A Message From the Board of Directors...

It seems like just yesterday, we were waking up with bright eyes to welcome 2016 - a year sure to deliver vibrant memories and new opportunities. And now, in what seems like the blink of an eye, 2016 is coming to a close. This year, we have faced new challenges head on. We have charged ahead with eagerness and ambition. Our community has grown, bolstered by the support of residents, visitors and business owners alike. Together, we have achieved so much. And we aren't through yet.

We are excited to see what new directions 2017 will reveal for our friends, family, and neighbors. We are thrilled to share the journey with you, and wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.

The SCBA Board of Directors


Wednesday, December 21
Annual Member Meeting & Luncheon
Salerno's Catering Hall

Wednesday, January 18
Monthly Luncheon
Salerno's Catering Hall

Wednesday, February 15
Monthly Luncheon
Salerno's Catering Hall

Keep an eye out for our calendar of events, including monthly luncheon speakers and After Hours networking events in 2017.

Annual Members' Meeting & Board Elections

  Wednesday, December 21st, 2016
Salerno's Catering Hall
Cost:  $12 for members, $15 for guests/non-members* 

During its December luncheon on Wednesday, December 21, 2016, the South Carroll Business Association will hold its annual members' meeting.  The primary business at this meeting will be to elect the incoming directors to the SCBA Board for a two-year term, serving from January 1, 2017 to December 31st, 2018.  All current members are eligible to send one representative to vote for the slate of candidates.  New candidates may be added to the ballot as a write-in.
The SCBA's Board of Directors recommends that the membership elect the following five individuals to a two-year term beginning January 1, 2017:
  • Andie Luchini, Carroll County Youth Services Bureau
  • Rich Austin, Trembling Giant Marketing
  • Larry Helminiak, Carroll Insulation
  • Additional members of the nomination slate will be announced prior to the annual meeting
Additionally, five current Board Members will continue to serve the second year of their two-year term, ending December 31st, 2017:
  • Steve Wantz, Carroll Community College Foundation
  • Michelle Williams, M&T Bank
  • Craig Hebert, Balsam Capital Group
  • Steven Colella, Impact Innovative 
The SCBA would like to show its appreciation to two Board Members who are not returning for another 2-year term on the Board of Directors:
  • Dave Burrows, Visual Integrators (nine years of service)
  • Sue Jaeger, Carroll Community Bank (six years of service)   
Please take a moment to personally thank Dave and Sue for their dedicated service to the South Carroll Business Association.

*NOTE: Only current SCBA Members are eligible to vote in the Board election.

Stay In Touch!

Need to contact someone from the SCBA? We're here and ready to help!

Karen Sorrell
SCBA Operations Manager



Andie Luchini
SCBA Board President

     to our newest
             SCBA Member... 
Market Tavern
Jen Truby - 443.516.7516
by Larry Helminiak,
SCBA Government Relations

Read it here.
Thank You To Our 2016 SCBA Liberty Sponsor!
1601 Washington Road
Westminster, MD  21157 
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