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SCA Sunday

Sunday, December 11, 2022

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To provide every child with a classical and academically rigorous education while instilling a commitment to civic virtue and moral character.

Each Sunday we will report information related to COVID-19 cases at SCA for the preceding week.

1 positive cases of COVID-19

0 students/staff in quarantine

Thank you for all your help in supporting our efforts to keep everyone healthy.

Stay well,

Barry K. Lollis, CEO

Meal Service Menu

SCA School Calendar 2022-2023

House Updates

House Event: 

We will hold a House Assembly on Friday, December 16th. All students may wear their House shirts with uniform bottoms to school on Friday, December 16th to show their House Spirit!


Virtue of the Month – Perseverance

This month we are focusing on acts of Perseverance - steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Teachers and staff will be on the lookout to reward students with Virtue Tickets for exhibiting behavior aligned with this Core Virtue. Each Virtue Ticket earned counts towards a point for the students' House. The names of virtuous student leaders will be proudly displayed in the dining hall.

December Service Challenge - Toy and Clothing Drive 

Savannah Classical Academy will be hosting a toys, books, games, and clothing drive with the hope to bring some extra joy to children in our community.

Earn points for your House by bringing in an item for donation. The House that contributes the most items for donation may wear their House shirts with uniform bottoms every Friday in January!

SCA's Toy and Clothing Drive will run from Monday, December 5th through Thursday, December 15th. Toys, games, books, clothing and all items donated must be new and remain in their packaging or with a retail tag for clothing items. Only price tags may be removed. 

Donations are not limited to any particular age group; however, we are looking to give to children between the ages of 5 to 18. Below are some suggested items for donation, but please do not limit your gift giving to just these items:

Books - Book Bags - Activity Books - Bouncy Balls - Pajamas - Flash Card Games - Socks - T Shirts - Pants - Skirts - Dresses - Stuffed Animals - Stickers - Sticker Books - Coloring Books - Colored Pencils - Markers - Paint Sets - Dolls - Action Figures - Trucks - Toy Cars - PlayDoh - Craft Sets - Makeup Sets - Beauty Supplies - Pens - Pencils - Playing Cards - Board Games - Slime - Blankets - Jackets - Sweatshirts - Sunglasses - Jewelry - Dress Up Costumes - Gift Cards - Lotions - Journals - Earbuds - Electronic Games - Sporting Equipment - Hoodies


We appreciate your support in helping to better serve our community through our Monthly Service Challenges!


Go Spartans!

Supporting SCA

The Savannah Classical Academy Foundation is dedicated to raising and stewarding funds to provide resources for support and enhancement of educational and extracurricular programs for SCA and our students.
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