Over the summer, Hill completed his second accounting internship, this time at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), a prestigious firm from the “Big Four.” The Big Four is a nickname for the four largest accounting firms in the world, as measured by revenue – Deloitte, Ernst & Young (EY), KPMG and PwC.
“My professor would constantly tell us about the Big Four, and every semester I applied to all the firms from the Big Four,” Hill said. “My first internship, which was two years ago, I interned with Deloitte. So, this time, I interned with PwC.
“I had a choice between two internships – PwC and another firm. I chose this company because it has prestige behind the name. I’ve already had one of the largest firms on my resume and I thought it would be even better if I did my internship at another large accounting firm,” he said.
Hill thought he would get the most accounting experience and exposure if he interned at two of the biggest firms in the world. At the PwC internship, Hill worked as a “Start intern.”
The Start internship is just the first step in PwC's internship experience. Following successful completion of a Start internship and maintaining academic standing, students are eligible for an “Advance internship” offer for the subsequent year.
During the internship, Hill explored different branches of the accounting sector, including the consulting branch, tax branch and auditing branch. He was able to assess each one to see which one he liked the most and was also provided with structural programs to guide him along the way.
“I think I made the right decision because I learned a lot of information within that month and a half,” Hill said. “I knew nothing about the software they used. They used a software called ‘Astro,’ and I got to learn a little bit more about Tablo, which is kind of like Excel.
“I got a chance to do some data analytics work and we worked as a team on an audit and made a consultant strategy plan for a nonprofit,” he said.