrill Lynch
Mr. Kerry E. Neal
Nonprofit Director of Development
Ms. Patricia Nickols-Butler
Nonprofit Director

Ms. Faye Pointer

Mr. Michael Sola 
SBVC Head Athletic Trainer, Retired

Mr. Edward Szumski
SBVC Professor, Retired

Mr. Dexter Thomas
Police Captain, Retired

Ms. Beatriz Valdez
Chief of Fiscal Resources, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority

Dr. Anne L. Viricel
President, San Bernardino Community College District Board of Trustees
Ex- Officio Directors
Mr. Paul Bratulin
SBVC Campus Director, Marketing, Creative Services & Public Affairs

Ms. Davena Burns-Peters
SBVC Academic Senate President

Mr. Taylor DeBenedictis
SBVC Associated Student Government President
Mr. Mike Layne
SBVC Interim Executive Director, Development and Community Relations

Mr. Zohaib Rehman
SBVC Associated Student Government Executive Vice President

Mr. Jose Torres
Interim Chancellor, San Bernardino Community College District
Suggest an article or alumni spotlight by sending an email to:
Consider supporting a scholarship or program...
SBVC students are grateful for the direct support provided by scholarships. The SBVC Foundation also helps college programs with equipment, supplies, and activities to enrich the student experience.

If you are interested in helping students achieve their educational and career goals, the SBVC Foundation can help! Contact us to discuss how your gift can make the difference for our students and community. The Foundation is a non-profit 509(a)(3) organization; therefore, contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible.