A message from our Board of Directors...
It's August, time to soak up that last bit of summer sun! Back to school season is right around the corner, but that is not the only thing; the Supporting Strategies Scholarship Scramble Golf Tournament is quickly approaching. Each year the South Carroll Business Association holds a golf tournament in which 100% of net proceeds go directly to the SCBA Scholarship Fund to help local students.
We had a wonderful in-person networking meeting last month. It was great seeing so many of you there after a long year of Zoom meetings. We are excited to be back at Salerno's for good! August's luncheon will be held at Salerno's catering hall on August 18th at 12 noon.
Lunch is $12 for members and $18 for guests. You can preregister or simply show up and pay when you get there; we accept credit cards for your convenience. Feel free to bring guests, all are welcome!
The Supporting Strategies Scholarship Scramble Golf Tournament is on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, at the Links at Challedon. Our title sponsor is Supporting Strategies. This is our only fundraiser of the year, and we would love to see you all there! We have plenty of sponsorship opportunities available for this year's golf tournament! To purchase a sponsorship, please visit our Online Store or contact Doug Donaldson at 240-508-3839.
Register for the golf tournament here. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for golfers, and there will be plenty of raffles and prizes available. Join us for a fun day supporting a great cause.
As always, we encourage you to participate in our events and to support each other and our great community. Follow us on Facebook, and visit our website to keep up to date with the SCBA. Please let us know if you have any important information you would like us to share on our Facebook page.
Sincerely, The SCBA Board of Directors