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SCA Sunday

Sunday, November 19, 2023

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To provide every child with a classical and academically rigorous education while instilling a commitment to civic virtue and moral character.

A Letter from the CEO

Dear Spartan Families,

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey we have undertaken together as a school community. It is with a heart full of gratitude and appreciation that I write this letter to express my deepest thanks to each and every one of you.

Our school is not just a place of learning; it is a vibrant community where students, parents, and educators come together to create a nurturing environment for growth and development. The success of our school is a testament to the collective efforts of all those involved, and it is important to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of our wonderful families.

First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt thanks to the parents and guardians who entrust us with the education and well-being of their children. Your support, involvement, and commitment to your child's education make a significant difference in their academic success and personal growth. Your partnership with us is invaluable, and we are grateful for the trust you place in our school.

I would also like to express my appreciation to the extended family members, grandparents, and guardians who play an essential role in the lives of our students. Your encouragement, love, and active participation in their educational journey contribute to the overall strength of our school community.

To our dedicated teachers and staff, thank you for your unwavering commitment to providing a high-quality education and fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment. Your passion for teaching and dedication to the well-being of our students are evident in the achievements and successes we have celebrated throughout the year.

As we reflect on the challenges and triumphs in our schools short history, it is evident that the support of our entire school community has been instrumental in creating a vibrant and thriving educational environment. Together, we have weathered storms, celebrated victories, and continued to uphold our core virtues that define our school.

I am immensely proud to be part of such a remarkable community, and I look forward to the continued collaboration and success that the future holds for us. Your support is the cornerstone of our achievements, and for that, I am sincerely grateful.

Wishing you a restful and joyous holiday break filled with moments of connection, laughter, and rejuvenation.

With gratitude,

Barry K. Lollis


House System Update

Virtue of the Month – Perseverance

This month we are focusing on acts of Perseverance - steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

Teachers and staff will be on the lookout to reward students with Virtue Tickets for exhibiting behavior aligned with this Core Virtue. Each Virtue Ticket earned counts towards a point for the students' House. The names of virtuous student leaders will be proudly displayed in the dining hall.


December Service Challenge - Warm Wishes for Winter (Socks & Blanket Drive)

Some of the most requested items from shelters and nursing homes are blankets and socks. SCA is partnering with a local Nursing Home and Shelter to help send some warmth to their residence by hosting a Sock and Blanket Drive December 4th through December 14th.

Each pair of socks donated earns your House 1 point. Each blanket donated earns your House 2 points. The House that earns the most points through the December Service Challenge may wear their House shirts every Friday in February!

Additionally, we are challenging our Upper School (6th - 12th graders) and Lower School (Kindergarten - 5th graders) to bring in the most items for donation. The grade level band (Upper School or Lower School) that brings in the most items for donation will earn a Pizza and Wings Victory Lunch to be held on December 15th!



November Service Challenge - Food Drive

A big thank you to all for making SCA’s Food Drive to benefit America's Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia a success! Together, SCA Spartans and their families contributed 1,000 items of non-perishable food in donation!!!

Congratulations to Reynolds House for earning the most House points through your donations! All students in Reynolds may wear their House shirts with jeans every Friday in January!!!

SCA School Calendar 2023-2024

SCA Assessment Calendar 2023-2024

Go Spartans!

Supporting SCA

The Savannah Classical Academy Foundation is dedicated to raising and stewarding funds to provide resources for support and enhancement of educational and extracurricular programs for SCA and our students.
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